arvensis, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 239 Treatments

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Monolepta arvensis     Bezděk, Jan, 2012, Galerucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of Socotra Island, with a review of taxa recorded from Yemen, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52, pp. 403-428 : 426 426
Spergula arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 842 842
Filago arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Filago arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Anthemis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 297 297
Viola arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Violaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Convolvulus arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 153 153
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Convolvulus arvensis     Barney, Robert J., 2018, Definition and Revision of the pectoralis Species-Group of Eastern North American Pachybrachis Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (3), pp. 471-499 : 498 498
Mellinus arvensis     Else, George R., Bolton, Barry & Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - aculeates (Apoidea, Chrysidoidea and Vespoidea), Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8050-8050 : 8050 8050
Rosa arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Rosaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 234-314 : 258 258
Vespa arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 573 573
Aphanes arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Rosaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Bromus arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Poaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1458-1570 : 1556 1556
Spergula arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Caryophyllaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Veronica arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Scrophulariaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 196 196
Acalypha arvensis     Cardiel, José María, Muñoz-Rodríguez, Pablo, González-Berdasco, Álvaro & Montero-Muñoz, Iris, 2023, Catalogue and red list of Acalypha L. (Euphorbiaceae) from South America, European Journal of Taxonomy 886, pp. 1-92 : 13 13
Ranunculus sprunerianus     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 137 137
Aphanes arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Rosa arvensis     Jeanmonod, Daniel, 2015, Notes à la flore de Corse, XXV, Candollea 70 (1), pp. 109-140 : 137 137
Anthemis arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250 : 1116 1116
Anchusa arvensis subsp. orientalis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part L), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 610-650 : 648 648
Buglossoides arvensis subsp. arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Boraginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Anthemis arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Unterfamilie _ tubuliflorae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 549 549
Buglossoides arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part L), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 610-650 : 636-637 636-637
Sinapis arvensis var. orientalis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 854 854
Filago arvensis subsp. arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part G), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 529-556 : 529 529
Torilis arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Apiaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 978-1026 : 988 988
Myosotis arvensis     Buldrini, Fabrizio, Gentilini, Matteo, Bruni, Cinzia, Santini, Claudio, Alessandrini, Alessandro & Bosi, Giovanna, 2020, Flora vascolare spontanea della città di Modena: analisi del centro storico, Natural History Sciences 7 (1), pp. 3-56 : 43 43
Bromus arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Poaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Anthemis arvensis subsp. arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Myosotis scorpioides var. arvensis   var. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 131 131
Calendula arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Unterfamilie _ tubuliflorae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 484 484
Sinapis arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Brassicaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 480-566 : 548 548
Filago arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part F), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 516-528 : 520-521 520-521
Nigella arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Ranunculaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 112-162 : 120 120
Filago arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Convolvulus arvensis     Petitpierre, Eduard, Sacarés, Antoni & Jurado-Rivera, José A., 2017, Updated checklist of Balearic leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4272 (2), pp. 151-177 : 172 172
Aphanes arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Diptera   new species  Robineau-Desvoidy, André Jean Baptiste Dr., 1830, Essai sur les myodaires, Mémoires Présentés par Divers Savans à l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France, et Imprimés par son Ordre 2, pp. 1-813 : 1-813 1-813
Sherardia arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Rubiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Sonchus arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 864 864
Cephalcia arvensis     Schedl, W., 2012, Artendiversität und Höhenverteilung der Pflanzenwespen des Patscherkofels und seiner Umgebung bei Innsbruck (Österreich, Tirol) (Hymenoptera: Symphyta), Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1613-1635 : 1617 1617
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Lycopsis arvensis     Jeanmonod, Daniel & éd., 2018, Notes à la flore de Corse, XXVI, Candollea 73 (1), pp. 75-90 : 84 84
Veronica arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Scrophulariaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 195 195
Asperula arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Rubiaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 282 282
Alauda arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1758, Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 165 165
Prendalona arvensis     Sinev, Artem Y., Sousa, Francisco Diogo Rocha & Elmoor-Loureiro, Lourdes M. A., 2023, Revision of the guttata-group of Alona s. lato leads to its translocation to Prendalona Sousa, Elmoor-Loureiro & Santos, 2018 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae), Zootaxa 5293 (1), pp. 95-121 : 99 99
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Filago arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Unterfamilie _ tubuliflorae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 474 474
Anthemis arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Spergula arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 60 60
Calendula arvensis     Gonçalves, Ana Carla, Ouhammoud, Ahmed, Amirouche, Rachid, Santos, Conceição, Figueiredo, Estrela & Silveira, Paulo, 2023, A taxonomic revision of Calendula (Asteraceae) in Morocco, including some taxa from Algeria and Tunisia, Phytotaxa 605 (1), pp. 1-83 : 25 25
Sinapis arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Brassicaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Gagea arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 573 573
Sinapis arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Cruciferae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 181 181
Buglossoides arvensis     Ornosa, Concepción, Torres, Félix & Rúa, Pilar De La, 2017, Updated list of bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from the Spanish Pyrenees with notes on their decline and conservation status, Zootaxa 4237 (1), pp. 41-77 : 47 47
Alauda arvensis     Barcelos, Luis MD, Rodrigues, Pedro R, Bried, Joel, Mendonca, Enesima P, Gabriel, Rosalina & Borges, Paulo Alexandre Vieira, 2015, Birds from the Azores: An updated list with some comments on species distribution, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 6604-6604 : 6604 6604
Anchusa arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Boraginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Torilis arvensis subsp. neglecta     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 38 38
Anthemis arvensis subsp. cyllenea     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 23 23
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Ranunculus arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 102 102
Bromus arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Potentilla arvensis     Christenhusz, Maarten J. M. & Väre, Henry, 2012, New combinations in Potentilla (Rosaceae) for the Nordic Flora, Phytotaxa 57 (1), pp. 1-5 : 2 2
Anchusa arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Boraginaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 86 86
Mellinus arvensis     Else, George R., Bolton, Barry & Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - aculeates (Apoidea, Chrysidoidea and Vespoidea), Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8050-8050 : 8050 8050
Calendula arvensis     Gonçalves, Ana Carla, Ouhammoud, Ahmed, Amirouche, Rachid, Santos, Conceição, Figueiredo, Estrela & Silveira, Paulo, 2023, A taxonomic revision of Calendula (Asteraceae) in Morocco, including some taxa from Algeria and Tunisia, Phytotaxa 605 (1), pp. 1-83 : 73 73
Sonchus arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250 : 1116 1116
Moricandia arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part B), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 343-369 : 357 357
Buglossoides arvensis subsp. permixta     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Boraginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Asperula arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Rubiaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 782-800 : 782 782
Aphidius arvensis     Rakhshani, Ehsan, Barahoei, Hossein, Ahmad, Zubair, Starý, Petr, Ghafouri-Moghaddam, Mostafa, Mehrparvar, Mohsen, Kavallieratos, Nickolas G., Čkrkić, Jelisaveta & Tomanović, Željko, 2019, Review of Aphidiinae parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) of the Middle East and North Africa: key to species and host associations, European Journal of Taxonomy 552, pp. 1-132 : 6 6
Filago arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Anthemis arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 41 41
Nigella arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part N), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 690-695 : 694 694
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Ranunculus arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part R), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 785-805 : 785 785
Anagallis arvensis     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 136 136
Convolvulus arvensis     Petitpierre, Eduard, Sacarés, Antoni & Jurado-Rivera, José A., 2017, Updated checklist of Balearic leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4272 (2), pp. 151-177 : 158 158
Bromus arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1972, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 1. Pteridophyta bis Caryophyllaceae (2 nd edition): Registerzuband 1, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 369 369
Anagallis arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 148 148
Spergula arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Caryophyllaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 632-696 : 672 672
Knautia arvensis     Peruzzi, Lorenzo, Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Astuti, Giovanni, Bernardo, Liliana & Conti, Fabio, 2013, Knautia dinarica (Caprifoliaceae): taxonomy, typification and update of the Italian distribution, Phytotaxa 116 (1), pp. 34-40 : 35 35
Anagallis arvensis     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 136 136
Filago arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Gagea arvensis var. guicciardii     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 90 90
Sinapis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 853 853
Sherardia arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Rubiaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 280 280
Mentha arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689 : 665 665
Ranunculus arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Ranunculaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Aphanes arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 123 123
Knautia arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Caprifoliaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1030-1054 : 1046 1046
Anchusa arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Boraginaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 800-822 : 812 812
Ranunculus arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 555 555
Aphidius arvensis     Nazari, Yaser, Zamani, Abbas Ali, Masoumi, Seyyed Mohammad, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Petrović-Obradović, Olivera, Tomanović, Snežana, Starý, Petr & Tomanović, Željko, 2012, Diversity and host associations of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) in the farmlands of western Iran, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 52 (2), pp. 559-584 : 561 561
Lycopsis arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 139 139
Buglossoides arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 50 50
Veronica arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 13 13
Veronica arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Plantaginaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 882-922 : 892 892
Stachys arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Lamiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Neochrysocharis arvensis     Dale-Skey, Natalie, Askew, Richard R., Noyes, John S., Livermore, Laurence & Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8013-8013 : 8013 8013
Haplotaxida   new species  Pinder, Adrian M. & Brinkhurst, Ralph O., 2000, A review of the Tubificidae (Annelida: Oligochaeta) from Australian inland waters, Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 58, pp. 39-75 : 63 63
Asperula arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Rubiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Calendula arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 42 42
Sonchus arvensis subsp. arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250 : 1116 1116
Torilis arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Apiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Alauda arvensis     Barcelos, Luis MD, Rodrigues, Pedro R, Bried, Joel, Mendonca, Enesima P, Gabriel, Rosalina & Borges, Paulo Alexandre Vieira, 2015, Birds from the Azores: An updated list with some comments on species distribution, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 6604-6604 : 6604 6604
Bromus arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Aphanes arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Stachys arvensis subsp. purpurea     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 90 90
Bromus arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Aphanes arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Sonchus arvensis     Buldrini, Fabrizio, Gentilini, Matteo, Bruni, Cinzia, Santini, Claudio, Alessandrini, Alessandro & Bosi, Giovanna, 2020, Flora vascolare spontanea della città di Modena: analisi del centro storico, Natural History Sciences 7 (1), pp. 3-56 : 48-49 48-49
Stachys arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Labiatae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 128 128
Viola arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Violaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 416-428 : 416 416
Torilis arvensis subsp. purpurea     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 38 38
Scabiosa arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 99 99
Sonchus arvensis subsp. uliginosus     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Alauda arvensis     Ilieva, Mihaela, 2009, Checklist of the chewing lice (Insecta: Phthiraptera) from wild birds in Bulgaria, Zootaxa 2138 (1), pp. 1-66 : 57-63 57-63
Mellinus arvensis     Schmid, C., 2011, Die Stechimmenfauna (Hymenoptera Aculeata) im Naturpark Tiroler Lech in Österreich, Linzer biologische Beiträge 43 (1), pp. 549-563 : 555 555
Bromus arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Acinos arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Lamiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Convolvulus arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Convolvulaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 44 44
Calendula arvensis     Gonçalves, Ana Carla, Ouhammoud, Ahmed, Amirouche, Rachid, Santos, Conceição, Figueiredo, Estrela & Silveira, Paulo, 2023, A taxonomic revision of Calendula (Asteraceae) in Morocco, including some taxa from Algeria and Tunisia, Phytotaxa 605 (1), pp. 1-83 : 26 26
Veronica arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part V), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 911-926 : 918 918
Ranunculus arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Ranunculaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 112-162 : 120 120
Anagallis arvensis     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 99-100 99-100
Convolvulus arvensis     Wood, John R. I., Williams, Bethany R. M., Mitchell, Thomas C., Carine, Mark A., Harris, David J. & Scotland, Robert W., 2015, A foundation monograph of Convolvulus L. (Convolvulaceae), PhytoKeys 51, pp. 1-282 : 49-50 49-50
Sonchus arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Unterfamilie _ liguliflorae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 590 590
Viola arvensis subsp. megalantha     Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292 : 264-265 264-265
Rosa arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Rosaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 444 444
Alchemilla arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 306 306
Convolvulus arvensis     Petitpierre, Eduard, Sacarés, Antoni & Jurado-Rivera, José A., 2017, Updated checklist of Balearic leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4272 (2), pp. 151-177 : 171-172 171-172
Buglossoides arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 50 50
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Anagallis arvensis subsp. arvensis var. caerulea     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 288 288
Convolvulus arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Convolvulaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Sonchus arvensis subsp. arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Veronica arvensis     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Stachys arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part G), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 529-556 : 529 529
Myosotis arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Boraginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Convolvulus arvensis     Reich, Dieter, Gutermann, Walter, Bardy, Katharina, Rainer, Heimo, Raus, Thomas, Sonnleitner, Michaela, Tan, Kit & Lachmayer, Margarita, 2021, The type specimens in Eugen von Halácsy´s Herbarium Graecum, Phytotaxa 493 (1), pp. 1-156 : 130 130
Mentha arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Labiatae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 155 155
Carabus arvensis     Ruchin, Alexaner B., Egorov, Leonid V., Alekseev, Sergei K., Semishin, Gennadiy B. & Esin, Mikhail N., 2021, Notes on the fauna of beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) adjacent to the territory of the Mordovia State Nature Reserve, Amurian Zoological Journal XIII (1), pp. 12-35 : 18 18
Veronica arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Plantaginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Anagallis arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Primulaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Sinapis arvensis     Rakhshani, Ehsan, Barahoei, Hossein, Ahmed, Zubair, Tomanović, Željko, Janković, Marina, Petrović, Andjeljko, Bodlah, Imran & Starý, Petr, 2012, New species and additional evidence of aphid parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) from India, Zootaxa 3397, pp. 45-54 : 48-51 48-51
Calendula arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473 : 374 374
Torilis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 825 825
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Neochrysocharis arvensis     Dale-Skey, Natalie, Askew, Richard R., Noyes, John S., Livermore, Laurence & Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Chalcidoidea and Mymarommatoidea, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8013-8013 : 8013 8013
Aphanes arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Viola arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Violaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 733 733
Prenda arvensis   gen. nov.  Francisco Diogo R. Sousa, Lourdes M. A. Elmoor-Loureiro & Sandro Santos, 2016, New findings of Hexalona-branch representatives in Brazil, with a description of Prenda gen. nov. (Crustacea: Anomopoda: Aloninae), Journal of Natural History 50 (43), pp. 1-42 : 34-37 34-37
Knautia arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Caprifoliaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Sinapis arvensis     Buldrini, Fabrizio, Gentilini, Matteo, Bruni, Cinzia, Santini, Claudio, Alessandrini, Alessandro & Bosi, Giovanna, 2020, Flora vascolare spontanea della città di Modena: analisi del centro storico, Natural History Sciences 7 (1), pp. 3-56 : 40 40
Knautia arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 823 823
Sherardia arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 846 846
Spergula arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 440 440
Sherardia arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Rubiaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 782-800 : 782 782
Sherardia arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 107 107
Alchemilla arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Rosaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 321 321
Torilis arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Umbelliferae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 803 803
Nigella arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Ranunculaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 34 34
Knautia arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Dipsacaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 348-347 348-347
Sonchus arvensis     Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292 : 252 252
Sinapis arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 54 54
Mentha arvensis     Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292 : 224 224
Filago arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250 : 1116 1116
Convolvulus arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Convolvulaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 832-834 : 834 834
Rosa arvensis     Fougère-Danezan, Marie, Joly, Simon, Bruneau, Anne, Gao, Xin-Fen & Zhang, Li-Bing, 2014, Phylogeny and biogeography of wild roses with specific attention to polyploids, Annals of Botany 115 (2), pp. 275-291 : 292 292
Rosa arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Rosaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Stachys arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 871 871
Anagallis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 288 288
Myosotis arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Boraginaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 80 80
Nigella arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 534 534
Aphanes arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Rosaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 234-314 : 258 258
Anagallis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 288 288
Torilis arvensis subsp. arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Apiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Calendula arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Anthemis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689 : 658 658
Mentha arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Lamiaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 836-882 : 864 864
Ononis spinosa subsp. arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part O), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 696-717 : 700 700
Bromus arvensis     Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Hohla, M. & Schröck, C., 2007, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, II, Linzer biologische Beiträge 39 (1), pp. 155-292 : 170 170
Convolvulus arvensis     DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341 : 53 53
Filago arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part G), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 529-556 : 529 529
Aphanes arvensis     Jeanmonod, Daniel, 2015, Notes à la flore de Corse, XXV, Candollea 70 (1), pp. 109-140 : 137 137
Eugenia arvensis     Giaretta, Augusto, Lucas, Eve & Sano, Paulo Takeo, 2021, Taxonomic monograph of Eugenia sect. Schizocalomyrtus (Myrtaceae: Myrteae), a group within Eugenia with unusual flowers, Phytotaxa 524 (3), pp. 135-177 : 147-150 147-150
Buglossoides arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Boraginaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 800-822 : 812 812
Filago arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part F), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 516-528 : 520 520
Anagallis arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Primulaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 738-758 : 756 756
Mentha arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689 : 666 666
Brassica arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Myosotis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part M), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 651-689 : 686 686
Nigella arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Ranunculaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Linaria arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 3. Plumbaginaceae bis Compositae (2 nd edition): Scrophulariaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 209 209
Linaria arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Plantaginaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 882-922 : 892 892
Convolvulus arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 63 63
Mellinus arvensis     Jahantigh, Fatemeh, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Mokhtari, Azizollah & Ramroodi, Sara, 2017, Catalogue of Ampulicidae, Crabronidae and Sphecidae of Iran (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Zootaxa 4307 (1), pp. 1-96 : 71 71
Mentha arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Lamiaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Stachys arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part G), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 529-556 : 529 529
Sonchus arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Asteraceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Calendula arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250 : 1116 1116
Myosotis arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Boraginaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 800-822 : 812 812
Stachys arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Lamiaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 836-882 : 864 864
Mentha arvensis     DeFilipps, Robert A. & Krupnick, Gary A., 2018, The medicinal plants of Myanmar, PhytoKeys 102, pp. 1-341 : 97-98 97-98
Ranunculus arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Ranunculaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 83-82 83-82
Mellinus arvensis     Danilov, Yu. N., Odintseva, A. A. & Odintsev, O. A., 2021, New data on digger wasps of the family Crabronidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) from Omsk Province, Russia, Far Eastern Entomologist 427, pp. 20-24 : 22 22
Bromus arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Anagallis arvensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Primulaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 943 943
Asperula arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 103 103
Bromus arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Acinos arvensis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Lamiaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 836-882 : 864 864
Spergula arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 868 868
Bromus arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 77 77
Convolvulus arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473 : 438 438
Stachys arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 81 81
Anchusa arvensis subsp. orientalis     Melzer, H. & Barta, Th., 2008, Cerastium lucorum, das Grossfrucht-Hornkraut - neu für das Burgenland und andere Neuigkeiten zur Flora dieses Bundeslandes sowie von Wien und Niederösterreich, Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 517-550 : 518 518
Antennoseius (Antennoseius) arvensis     De Moraes, Gilberto J., Britto, Erika P. J., Mineiro, Jefferson L. De C. & Halliday, Bruce, 2016, Catalogue of the mite families Ascidae Voigts & Oudemans, Blattisociidae Garman and Melicharidae Hirschmann (Acari: Mesostigmata), Zootaxa 4112 (1), pp. 1-299 : 65 65
Asperula arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 326 326
Sherardia arvensis   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 102 102
Veronica arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 91 91
Anchusa arvensis     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Lysimachia arvensis     Cabezudo, Baltasar, Solanas, Federico Casimiro-Soriguer & Pérez-Latorre, Andrés V., 2022, Vascular flora of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park and its surroundings (Andalusia, Spain), Phytotaxa 534 (1), pp. 1-111 : 101 101
Cephalcia arvensis     Liston, Andrew, Mutanen, Marko, Heidemaa, Mikk, Blank, Stephan M., Kiljunen, Niina, Taeger, Andreas, Viitasaari, Matti, Vikberg, Veli, Wutke, Saskia & Prous, Marko, 2022, Taxonomy and nomenclature of some Fennoscandian Sawflies, with descriptions of two new species (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 69 (2), pp. 151-218 : 151 151
Mellinus arvensis     Verheyde, Fons, Jacobs, JEffrEY, Dekoninck, WOUTEr, Achterberg, Kees Van, Rond, JErOEn, Blanck, Tim De, Schoonvaere, KarEL, Nieuwenhuijsen, Hans, Ketelaere, Augustijn De, Minnebo, BarT & Ferrer-Suay, Mar, 2023, Remarks on Hymenoptera on urban green roofs in Belgium, Belgian Journal of Entomology 140, pp. 1-37 : 8-9 8-9
Bromus arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part B), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 343-369 : 360 360
Lycopsis arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part L), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 610-650 : 648 648
Sonchus arvensis subsp. uliginosus     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Asteraceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 1074-1250 : 1116 1116
Linaria arvensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 303 303
Diptera   new species  Robineau-Desvoidy, André Jean Baptiste Dr., 1830, Essai sur les myodaires, Mémoires Présentés par Divers Savans à l'Académie Royale des Sciences de l'Institut de France, et Imprimés par son Ordre 2, pp. 1-813 : 1-813 1-813
Torilis arvensis subsp. heterophylla     Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108 : 100 100
Rosa arvensis     I. Klášterský, 1968, 10. Rosa L., Flora Europaea, Volume 2, Rosaceae to Umbelliferae, Cambrdige: Cambridge University Press, pp. 35-42 : 27 27
Buglossoides arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Boraginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Sonchus arvensis     Stöhr, O., Pilsl, P., Essl, F., Wittmann, H. & Hohla, M., 2009, Beiträge zur Flora von Österreich, III, Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (2), pp. 1677-1755 : 1735 1735
Linaria arvensis     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Plantaginaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1

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