Koekemoer, Marinda, 2016, A monograph of Stoebe and Seriphium (Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae) in southern Africa and neighbouring islands

Koekemoer, Marinda, 2016, A monograph of Stoebe and Seriphium (Gnaphalieae, Asteraceae) in southern Africa and neighbouring islands, Phytotaxa 242 (1), pp. 448-450

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Stoebe leucocephala     448-450
Stoebe aethiopica     448-450
Seriphium incanum     448-450
Stoebe capitata     448-450
Stoebe prostrata     448-450
Stoebe montana     448-450
Seriphium cryptophyllum     448-450
Stoebe rugulosa     448-450
Stoebe alopecuroides     448-450
Seriphium passerinoides     448-450
Stoebe nervigera     448-450
Seriphium cryptophyllum   comb. nov.  448-450
Seriphium plumosum     448-450
Stoebe key    448-450
Stoebe rosea     448-450
Seriphium saxatilis   comb. nov.  448-450
Stoebe muirii     448-450
Stoebe fusca     448-450
Stoebe phyllostachya     448-450
Stoebe microphylla     448-450
Stoebe cyathuloides     448-450
Seriphium kilimandscharicum   comb. nov.  448-450
Seriphium spirale   comb. nov.  448-450
Seriphium pachycladum   comb. nov.  448-450
Stoebe gomphrenoides     448-450
Stoebe schultzii     448-450