Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 33-34
33-34 |
Henricia aspera
Shin, Michael Dadole Ubagan and Sook, 2023, A new record of a sea star, Henricia aspera Fisher, 1906 (Asteroidea: Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) from Jeju Island, Korea, Journal of Species Research 12 (2), pp. 154-157
: 156
156 |
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 10
10 |
Dictyaster xenophilus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 324
324 |
Henricia sexradiata
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 316
316 |
Henricia echinata
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 17-19
17-19 |
Knott, K Emily, Ringvold, Halldis & Blicher, Martin E, 2018, Morphological and molecular analysis of Henricia Gray, 1840 (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) from the Northern Atlantic Ocean, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182 (4), pp. 791-807
: 798
798 |
new genus
Gray, John Edward, 1840, A synopsis of the genera and species of the class Hypostoma (Asterias, Linnæus), Annals and magazine of natural history 6, No. 36, pp. 175-184
: 184
184 |
Henricia elachys
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 22-24
22-24 |
Henricia aspera subsp. robusta
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 5
5 |
Henricia epiphysialis
sp. nov.
Ubagan, Michael Dadole, Lee, Taekjun, Kim, Philjae & Shin, Sook, 2020, A new species of the genus Henricia (Asteroidea, Spinulosida, Echinasteridae) from South Korea, ZooKeys 997, pp. 1-15
: 1
1 |
Henricia leviuscula subsp. spiculifera
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 12
12 |
Echinaster modestus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 300
300 |
Henricia studeri
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 320
320 |
new species
Chichvarkhin, Anton, 2017, Sea star Henricia spiculifera (Clark, 1901) in the northwestern Pacific: one species or three?, PeerJ 5, No. 3489
: -1
-1 |
Henricia iodinea
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 14-15
14-15 |
Henricia arcystata
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 4-5
4-5 |
Echinaster purpureus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 276
276 |
Echinaster decanus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 280
280 |
Cunha, Rosana, Martins, Luciana, Menegola, Carla & Souto, Camilla, 2021, Taxonomy of the sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from Bahia State, including ontogenetic variation and an illustrated key to the Brazilian species, Zootaxa 4955 (1), pp. 1-78
: 27
27 |
Henricia sanguinolenta
Shin, Michael Dadole Ubagan and Sook, 2019, A newly recorded sea star of genus Henricia (Asteroidea: Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) from the East Sea, Korea, Journal of Species Research 8 (1), pp. 109-112
: 109-111
109-111 |
gen. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 7
7 |
Henricia ornata
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 304
304 |
Henricia cylindrella
Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231
: 86
86 |
Henricia fragilis
sp. nov.
Kobayashi, Itaru, Kohtsuka, Hisanori & Fujita, Toshihiko, 2021, Two new deep-sea species of the genus Henricia (Asteroidea: Spinulosida Echinasteridae) from Japanese waters, Zootaxa 4903 (1), pp. 89-104
: 93-94
93-94 |
Echinaster luzonicus
Sastry, D. R. K., Marimuthu, N. & Rajan, Rajkumar, 2019, Echinodermata of Lakshadweep, Arabian Sea with the description of a new genus and a species, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119 (4)
: -1
-1 |
Echinaster (Othilia) echinophorus
Jangoux, Michel, 2021, The asteroid species of Lamarck (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Zoosystema 43 (13), pp. 213-252
: 225
225 |
Henricia obesa
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 290
290 |
Plectaster decanus
Jangoux, Michel, 2021, The asteroid species of Lamarck (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Zoosystema 43 (13), pp. 213-252
: 225
225 |
Henricia leviuscula subsp. leviuscula
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 9-10
9-10 |
Henricia rhytisma
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 15-17
15-17 |
Henricia uluudax
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 12-14
12-14 |
Henricia pagenstcheri
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 306
306 |
Henricia densispina
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 5-6
5-6 |
Henricia exigua
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 8-9
8-9 |
Echinaster purpureus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 287-288
287-288 |
Echinaster luzonicus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 283
283 |
Othilia brasiliensis
Cunha, Rosana, Martins, Luciana, Menegola, Carla & Souto, Camilla, 2021, Taxonomy of the sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from Bahia State, including ontogenetic variation and an illustrated key to the Brazilian species, Zootaxa 4955 (1), pp. 1-78
: 27-28
27-28 |
Echinaster smithi
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 318
318 |
Echinaster (Othilia) serpentarius
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 315
315 |
Henricia leviuscula
Eernisse, Douglas J., Strathmann, Megumi F. & Strathmann, Richard R., 2010, Henricia pumila sp. nov.: A brooding seastar (Asteroidea) from the coastal northeastern Pacific, Zootaxa 2329, pp. 22-36
: 25-29
25-29 |
Echinaster purpureus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 323
323 |
Odontohenricia aurantia
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 26-28
26-28 |
Metrodira subulata
Jangoux, Michel, 2021, The asteroid species of Lamarck (Echinodermata: Asteroidea), Zoosystema 43 (13), pp. 213-252
: 245
245 |
Henricia antillarum
Mah, Christopher L., 2020, New species, occurrence records and observations of predation by deep-sea Asteroidea (Echinodermata) from the North Atlantic by NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer, Zootaxa 4766 (2), pp. 201-260
: 241-243
241-243 |
Henricia gemma
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 19-20
19-20 |
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 18
18 |
Gerdes, Klaas, Kihara, Terue Cristina, Martinez Arbizu, Pedro, Kuhn, Thomas, Schwarz-Schampera, Ulrich, Mah, Christopher L, Norenburg, Jon L, Linley, Thomas D, Shalaeva, Kate, Macpherson, Enrique, Gordon, Dennis, Stoehr, Sabine, Messing, Charles G, Bober, Simon, Guggolz, Theresa, Christodoulou, Magdalini, Gebruk, Andrey, Kremenetskaia, Antonina, Kroh, Andreas, Sanamyan, Karen, Bolstad, Kathrin, Hoffman, Leon, Gooday, Andrew J & Molodtsova, Tina, 2021, Megafauna of the German exploration licence area for seafloor massive sulphides along the Central and South East Indian Ridge (Indian Ocean), Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 69955-69955
: 69955
69955 |
Othilia echinophora
Cunha, Rosana, Martins, Luciana, Menegola, Carla & Souto, Camilla, 2021, Taxonomy of the sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) from Bahia State, including ontogenetic variation and an illustrated key to the Brazilian species, Zootaxa 4955 (1), pp. 1-78
: 30-33
30-33 |
Henricia elachys
Ubagan, Michael D. & Shin, Sook, 2016, A new record of sea star genus Henricia (Asteroidea: Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) from Jeju Island, Korea, Journal of Species Research 5 (3), pp. 351-354
: 353
353 |
Echinaster purpureus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 270
270 |
Henricia antillarum
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 266
266 |
Henricia irregularis
Ubagan, Michael Dadole, Lee, Jinho & Lee, Sook Shin and Taekjun, 2023, Two newly recorded echinoderms from the mesophotic zone in Korea, Journal of Species Research 12 (2), pp. 180-188
: 181-182
181-182 |
Eernisse, Douglas J., Strathmann, Megumi F. & Strathmann, Richard R., 2010, Henricia pumila sp. nov.: A brooding seastar (Asteroidea) from the coastal northeastern Pacific, Zootaxa 2329, pp. 22-36
: 25
25 |
Echinaster (Othilia) echinophorus
Gondim, Anne Isabelley, Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey & Pereira Dias, Thelma Lucia, 2014, Taxonomic guide and historical review of starfishes in northeastern Brazil (Echinodermata, Asteroidea), ZooKeys 449, pp. 1-56
: 16-17
16-17 |
Henricia pacifica
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 13-14
13-14 |
Henricia perforata
Knott, K Emily, Ringvold, Halldis & Blicher, Martin E, 2018, Morphological and molecular analysis of Henricia Gray, 1840 (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) from the Northern Atlantic Ocean, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 182 (4), pp. 791-807
: 792-793
792-793 |
Sastry, D. R. K., Marimuthu, N. & Rajan, Rajkumar, 2019, Echinodermata of Lakshadweep, Arabian Sea with the description of a new genus and a species, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 119 (4)
: -1
-1 |
Echinaster purpureus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 278
278 |
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 26
26 |
Henricia insignis
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 24-26
24-26 |
Echinaster (Othilia) echinophorus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 281
281 |
Henricia margarethae
sp. nov.
Kobayashi, Itaru, Kohtsuka, Hisanori & Fujita, Toshihiko, 2021, Two new deep-sea species of the genus Henricia (Asteroidea: Spinulosida Echinasteridae) from Japanese waters, Zootaxa 4903 (1), pp. 89-104
: 91-93
91-93 |
Despalatović, Marija, Cvitković, Ivan & Žuljević, Ante, 2017, Checklist of the echinoderm fauna of the Adriatic Sea, Zootaxa 4353 (1), pp. 101-116
: 104
104 |
Aleutihenricia federi
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 8
8 |
Henricia pumila
sp. nov.
Eernisse, Douglas J., Strathmann, Megumi F. & Strathmann, Richard R., 2010, Henricia pumila sp. nov.: A brooding seastar (Asteroidea) from the coastal northeastern Pacific, Zootaxa 2329, pp. 22-36
: 30-34
30-34 |
Gale, Andy S. & Jagt, John W. M., 2021, The fossil record of the family Benthopectinidae (Echinodermata, Asteroidea), a reappraisal, European Journal of Taxonomy 755, pp. 149-190
: 186
186 |
Henricia ohshimai
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 12
12 |
Echinaster luzonicus
Yiu, Sam King Fung & Mah, Christopher L., 2024, New Ecological Observations and Occurrence for Asteroidea and Echinoidea in Hong Kong, Zootaxa 5526 (1), pp. 1-69
: 47-48
47-48 |
Kašćelan, Slavica, Mandić, Sreten, Radović, Ivica & Krpo-Ćetković, Jasmina, 2009, An annotated checklist of Echinodermata of Montenegro (the south Adriatic Sea), Zootaxa 2275, pp. 21-40
: 29
29 |
Henricia lineata
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 10-12
10-12 |
Henricia oculata
Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231
: 86
86 |
Echinaster luzonicus
Amjad, Farah, Ahusan, Mohamed, Amir, Hana, de Villiers, Nina M, Gress, Erika, Mah, Christopher L, Naeem, Shafiya, Rico-Seijo, Nuria, Samaai, Toufiek, Afzal, Maryiam S, Woodall, Lucy C & Stefanoudis, Paris V, 2024, An underwater imagery identification guide for shallow, mesophotic and deep-sea benthos in Maldives, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 120128-e 120128
: e120128--1
e120128--1 |
Henricia sanguinolenta
Madeira, Patrícia, Kroh, Andreas, Cordeiro, Ricardo, De, António M., Martins, Frias & Ávila, Sérgio P., 2019, The Echinoderm Fauna of the Azores (NE Atlantic Ocean), Zootaxa 4639 (1), pp. 1-231
: 169
169 |
Echinaster luzonicus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 263
263 |
Odontohenricia ahearnae
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 28-30
28-30 |
Henricia cylindrella
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 262
262 |
Echinaster (Othilia) brasiliensis
Gondim, Anne Isabelley, Christoffersen, Martin Lindsey & Pereira Dias, Thelma Lucia, 2014, Taxonomic guide and historical review of starfishes in northeastern Brazil (Echinodermata, Asteroidea), ZooKeys 449, pp. 1-56
: 15-16
15-16 |
Kobayashi, Itaru & Fujita, Toshihiko, 2023, A New Shallow-water Species of the Genus Odontohenricia from Northern Japan (Asteroidea: Spinulosida: Echinasteridae), Species Diversity 28 (1), pp. 45-50
: 46-49
46-49 |
Henricia regularis
Xiao, Ning, Liao, Yulin & Liu, Ruiyu, 2011, Records of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata: Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from Chinese waters, Zootaxa 3115, pp. 1-20
: 15-16
15-16 |
Henricia vermilion
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 21-22
21-22 |
Odontohenricia violacea
sp. nov.
Clark, Roger N. & Jewett, Stephen C., 2010, A new genus and thirteen new species of sea stars (Asteroidea: Echinasteridae) from the Aleutian Island Archipelago, Zootaxa 2571, pp. 1-36
: 30-32
30-32 |