davidi, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 99 Treatments

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Menemerus davidi     Beladjal, Lynda, Bouseksou, Samira, Kherbouche-Abrous, Ourida, Alioua, Youcef & Bosmans, Robert, 2025, First Exhaustive Catalog of Spiders of Algeria (Arachnida: Araneae), Zootaxa 5598 (1), pp. 1-185 : 123 123
Poecilipta davidi   sp. nov.  Raven, Robert J., 2015, & lt; strong & gt; A revision of ant-mimicking spiders of the family Corinnidae (Araneae) in the Western Pacific & lt; / strong & gt;, Zootaxa 3958 (1), pp. 1-258 : 209-210 209-210
Echymipera davidi     Russell A. Mittermeier & Don E. Wilson, 2015, Peramelidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 5 Monotremes and Marsupials, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 362-398 : 395 395
Haliplus ((Liaphlus)) davidi     Jia, Fenglong & Vondel, Bernhard van, 2011, Annotated catalogue of the Haliplidae of China with the description of a new species and new records from China (Coleoptera, Adephaga), ZooKeys 133, pp. 1-17 : 7 7
Echymipera davidi     Parnaby, Harry E., Ingleby, Sandy & Divljan, Anja, 2017, Type Specimens of Non-fossil Mammals in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Records of the Australian Museum 69 (5), pp. 277-420 : 314 314
Leberis davidi     Sinev, Artem Y. & Silva-Briano, Marcelo, 2012, Cladocerans of genus Alona Baird, 1843 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae) and related genera from Aguascalientes State, Mexico, Zootaxa 3569, pp. 1-24 : 20-21 20-21
Neocaridina davidi     Shih, Hsi-Te, Cai, Yixiong, Niwa, Nobuaki, Yoshigou, Hidenori & Nakahara, Yasuhiko, 2024, Fig. 4. A in Positive association between PTN polymorphisms and schizophrenia in Northeast Chinese Han population., Zoological Studies 63 (18), pp. 141-149 : 14-17 14-17
Prozercon davidi   sp. nov.  Moraza, María Lourdes, 2006, New species of zerconid mites from southern Europe and the Macaronesian region (Acari: Mesostigmata: Zerconidae), Zootaxa 1255, pp. 1-15 : 2-4 2-4
Araneae   new species  Simon, Eugène, 1889, Donne quelques observations sur les Arachnides, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Séries 1 - 6 8 : ccviii ccviii
Xenopygus davidi   sp. nov.  Chatzimanolis, Stylianos & Caron, Edilson, 2016, New species and synonymies in Xenopygus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini), Zootaxa 4200 (1), pp. 131-142 : 133 133
Xenopygus davidi   sp. nov.  Chatzimanolis, Stylianos & Caron, Edilson, 2016, New species and synonymies in Xenopygus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini), Zootaxa 4200 (1), pp. 131-142 : 133-136 133-136
Curculio davidi     Pelsue, Frank W. & Zhang, Runzhi, 2005, A Review of the Genus Curculio from China with Descriptions of Four New Taxa. Part V. The Curculio dentipes (Roelofs) Group (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Curculionini), The Coleopterists Bulletin (Bethesda, Md.: 1985) 59 (3), pp. 293-303 : 293-303 293-303
Chelagyrtodes davidi   sp. nov.  Seago, Ainsley E. & Leschen, Richard A. B., 2011, Revision and phylogeny of Chelagyrtodes Szymczakowski (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Camiarinae: Agyrtodini), Zootaxa 3090, pp. 1-20 : 7-10 7-10
Neocalcealges davidi   sp. nov.  Wang, Zi-Ying & Proctor, Heather, 2015, Two new feather mites of the genus Neocalcealges Orwig (Analgoidea: Trouessartiidae) from the Sichuan province of China, Zootaxa 3946 (4), pp. 567-576 : 569 569
Mashonarus davidi   sp. nov.  Caleb, John T. D., Mungkung, Soriephy & Mathai, Manu Thomas, 2015, Four new species of jumping spider (Araneae: Salticidae: Aelurillinae) with the description of a new genus from South India, Peckhamia 124 (1), pp. 1-18 : 5-6 5-6
Trimeresurus davidi     Vogel, Gernot, Mallik, Ashok Kumar, Chandramouli, S. R., Sharma, Vivek & Ganesh, S. R., 2022, A review of records of the Trimeresurus albolabris Gray, 1842 group from the Indian subcontinent: expanded description and range extension of Trimeresurus salazar, redescription of Trimeresurus septentrionalis and rediscovery of historical specimens of Trimeresurus davidi (Reptilia: Viperidae), Zootaxa 5175 (3), pp. 343-366 : 354 354
Copris (Copris) davidi     Chamorro, William, Marin-Armijos, Diego, senjo, Angelico & Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Z., 2019, Scarabaeinae dung beetles from Ecuador: a catalog, nomenclatural acts, and distribution records, ZooKeys 826, pp. 1-343 : 64 64
Stenothemus davidi   comb. nov.  Yang, Yuxia, Ge, Shujuan, Yang, Xingke & Liu, Haoyu, 2021, Taxonomic revision of the species of Stenothemus from Southwest China (Coleoptera, Cantharidae), with the descriptions of five new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 757 (1), pp. 1-36 : 6-8 6-8
Nanogona davidi     Kime, Richard Desmond & Enghoff, Henrik, 2021, Atlas of European millipedes 3: Order Chordeumatida (Class Diplopoda), European Journal of Taxonomy 769, pp. 1-244 : 83 83
Gomphus davidi     Schneider, Thomas, Ikemeyer, Dietmar, Ferreira, Sónia & Müller, Ole, 2017, Gomphus kinzelbachi Schneider, 1984, in Iran: identification, habitat and behaviour (Odonata: Gomphidae), Zootaxa 4216 (6), pp. 572-584 : 574-575 574-575
Basilepta davidi     Cho, H. - W. & An, S. L., 2020, AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF LEAF BEETLES (COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE) OF KOREA, WITH COMMENTS AND NEW RECORDS, Far Eastern Entomologist 404, pp. 1-36 : 31 31
Stylommatophora   new species  Nordsieck, Hartmut, 2001, Revision of the system of the Phaedusinae from mainland China with the description of new taxa, Archiv für Molluskenkunde 129, No. 1, pp. 25-63 : 44 44
Euchiloglanis davidi     Alfred W. Thomson & Lawrence M. Page, 2006, Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)., Zootaxa 1345, pp. 1-96 : 94 94
Leberis davidi     Macêdo, Rafael Lacerda, Sousa, Francisco Diogo R., Jesus, Sheila Bonfim de, Nunesmaia, Bárbara Janaina Bezerra, Branco, Christina Wyss Castelo & Elmoor-Loureiro, Lourdes M. A., 2021, Cladocera (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) species of Bahia State, Brazil: a critical update on species descriptions, distributions, and new records, Nauplius (e 2021011) 29, pp. 1-26 : 25 25
Forficula davidi     Yadav, Sarita, Burathoki, Prerna & Hegde, V. D., 2021, Notes on a Collection of Order Dermaptera (Insecta) from some States of North East India, Records of the Zoological Survey of India 121 (3), pp. 405-409 : 408 408
Missulena davidi   sp. nov.  Greenberg, Marleen R., Huey, Joel A., Framenau, Volker W. & Harms, Danilo, 2021, Three new species of mouse spider (Araneae: Actinopodidae: Missulena Walckenaer, 1805) from Western Australia, including an assessment of intraspecific variability in a widespread species from the arid biome, Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 79, pp. 509-533 : 509 509
Namlika davidi   sp. nov.  Omelko, M. M. & Omelko, N. V., 2019, New Genera And Species Of Gelechiid Moths From The Subfamily Gelechiinae (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) From Laos And Malaysia, Amurian Zoological Journal XI (2), pp. 131-140 : 132-135 132-135
Tetramorium davidi     Paknia, O., Radchenko, A. & Alipanah, H., 2008, A preliminary checklist of the ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Iran., Myrmecologische Nachrichten 11, pp. 151-159 : 155 155
Actenodes davidi     Carlton, Christopher E., MacRae, Ted C., Tishechkin, Alexey K., Bayless, Victoria L. & Johnson, Wood, 2018, Annotated Checklist of the Buprestidae (Coleoptera) from Louisiana, The Coleopterists Bulletin 72 (2), pp. 351-367 : 355 355
Culicoides davidi     Spinelli, Gustavo & Wolff, Marta, 2016, FAMILY CERATOPOGONIDAE, Zootaxa 4122 (1), pp. 98-141 : 111 111
Chalinus davidi   new species  Vilhelmsen, Lars, Blank, Stephan M., Sechi, Daniel, Ndiaye, M., Niang, Abdoul A., Guisse, Aliou & Noort, Simon Van, 2017, The Orussidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) of Africa, Proceeding of the Entomological Society of Washington 119, pp. 879-930 : 890 890
Lysiteles davidi   sp. nov.  Tang, Guo, Yin, Chang-Ming, Peng, Xian-Jin, Ubick, Darrell & Griswold, Charles, 2007, Five crab spiders of the Genus Lysiteles from Yunnan Province, China (Araneae: Thomisidae), Zootaxa 1480, pp. 57-68 : 58-59 58-59
Leberis davidi     Kotov, Alexey A. & Ferrari, Frank D., 2010, The taxonomic research of Jules Richard on Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) and his collection at the National Museum of Natural History, U. S. A., Zootaxa 2551 (1), pp. 37-64 : 54-55 54-55
Euchiloglanis davidi     Alfred W. Thomson & Lawrence M. Page, 2006, Genera of the Asian Catfish Families Sisoridae and Erethistidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)., Zootaxa 1345, pp. 1-96 : 65 65
Ectatosticta davidi     Lin, Yejie & Li, Shuqiang, 2020, Taxonomic studies on the genus Ectatosticta (Araneae, Hypochilidae) from China, with descriptions of two new species, ZooKeys 954, pp. 17-29 : 17 17
Leberis davidi subsp. iheringi     Kotov, Alexey A. & Ferrari, Frank D., 2010, The taxonomic research of Jules Richard on Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) and his collection at the National Museum of Natural History, U. S. A., Zootaxa 2551 (1), pp. 37-64 : 55 55
Bagnallella davidi   comb. nov.  Potapov, Mikhail, Deharveng, Louis & Janion-Scheepers, Charlene, 2021, Taxonomy of the Proisotoma complex. VI. Rediscovery of the genus Bagnallella Salmon, 1951 and epitoky in Bagnallella davidi (Barra, 2001), comb. nov. from South Africa, ZooKeys 1072, pp. 185-204 : 185 185
Diptera   new species  Stuke, Jens-Hermann & Freidberg, Amnon, 2017, The genera Meoneura Nitzsch and Carnus Rondani (Diptera: Carnidae) in Israel, with the description of ten new species, new records and identification keys, Israel journal of entomology 47, pp. 173-214 : 181 181
Gonioctena (Brachyphytodecta) davidi   sp. nov.  Cho, Hee-Wook, 2017, Two new species of the subgenus Brachyphytodecta Bechyně, 1948 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Gonioctena) from Sichuan, Southwest China, Zootaxa 4272 (3), pp. 446-450 : 446-449 446-449
Setosura setosa subsp. davidi     LeCroy, M., 2008, Type Specimens Of Birds In The American Museum Of Natural History. Part 7. Passeriformes: Sylviidae, Muscicapidae, Platysteiridae, Maluridae, Acanthizidae, Monarchidae, Rhipiduridae, And Petroicidae, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 313 (1), pp. 1-287 : 220 220
Panorpa davidi     Li, Ning, Wang, Ji-Shen & Hua, Bao-Zhen, 2021, Morphological phylogenetic analyses and taxonomic revision of the Panorpa davidi group (Mecoptera: Panorpidae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 79, pp. 309-342 : 309 309
Stomis davidi   sp. nov.  Sciaky, Riccardo, 2024, Review of the Chinese Stomis, with description of nine new taxa and a new key (Carabidae: Pterostichini), Zootaxa 5523 (1), pp. 1-34 : 14 14
Amara (Zezea) davidi     Kavanaugh, David H., Hieke, Fritz, Liang, Hongbin & Dong, Dazhi, 2014, Inventory of the carabid beetle fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, western Yunnan Province, China: species of the tribe Zabrini (Coleoptera, Carabidae), ZooKeys 407, pp. 55-119 : 62 62
Siluriformes   new species  Axelrod, H. R., 1970, Synodontis davidi, David’s upside-down catfish, Tropical Fish Hobbyist 18, No. 5, pp. 33-35 : 33 33
Dotona davidi     Łukowiak, Magdalena, 2015, Late Eocene siliceous sponge fauna of southern Australia: reconstruction based on loose spicules record, Zootaxa 3917 (1), pp. 1-65 : 23 23
Alona davidi     Damme, Kay Van & Dumont, Henri J., 2008, Further division of Alona Baird, 1843: separation and position of Coronatella Dybowski & Grochowski and Ovalona gen. n. (Crustacea: Cladocera), Zootaxa 1960 (1), pp. 1-44 : 30-31 30-31
Sekaliporus davidi   sp. nov.  Hendrich, Lars & Balke, Michael, 2015, Review of the genus Sekaliporus Watts, 1997 with description of a new species from northern Australia (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae), Zootaxa 3981 (1), pp. 107-116 : 108-115 108-115
Sergeya davidi   sp. nov.  Bidzilya, Oleksiy V., Mey, Wolfram & Rajaei, Hossein, 2024, First record of the genus Sergeya Ponomarenko, 2008 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from the Afrotropical and Oriental regions, with description of ten new species, Zootaxa 5493 (5), pp. 486-506 : 503-504 503-504
Rovnoholoneurus davidi   sp. nov.  Fedotova, Z. A. & Perkovsky, E. E., 2017, New Genus And Species Of Gall Midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae: Porricondyinae, Holoneurini) From The Late Eocene Amber Of Olevsk (Zhitomir Region, Ukraine), Vestnik Zoologii (Vestn. Zool.) 51 (1), pp. 23-30 : 27 27
Gibbidessus davidi   sp. nov.  Hendrich, Lars, Watts, Chris H. S. & Balke, Michael, 2020, The " minute diving beetles " of southern Australia - taxonomic revision of Gibbidessus Watts, 1978, with description of six new species (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Bidessini), ZooKeys 975, pp. 11-49 : 11 11
Ephemeroptera   new species  McCafferty, W. P., Waltz, R. D., Webb, J. M. & Jacobus, Luke M., 2005, Revision of Heterocloeon McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), Journal of Insect Science 5, No. 35 : 4-6 4-6
Squamata   new species  Vogel, Gernot, Nguyen, Truong Quang, Kingsada, P. & Ziegler, Thomas, 2012, A new species of the genus Lycodon BOIE, 1826 from Laos (Squamata: Colubridae)., North-Western Journal of Zoology 8, pp. 344-352 : 345 345
Echymipera davidi     Colin P. Groves, 1993, Order Peramelemorphia, Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 39-42 : 41 41
Trimeresurus davidi   sp. nov.  Chandramouli, S. R., Campbell, Patrick D. & Vogel, Gernot, 2020, A new species of green pit viper of the genus Trimeresurus Lacépède, 1804 (Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae) from the Nicobar Archipelago, Indian Ocean, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 264) 14 (3), pp. 169-176 : 170 170
Tiramnia davidi   sp. nov.  Poletaev, Vladyslav, 2024, New and revised taxa of Carboniferous spiriferides (Brachiopoda, Spiriferida) from the Donets Basin (Ukraine) and South Urals (Russia), European Journal of Taxonomy 968, pp. 132-155 : 136-138 136-138
Rhodambulyx davidi     Xu, Zhen-Bang, Melichar, Tomáš, He, Ji-Bai, Zhang, Chao, Zhang, Xin-Yu, Feng, Du & Hu, Shao-Ji, 2022, A new species of Rhodambulyx Mell, 1939 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) from Southwest Chongqing, China, Zootaxa 5105 (1), pp. 48-62 : 56 56
Neolycaena (Rhymnaria) davidi key    Krupitsky, Anatoly V., 2021, Taxonomy of the Neolycaena (Rhymnaria) davidi (Oberthür, 1881) species group with the description of two new taxa from Russia and China (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), Zootaxa 4966 (5), pp. 501-518 : 516-517 516-517
Loimia davidi   sp. nov.  Martin, Daniel, Capa, María, Martínez, Alejandro & Costa, Ana Cristina, 2022, Taxonomic implications of describing a new species of Loimia (Annelida, Terebellidae) with two size-dependent morphotypes, European Journal of Taxonomy 833, pp. 60-96 : 67-82 67-82
Campodea (Dicampa) davidi     Sendra, Alberto & Reboleira, Ana Sofia P. S., 2020, Euro-Mediterranean fauna of Campodeinae (Campodeidae, Diplura), European Journal of Taxonomy 728, pp. 1-130 : 70-71 70-71
Ciuciulea davidi   new species  Gol'din, Pavel, 2018, New Paratethyan dwarf baleen whales mark the origin of cetotheres, PeerJ 6, No. 5800 : -1 -1
Gobius davidi   new species  Sauvage, H. E. & Dabry de Thiersant, P., 1874, Notes sur les poissons des eaux douces de la Chine, Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Série 5 1, No. 5, pp. 1-18 : 2 2
Menemerus davidi     ZONSTEIN, SERGEI & MARUSIK, YURI M., 2013, Checklist of the spiders (Araneae) of Israel, Zootaxa 3671 (1), pp. 1-127 : 82 82
Euchiloglanis davidi     Zhou, Wei, Li, Xu & Thomson, Alfred W., 2011, Two new species of the Glyptosternine catfish genus Euchiloglanis (Teleostei: Sisoridae) from southwest China with redescriptions of E. davidi and E. kishinouyei, Zootaxa 2871, pp. 1-18 : 2-8 2-8
Neolycaena (Rhymnaria) davidi     Krupitsky, Anatoly V., 2021, Taxonomy of the Neolycaena (Rhymnaria) davidi (Oberthür, 1881) species group with the description of two new taxa from Russia and China (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae), Zootaxa 4966 (5), pp. 501-518 : 512 512
Ectatosticta davidi     Wang, Lu-Yu, Zhao, Jing-Xia, Irfan, Muhammad & Zhang, Zhi-Sheng, 2021, Review of the spider genus Ectatosticta Simon, 1892 (Araneae: Hypochilidae) with description of four new species from China, Zootaxa 5016 (4), pp. 523-542 : 527-528 527-528
Siluriformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1874, Notices ichthyologiques. [With subtitles I-VI], Revue et Magasin de Zoologie, Série 3 2, pp. 332-340 : 333 333
Echymipera davidi     Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Peramelemorphia, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 38-42 : 41 41
Hymenoptera   new species  Koch, F. & Liston, Andrew D., 2012, On the Arge capensis species group, with descriptions of four new species (Hymenoptera: Symphyta, Argidae)., Entomologische Zeitschrift 122, No. 6, pp. 261-268 : 263 263
Siphlonurus davidi     Han, Yi-Ke, Zhang, Wei, Hu, Ze & Zhou, Chang-Fa, 2016, The nymph and imago of Chinese mayfly Siphlonurusdavidi (Navas, 1932), ZooKeys 607, pp. 37-48 : 38-47 38-47
Coptorhina davidi     Frolov, Andrey V., Akhmetova, Lilia A. & Scholtz, Clarke H., 2008, Revision of the obligate mushroom-feeding African ‘‘ dung beetle’ ’ genus Coptorhina Hope (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), Journal of Natural History 42 (21 - 24), pp. 1477-1508 : 1498-1500 1498-1500
Gomphus davidi     K. J. Morton, 1924, The Dragon-flies (Odonata) of Palestine, based primarily on collection made by Dr. P. A. Buxton, with Notes on the Species of the Adjacent Regions., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1924, pp. 25-44 : 40 40
Melithaea davidi   sp. n.  Samimi-Namin, Kaveh, van Ofwegen, Leen P. & McFadden, Catherine S., 2016, A new species of Melithaea (Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Melithaeidae) from the Oman Sea, off Oman, ZooKeys 623, pp. 15-29 : 20-21 20-21
Alona davidi     Neretina, Anna N. & Sinev, Artem Y., 2016, A revision of the genus Leberis Smirnov, 1989 (Cladocera: Chydoridae) in the Old World and Australia, Zootaxa 4079 (5), pp. 501-533 : 509-510 509-510
Meriola davidi     González, María E., Grismado, Cristian J. & Ramírez, Martín J., 2021, A Taxonomic Revision Of The Spider Genus Meriola Banks (Araneae: Trachelidae), Zootaxa 4936 (1), pp. 1-113 : 34 34
Kazimierzus davidi   comb. nov.  Jadwiga Danuta Plisko, 2006, A systematic reassessment of the genus Microchaetus Rapp, 1849: its amended definition, reinstatement of Geogenia Kinberg, 1867, and erection of a new genus Kazimierzus (Oligochaeta: Microchaetidae), African Invertebrates 47 (1), pp. 31-56 : 50 50
Empoasca davidi   sp. nov.  Southern, Phillip Sterling, 2010, Eight new species of Empoasca (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae: Empoascini) from Peru and Bolivia, Zootaxa 2524, pp. 1-23 : 17-19 17-19
Nerice davidi     Dolinskaya, Irina V., 2019, The use of egg characters for the classification of Notodontidae (Lepidoptera), with keys to the common Palaearctic genera and species, Zootaxa 4604 (2), pp. 201-241 : 232-233 232-233
Poecilostomatoida   new species  Suárez-Morales, Eduardo & Santana-Piñeros, A. M, 2008, A new species of Ergasilus (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Ergasilidae) from coastal fishes of the Mexican Pacific, Folia Parasitologica 55, pp. 224-230 : 225 225
Phlegra davidi   comb. nov.  Logunov, Dmitri V. & Azarkina, Galina N., 2018, Redefinition and partial revision of the genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 (Arachnida, Araneae, Salticidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 430, pp. 1-126 : 112-114 112-114
Siphlonurus davidi     Sartori, Michel & Peters, Janice G., 2004, Redescription of the type of Siphlonurus davidi (Navás, 1932) (Ephemeroptera: Siphlonuridae), Zootaxa 469, pp. 1-6 : 2 2
Akbesia davidi     Ancajima, Georgette Paola & Duarte, Marcelo, 2023, Morphological variation of the epiphyses in some Ambulycini hawkmoths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae, Smerinthinae), Zoologischer Anzeiger 304, pp. 1-9 : 3 3
Ectatosticta davidi     Platnick, Norman & Jaeger, Peter, 2009, A new species of the basal araneomorph spider genus Ectatosticta, ZooKeys 16 (16), pp. 209-215 : 210-212 210-212
Ferricixius davidi     Santos, Júlio César Do Carmo Vaz, Hoch, Hannelore, Zampaulo, Robson De Almeida, Simões, Matheus Henrique & Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes, 2023, Adaptive shifts in Neotropical planthoppers: new troglobitic species and the first surface species of Ferricixius Hoch & Ferreira, 2012 (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha Cixiidae) from Brazilian caves, Zootaxa 5330 (3), pp. 375-397 : 390 390
Gomphus davidi     Schneider, Thomas, Ikemeyer, Dietmar, Ferreira, Sónia & Müller, Ole, 2017, Gomphus kinzelbachi Schneider, 1984, in Iran: identification, habitat and behaviour (Odonata: Gomphidae), Zootaxa 4216 (6), pp. 572-584 : 573 573
Kyrshabaktella davidi     Betts, Marissa J., Claybourn, Thomas M., Brock, Glenn A., Jago, James B., Skovsted, Christian B. & Paterson, John R., 2019, Shelly fossils from the lower Cambrian White Point Conglomerate, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 64 (3), pp. 489-522 : 500-501 500-501
Herpetoreas davidi   sp. nov.  Nguyen, Tan Van, Lalremsanga, Hmar Tlawmte, Biakzuala, Lal & Vogel, Gernot, 2024, Taxonomic reassessment of the Herpetoreas xenura (Wall, 1907) (Squamata: Serpentes: Natricidae) from Myanmar with description of a new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 932, pp. 158-203 : 172-177 172-177
Hedychrum davidi     Rosa, Paolo, Wei, Na-sen & Xu, Zai-fu, 2014, An annotated checklist of the chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) from China, ZooKeys 455, pp. 1-128 : 12 12
Harpalus (Pseudoophonus) davidi     Kataev, Boris M. & Liang, Hongbin, 2015, Taxonomic review of Chinese species of ground beetles of the subgenus Pseudoophonus (genus Harpalus) (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Zootaxa 3920 (1), pp. 1-39 : 23-24 23-24
Alona davidi     Sinev, Artem Y. & Sanoamuang, La-Orsri, 2011, Hormonal induction of males as a method for studying tropical cladocerans: description of males of four chydorid species (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae), Zootaxa 2826, pp. 45-56 : 50-51 50-51
Strivicia davidi   sp. nov.  SHCHERBAKOV, DMITRY E., 2022, A new genus of Ipsviciidae (Hemiptera, Cicadomorpha) with a tegminal strigil from the Triassic of Madygen, Palaeoentomology 5 (5), pp. 434-438 : 435 435
Chlaenius (Sphodromimus) davidi   nom. nov.  Qin, Yuyao, Germann, Christoph & Liang, Hongbin, 2022, Key to the Chinese species of the subgenus Sphodromimus Casale, 1984 (Carabidae, Chlaeniini, Chlaenius) with descriptions of two new species, ZooKeys 1135, pp. 61-91 : 61 61
Cypriniformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E., 1878, Note sur quelques Cyprinidae et Cobitidae d’espèes inédites, provenant des eaux douces de la Chine, Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, Série 7 2, pp. 86-90 : 86 [1] 86 [1]
Perciformes   new species  Sauvage, H. E. & Dabry de Thiersant, P., 1874, Notes sur les poissons des eaux douces de la Chine, Annales des Sciences Naturelles, Zoologie, Série 5 1, No. 5, pp. 1-18 : 3 3
Ephemeroptera   new species  McCafferty, W. P., Waltz, R. D., Webb, J. M. & Jacobus, Luke M., 2005, Revision of Heterocloeon McDunnough (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), Journal of Insect Science 5, No. 35 : 4-6 4-6
Ptocasius davidi   sp. nov.  Yang, Su-Fang & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2023, A review of the Ptocasius Simon, 1885 spiders of Gaoligong Mountains, China (Araneae: Salticidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 903 (1), pp. 1-61 : 13-16 13-16
Xysticus davidi     Marusik, Yuri M. & Omelko, Mikhail M., 2014, Reconsideration of Xysticus species described by Ehrenfried Schenkel from Mongolia and China in 1963 (Araneae: Thomisidae), Zootaxa 3861 (3), pp. 275-289 : 277-278 277-278
Ichthyurus davidi     Lin, Hanqing, Liu, Haoyu, Yang, Xingke & Yang, Yuxia, 2024, A new and widely distributed species of Ichthyurus Westwood, 1848 (Cantharidae, Chauliognathinae, Ichthyurini) from China, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 131829-e 131829 : e131829--1 e131829--1
Vaejovis davidi   sp. nov.  Soleglad, Michael E. & Fet, Victor, 2005, A new scorpion genus (Scorpiones: Vaejovidae) from Mexico, Euscorpius 24 (24), pp. 1-13 : 7-12 7-12
Galethalea davidi     Pinheiro, Lívia R., 2016, Description of three new species of Galethalea Butler, 1876 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), with comments on the genus, Zootaxa 4078 (1), pp. 354-365 : 355-358 355-358

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