R. gracilipes, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 23 Treatments

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Zelus gracilipes   sp. n.  Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150 : 8150 8150
Probosciphontodes Fiers 1988     Lee, Jimin & Huys, Rony, 2019, New Ancorabolidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from Korea: two new genera, revisionary notes and updated identification keys, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 187, pp. 331-377 : 360-362 360-362
Zelus gracilipes   sp. n.  Zhang, Guanyang, Hart, Elwood R & Weirauch, Christiane, 2016, A taxonomic monograph of the assassin bug genus Zelus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Reduviidae): 71 species based on 10,000 specimens, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8150-8150 : 8150 8150
Raylilia gracilipes     Galil, Bella S., 2001, A new genus and species of leucosiid crab (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura) from the Indo-Pacific Ocean, Zoosystema 23 (1), pp. 65-75 : 68-72 68-72
Rochinia gracilipes     Tomás A. Luppi & Eduardo D. Spivak, 2016, The larval development of the spider crab Rochinia gracilipes (Crustacea: Majoidea: Epialtidae: Pisinae) reared in the laboratory, Journal of Natural History 50 (31 - 32), pp. 1983-2003 : 4-17 4-17
Rhaphuma gracilipes     Anisimov, Nikolay S., Bezborodov, Vitaly G., ., ., . & ., 2021, Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera: Disteniidae, Cerambycidae) of the Russky Island (Primorsky Krai, Russia), Ecologica Montenegrina 40, pp. 46-58 : 54 54
Rhaphuma gracilipes     Anisimov, N. S. & Bezborodov, V. G., 2020, Longicorn Beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Of The Amur-Zeya Interfluve (Amurskaya Oblast, Russia), Amurian Zoological Journal XII (2), pp. 138-157 : 150 150
Rochinia gracilipes     Lee, Bee Yan, Forges, Bertrand Richer De & Ng, Peter K. L., 2019, Deep-sea spider crabs of the family Epialtidae MacLeay, 1838, from Papua New Guinea, with a redefinition of Tunepugettia Ng, Komai & Sato, 2017, and descriptions of two new genera (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Majoidea), Zootaxa 4619 (1), pp. 1-44 : 12-13 12-13
Aulacolambrus hoplonotus     Castro, Peter, 2011, Catalog of the anomuran and brachyuran crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura, Brachyura) of the Hawaiian Islands 2947, Zootaxa 2947 (1), pp. 1-154 : 144 144
Brachychthoniidae Thor 1934     Fischer, Barbara M. & Schatz, Heinrich, 2013, Biodiversity of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) along an altitudinal gradient in the Central Alps, Zootaxa 3626 (4), pp. 429-454 : 430-434 430-434
Rochinia gracilipes     Lee, Bee Yan, Richer De Forges, Bertrand & Ng, Peter K. L., 2020, Revision of the deep-water spider crab genus, Scyramathia A. Milne-Edwards, 1880, with the description of a new species from the Mediterranean and notes on Rochinia A. Milne-Edwards, 1875, and Anamathia Smith, 1885 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Brachyura, Epialtidae), Zoosystematics and Evolution 96 (2), pp. 537-569 : 537 537
Paralaophonte Lang 1944, sp. n.     Huys, Rony & Lee, Wonchoel, 2009, Proposal of Marbefia, gen. n. and Inermiphonte, gen. n., including updated keys to the species of Pseudonychocamptus Lang, 1944 and Paralaophonte Lang, 1948 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Laophontidae), ZooKeys 23 (23), pp. 1-38 : 22-29 22-29
Parasesarma maipoense, comb. nov.     Shahdadi, Adnan, Fratini, Sara & Schubart, Christoph D., 2020, Taxonomic reassessment of Parasesarma (Crustacea: Brachyura: Decapoda: Sesarmidae) based on genetic and morphological comparisons, with the description of a new genus, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 190, pp. 1123-1158 : 1149-1152 1149-1152
Pauridiantha gracilipes   sp. nov.  Salvator NTORE & Olivier LACHENAUD, 2019, Two new species and a new combination in the genus Pauridiantha Hook. f. (Rubiaceae) from tropical Africa, Adansonia 41 (4), pp. 29-40 : 35-38 35-38
Rhaphuma gracilipes     Karpiński, Lech, Enkhnasan, Davaadorj, Boldgiv, Bazartseren, Kruszelnicki, Lech, Iderzorig, Badamnyambuu, Gantulga, Temerlen, Dorjsuren, Altanchimeg & Szczepański, Wojciech T., 2021, Longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of southeastern Mongolia with particular emphasis on the genus Anoplistes Audinet-Serville, 1833 (Cerambycinae: Trachyderini), Zootaxa 5081 (4), pp. 451-482 : 459 459
Acalles Schütte & Stüben, 2015, s. str.     Schütte, André & Stüben, Peter E., 2015, Molecular systematics and morphological identification of the cryptic species of the genus Acalles Schoenherr, 1825, with descriptions of new species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Cryptorhynchinae), Zootaxa 3915 (1), pp. 1-51 : 9-11 9-11
Rochinia gracilipes     Mantelatto, Fernando L., Tamburus, Ana Francisca, Magalhães, Tatiana, Buranelli, Raquel C., Terossi, Mariana, Negri, Mariana, Castilho, Antonio L., Costa, Rogério C. & Zara, Fernando J., 2020, Checklist of decapod crustaceans from the coast of the São Paulo state (Brazil) supported by integrative molecular and morphological data: III. Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802, Zootaxa 4872 (1), pp. 1-108 : 33 33
Rhyncaphytoptus gracilipes     XUE, XIAO-FENG, WANG, ZHEN, SONG, ZI-WEI & HONG, XIAO-YUE, 2009, Eriophyoid mites on Fagaceae with descriptions of seven new genera and eleven new species (Acari: Eriophyoidea), Zootaxa 2253 (1), pp. 1-95 : 76 76
Arrenurus (Rhinophoracarus) gracilipes     Smit, Harry, 2017, New records of water mites from standing waters in Thailand, with the description of nine new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia), Zootaxa 4312 (1), pp. 69-91 : 90 90
Rhaphuma gracilipes     Karpinski, Lech, Szczepanski, Wojciech T., lewa, Radoslaw, Walczak, Marcin, Hilszczanski, Jacek, Kruszelnicki, Lech, Los, Krzysztof, Jaworski, Tomasz, Marek Bidas, & Tarwacki, Grzegorz, 2018, New data on the distribution, biology and ecology of the longhorn beetles from the area of South and East Kazakhstan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), ZooKeys 805, pp. 59-126 : 72-74 72-74
Rallus gracilipes   sp. nov.  Takano, Oona M. & Steadman, David W., 2018, Another new species of flightless Rail (Aves: Rallidae: Rallus) from Abaco, The Bahamas, Zootaxa 4407 (3), pp. 376-382 : 377-380 377-380
Arrenurus (Rhinophoracarus) gracilipes     Pešić, Vladimir, Chatterjee, Tapas & Bordoloi, Sabitry, 2010, A checklist of the water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of India, with new records and description of one new species, Zootaxa 2617, pp. 1-54 : 40 40
Liquidambar gracilipes   comb. nov.  Ickert-Bond, Stefanie M. & Wen, Jun, 2013, A taxonomic synopsis of Altingiaceae with nine new combinations, PhytoKeys 31, pp. 21-61 : 33 33

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