Biscoito, Manuel, Ribeiro, Cláudia & Freitas, Mafalda, 2018, Annotated checklist of the fishes of the archipelago of Madeira (NE Atlantic): I-Chondrichthyes, Zootaxa 4429 (3), pp. 459-494
: 463-464
463-464 |
new species
Deng, S. - M., Xiong, G. - Q. & Zhan, H. - X., 1981, On three new species of sharks of the genus Carcharhinus from China, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 6, No. 2, pp. 216-220
: 216 [English p. 219]
216 [English p. 219] |
new species
Tanaka, Shigeho, 1909, Descriptions of one new genus and ten new species of Japanese fishes, The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Tokyo 27, No. 8, pp. 1-27
: 4
4 |
new species
Gill, T. N., 1862, Squalorum generum novorum descriptiones diagnosticae, Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 7, pp. 409-413
: 409
409 |
Cetorhinus maximus
Simian, Gaëlle, Abraham, Daniel, Bailly, Nicolas, Béarez, Philippe, Urtizberea, Frank, Perrot, Axelle, Goraguer, Herle, Langlois, Robert, Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Teletchea, Fabrice, Tercerie, Sandrine & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2022, Checklist of fishes from the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 371-384
: 373
373 |
Lamna nasus
Simian, Gaëlle, Abraham, Daniel, Bailly, Nicolas, Béarez, Philippe, Urtizberea, Frank, Perrot, Axelle, Goraguer, Herle, Langlois, Robert, Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Teletchea, Fabrice, Tercerie, Sandrine & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2022, Checklist of fishes from the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 371-384
: 373
373 |
Cetorhinus maximus
Bariche, Michel & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status, Zootaxa 4775 (1), pp. 1-157
: 15-16
15-16 |
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 631
631 |
Carcharias undetermined
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 631
631 |
Megachasma pelagios
Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285
: 14
14 |
Odontaspis ferox
Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285
: 14
14 |
Striatolamia cederstroemi
Adolfssen, Jan S. & Ward, David J., 2015, Neoselachians from the Danian (early Paleocene) of Denmark, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (2), pp. 313-338
: 327-328
327-328 |
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 630-631
630-631 |
White, William T. & Ko’Ou, Alfred, 2018, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Papua New Guinea, Zootaxa 4411 (1), pp. 1-82
: 23
23 |
White, William T. & Ko’Ou, Alfred, 2018, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Papua New Guinea, Zootaxa 4411 (1), pp. 1-82
: 23
23 |
Cardabiodon venator
sp. nov.
Siverson, Mikael & Lindgren, Johan, 2005, Late Cretaceous sharks Cretoxyrhina and Cardabiodon from Montana, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 50 (2), pp. 301-314
: 308-311
308-311 |
Kovalchuk, Oleksandr, Kriwet, Jürgen, Shimada, Kenshu, Ryabokon, Tamara, Barkaszi, Zoltán, Dubikovska, Anastasiia, Anfimova, Galina & Davydenko, Svitozar, 2023, Middle Eocene cartilaginous fishes (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) of the Dnieper-Donets Basin, northern Ukraine, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 32) 26 (2), pp. 1-37
: 14
14 |
Alopias pelagicus
White, William T. & Ko’Ou, Alfred, 2018, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Papua New Guinea, Zootaxa 4411 (1), pp. 1-82
: 23
23 |
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 631
631 |
Cicimurri, David J. & Knight, James L., 2009, Late Oligocene sharks and rays from the Chandler Bridge Formation, Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 54 (4), pp. 627-647
: 631
631 |
Alopias pelagicus
Straube, Nicolas, White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Rochel, Elisabeth, Corrigan, Shannon, Li, Chenhong & Naylor, Gavin J. P., 2013, A DNA sequence-based identification checklist for Taiwanese chondrichthyans, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 256-278
: 266
266 |
Straube, Nicolas, White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Rochel, Elisabeth, Corrigan, Shannon, Li, Chenhong & Naylor, Gavin J. P., 2013, A DNA sequence-based identification checklist for Taiwanese chondrichthyans, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 256-278
: 266
266 |
Pseudocarcharias kamoharai
Straube, Nicolas, White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Rochel, Elisabeth, Corrigan, Shannon, Li, Chenhong & Naylor, Gavin J. P., 2013, A DNA sequence-based identification checklist for Taiwanese chondrichthyans, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 256-278
: 266
266 |
Straube, Nicolas, White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Rochel, Elisabeth, Corrigan, Shannon, Li, Chenhong & Naylor, Gavin J. P., 2013, A DNA sequence-based identification checklist for Taiwanese chondrichthyans, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 256-278
: 266
266 |
new species
Phillipps, W. J., 1932, Notes on new fishes from New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology 13, No. 4, pp. 226-234
: 226
226 |
Alopias vulpinus
Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285
: 15
15 |
new species
Taylor, Leighton R. & Castro-Aguirre, J. L., 1972, Heterodontus mexicanus, a new horn shark from the Golfo de California, Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas 19, pp. 123-143
: 125
125 |
Jaekelotodus trigonalis
Kovalchuk, Oleksandr, Kriwet, Jürgen, Shimada, Kenshu, Ryabokon, Tamara, Barkaszi, Zoltán, Dubikovska, Anastasiia, Anfimova, Galina & Davydenko, Svitozar, 2023, Middle Eocene cartilaginous fishes (Vertebrata: Chondrichthyes) of the Dnieper-Donets Basin, northern Ukraine, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 32) 26 (2), pp. 1-37
: 12-14
12-14 |
Isurus paucus
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 44-45
44-45 |
Palaeohypotodus bizzocoi
sp. nov.
Ebersole, Jun A., Cicimurri, David J. & Harrell Jr., T. Lynn, 2024, A new species of Palaeohypotodus Glueckman, 1964 (Chondrichthyes, Lamniformes) from the lower Paleocene (Danian) Porters Creek Formation, Wilcox County, Alabama, USA, Fossil Record 27 (1), pp. 111-134
: 111
111 |
new species
de Buen, F., 1950, Contribuciones a la Ictiología. II. El tiburón vitamínico de la costa uruguaya Galeorhinus vitaminicus nov. sp., y algunas consideraciones generales sobre su biología, Publicaciones Cientificas, Servicio Oceanografico y de Pesca, Ministerio de Industrias y Trabajo, Montevideo 4, pp. 153-162
: 156
156 |
Alopias pelagicus
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 42
42 |
Ricqlès, Armand de, Taquet, Philippe & Buffrenil, Vivian de, 2009, “ Rediscovery ” of Paul Gervais’ paleohistological collection, Geodiversitas 31 (4), pp. 943-971
: 947-951
947-951 |
new species
Ramsay, E. P., 1880, Notes on Galeocerdo rayneri, with a list of other sharks taken in Port Jackson, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 5, No. 1, pp. 95-97
: 96
96 |
Otodus (Otodus)
Ebersole, Jun A., Cicimurri, David J. & Stringer, Gary L., 2019, Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths, European Journal of Taxonomy 585, pp. 1-274
: 26
26 |
Ebert, David A., White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Last, Peter R., Nakaya, Kazuhiro, Séret, Bernard, Straube, Nicolas, Naylor, Gavin J. P. & De Carvalho, Marcelo R., 2013, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Taiwan, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 279-386
: 312
312 |
Cantalice, Kleyton Magno, Martinez-Melo, Alejandra & Romero-Mayen, Violeta Amparo, 2019, The paleoichthyofauna housed in the Coleccion Nacional de Paleontologia of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Zoosystematics and Evolution 95 (2), pp. 429-452
: 429
429 |
new species
Abella, A., 1972, Halazgo de una nueva especie de Carcharinus en las costas de Rocha, Uruguay, Boletin de la Sociedad Zoologica del Uruguay 2, pp. 102-106
: 102
102 |
Elasmobranch, Its Implications For Global, Parasitology, Diversity And, Naylor, G. J. P., Sc, Caira, J. N., Ct, Jensen, K., Ks, Rosana, K. A. M., Fl, White, W. T., Csiro, Tas, Last, P. R., Csiro & Tas, 2012, A Dna Sequence-Based Approach To The Identification Of Shark And Ray Species And Its Implications For Global Elasmobranch Diversity And Parasitology, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2012 (367), pp. 1-262
: 52
52 |
Cenocarcharias rochebrunei
Vullo, Romain, Cappetta, Henri & Néraudeau, Didier, 2007, New sharks and rays from the Cenomanian and Turonian of Charentes, France, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52 (1), pp. 99-116
: 108
108 |
Carcharodon carcharias
Simian, Gaëlle, Abraham, Daniel, Bailly, Nicolas, Béarez, Philippe, Urtizberea, Frank, Perrot, Axelle, Goraguer, Herle, Langlois, Robert, Daszkiewicz, Piotr, Teletchea, Fabrice, Tercerie, Sandrine & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2022, Checklist of fishes from the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon archipelago, Cybium 46 (4), pp. 371-384
: 373
373 |
Cretalamna catoxodon
sp. nov.
Siversson, Mikael, Lindgren, Johan, Newbrey, Michael G., Cederström, Peter & Cook, Todd D., 2015, Cenomanian-Campanian (Late Cretaceous) mid-palaeolatitude sharks of Cretalamna appendiculata type, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (2), pp. 339-384
: 370-374
370-374 |
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 42
42 |
Wirtz, Peter, Fricke, Ronald & Biscoito, Manuel José, 2008, The coastal fishes of Madeira Island — new records and an annotated check-list, Zootaxa 1715, pp. 1-26
: 2
2 |
Alopias superciliosus
Love, Milton S., Bizzarro, Joseph J., Cornthwaite, Maria, Frable, Benjamin W. & Maslenikov, Katherine P., 2021, Checklist of marine and estuarine fishes from the Alaska-Yukon Border, Beaufort Sea, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, Zootaxa 5053 (1), pp. 1-285
: 15
15 |
Biscoito, Manuel, Ribeiro, Cláudia & Freitas, Mafalda, 2018, Annotated checklist of the fishes of the archipelago of Madeira (NE Atlantic): I-Chondrichthyes, Zootaxa 4429 (3), pp. 459-494
: 463
463 |
Odontaspis noronhai
Ng, Shing-Lai, Yu, Chi-Ju, Su, Shan-Hui & Joung, Shoou-Jeng, 2022, A new record of the rare Bigeye Sand Tiger shark Odontaspis noronhai Maul, 1955 (Lamniformes: Odontaspididae) from the northwestern Pacific, with notes on dentition, Zootaxa 5094 (1), pp. 92-102
: 94-100
94-100 |
new species
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe, 1833, Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, Neuchâtel
: 90
90 |
Ebert, David A., White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Last, Peter R., Nakaya, Kazuhiro, Séret, Bernard, Straube, Nicolas, Naylor, Gavin J. P. & De Carvalho, Marcelo R., 2013, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Taiwan, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 279-386
: 309
309 |
Myledaphus bipartitus
Sahni, Ashok, 1972, The vertebrate Fauna of the Judith River formation, Montana, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 147 (6), pp. 319-416
: 344
344 |
Lipej, Lovrenc & Dulčić, Jakov, 2010, Checklist of the Adriatic Sea Fishes 2589, Zootaxa 2589 (1), pp. 1-92
: 6
6 |
Carcharodon auriculatus
Cantalice, Kleyton Magno, Martinez-Melo, Alejandra & Romero-Mayen, Violeta Amparo, 2019, The paleoichthyofauna housed in the Coleccion Nacional de Paleontologia of Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Zoosystematics and Evolution 95 (2), pp. 429-452
: 429
429 |
Ebert, David A., White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Last, Peter R., Nakaya, Kazuhiro, Séret, Bernard, Straube, Nicolas, Naylor, Gavin J. P. & De Carvalho, Marcelo R., 2013, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Taiwan, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 279-386
: 309
309 |
Elasmobranch, Its Implications For Global, Parasitology, Diversity And, Naylor, G. J. P., Sc, Caira, J. N., Ct, Jensen, K., Ks, Rosana, K. A. M., Fl, White, W. T., Csiro, Tas, Last, P. R., Csiro & Tas, 2012, A Dna Sequence-Based Approach To The Identification Of Shark And Ray Species And Its Implications For Global Elasmobranch Diversity And Parasitology, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2012 (367), pp. 1-262
: 52-53
52-53 |
Ebersole, Jun A., Cicimurri, David J. & Stringer, Gary L., 2019, Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths, European Journal of Taxonomy 585, pp. 1-274
: 50
50 |
Ebert, David A., White, William T., Ho, Hsuan-Ching, Last, Peter R., Nakaya, Kazuhiro, Séret, Bernard, Straube, Nicolas, Naylor, Gavin J. P. & De Carvalho, Marcelo R., 2013, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of Taiwan, Zootaxa 3752 (1), pp. 279-386
: 312-313
312-313 |
new species
Koefoed, E., 1927, Fishes from the sea-bottom, Scientific Results of the M. Sars North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910 4, No. 1, pp. 1-148
: 18
18 |
new species
Springer, S., 1966, A review of western Atlantic cat sharks, Scyliorhinidae, with descriptions of a new genus and five new species, United States Fish & Wildlife Service Fishery Bulletin 65, No. 3, pp. 581-624
: 603
603 |
Ebersole, Jun A., Cicimurri, David J. & Stringer, Gary L., 2019, Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths, European Journal of Taxonomy 585, pp. 1-274
: 47
47 |
Biscoito, Manuel, Ribeiro, Cláudia & Freitas, Mafalda, 2018, Annotated checklist of the fishes of the archipelago of Madeira (NE Atlantic): I-Chondrichthyes, Zootaxa 4429 (3), pp. 459-494
: 462-463
462-463 |
Lamna nasus
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 45
45 |
new species
de Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay, 1816, Prodrome d’une nouvelle distribution systématique du règne animal, Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, Série 7 8, pp. 105-112
: 121
121 |
Carcharodon carcharias
Fermon, Yves, Bailly, Nicolas, Cardiec, Floriane, Causse, Romain, Chartrain, Emmanuel, Chirio, Laurent, Bruyne, Godefroy De, Deynat, Pascal, Hopkins, Carl D., Lamboj, Anton, Mennesson, Marion I., Beh, Jean-Hervé Mve, Paugy, Didier, Sidlauskas, Brian, Sullivan, John P., Weghe, Jean-Pierre Van De, Vigliotta, Thomas R. & Zee, Jouke Van Der, 2022, An annotated checklist of the fishes of Gabon, Cybium 46 (2), pp. 2-3
: 92
92 |
new species
Ehret, Dana Joseph, MacFadden, Bruce, Jones, Douglas S., DeVries, Thomas J., Foster, David A. & Salas-Gismondi, Rodolfo, 2012, Origin of the White Shark Carcharodon (Lamniformes, Lamnidae) Based on Recalibration of the Upper Neogene Pisco Formation of Peru, Palaeontology 55, No. 6, pp. 1139-1153
: 1146
1146 |
Laan, Richard Van Der, 2018, Family-group names of fossil fishes, European Journal of Taxonomy 466, pp. 1-167
: 42
42 |
Laan, Richard Van Der, 2018, Family-group names of fossil fishes, European Journal of Taxonomy 466, pp. 1-167
: 43
43 |
Laan, Richard Van Der, 2018, Family-group names of fossil fishes, European Journal of Taxonomy 466, pp. 1-167
: 43
43 |
Laan, Richard Van Der, 2018, Family-group names of fossil fishes, European Journal of Taxonomy 466, pp. 1-167
: 43
43 |
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 41
41 |
Pseudocarcharias kamoharai
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 41
41 |
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 41
41 |
Laan, Richard Van Der, 2018, Family-group names of fossil fishes, European Journal of Taxonomy 466, pp. 1-167
: 43
43 |
Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Kinch, Jeff, Mana, Ralph, Russell, Barry C., Tully, Dean & White, William T., 2019, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 810 new records, Zootaxa 4588 (1), pp. 1-360
: 38
38 |
Alopias pelagicus
Andréfouët, Serge, Chen, Wei-Jen, Kinch, Jeff, Mana, Ralph, Russell, Barry C., Tully, Dean & White, William T., 2019, Checklist of the marine and estuarine fishes of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea, western Pacific Ocean, with 810 new records, Zootaxa 4588 (1), pp. 1-360
: 38
38 |
Otodus (Carcharocles)
Ebersole, Jun A., Cicimurri, David J. & Stringer, Gary L., 2019, Taxonomy and biostratigraphy of the elasmobranchs and bony fishes (Chondrichthyes and Osteichthyes) of the lower-to-middle Eocene (Ypresian to Bartonian) Claiborne Group in Alabama, USA, including an analysis of otoliths, European Journal of Taxonomy 585, pp. 1-274
: 28-30
28-30 |
Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90
: 8-9
8-9 |
Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90
: 9
9 |
Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90
: 9
9 |
new species
Fourmanoir, Pierre, 1961, Requins de la côte ouest de Madagascar, Mem. Inst. Rech. Sci. Madagascar, F 4, pp. 1-81
: 24
24 |
Cosmopolitodus planus
comb. nov.
Yun, Chan-gyu, 2022, A Tooth Of The Extinct Lamnid Shark, Cosmopolitodus Planus Comb. Nov. (Chondrichthyes: Elasmobranchii) From The Miocene Of Pohang City, South Korea, Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae 18 (1), pp. 9-16
: 11-12
11-12 |
Alopias vulpinus
Fermon, Yves, Bailly, Nicolas, Cardiec, Floriane, Causse, Romain, Chartrain, Emmanuel, Chirio, Laurent, Bruyne, Godefroy De, Deynat, Pascal, Hopkins, Carl D., Lamboj, Anton, Mennesson, Marion I., Beh, Jean-Hervé Mve, Paugy, Didier, Sidlauskas, Brian, Sullivan, John P., Weghe, Jean-Pierre Van De, Vigliotta, Thomas R. & Zee, Jouke Van Der, 2022, An annotated checklist of the fishes of Gabon, Cybium 46 (2), pp. 2-3
: 92
92 |
new species
Liu, J. - X., 1983, Description of a new species of the shark genus Carcharhinus from China, Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica 8, No. 1, pp. 101-103
: 101 (English p. 103)
101 (English p. 103) |
Carcharodon carcharias
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 43-44
43-44 |
Elasmobranch, Its Implications For Global, Parasitology, Diversity And, Naylor, G. J. P., Sc, Caira, J. N., Ct, Jensen, K., Ks, Rosana, K. A. M., Fl, White, W. T., Csiro, Tas, Last, P. R., Csiro & Tas, 2012, A Dna Sequence-Based Approach To The Identification Of Shark And Ray Species And Its Implications For Global Elasmobranch Diversity And Parasitology, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2012 (367), pp. 1-262
: 50
50 |
new species
Weber, M., 1913, Die Fische der Siboga-Expedition, E. J. Brill
: 595
595 |
Adolfssen, Jan S. & Ward, David J., 2015, Neoselachians from the Danian (early Paleocene) of Denmark, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (2), pp. 313-338
: 328
328 |
Otodus (Megaselachus)
Höltke, Olaf, Salvador, Rodrigo B. & Rasser, Michael W., 2023, Trophic relationships in the Early Miocene Upper Marine Molasse of Baden-Württemberg, Southwest Germany, with special emphasis on the elasmobranch fauna, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 46) 26 (3), pp. 1-38
: 34
34 |
gen. nov.
Kriwet, Jürgen, Klug, Stefanie, Canudo, José I. & Cuenca-Bescos, Gloria, 2008, A new Early Cretaceous lamniform shark (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 154 (2), pp. 278-290
: 280
280 |
Odontaspis speyeri
Adolfssen, Jan S. & Ward, David J., 2015, Neoselachians from the Danian (early Paleocene) of Denmark, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (2), pp. 313-338
: 329
329 |
Adolfssen, Jan S. & Ward, David J., 2015, Neoselachians from the Danian (early Paleocene) of Denmark, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60 (2), pp. 313-338
: 329
329 |
Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90
: 8
8 |
Mennerotodus glueckmani
Cicimurri, David J., Ebersole, Jun A. & Martin, George, 2020, Two new species of Mennerotodus Zhelezko, 1994 (Chondrichthyes: Lamniformes: Odontaspididae), from the Paleogene of the southeastern United States, Fossil Record 23 (2), pp. 117-140
: 121
121 |
new species
de Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay, 1816, Prodrome d’une nouvelle distribution systématique du règne animal, Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, Série 7 8, pp. 105-112
: 121
121 |
new species
Whitley, Gilbert P., 1939, Taxonomic notes on sharks and rays, Australian zoologist 9, No. 3, pp. 227-262
: 240
240 |
new species
de Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay, 1816, Prodrome d’une nouvelle distribution systématique du règne animal, Bulletin de la Société Philomathique de Paris, Série 7 8, pp. 105-112
: 121
121 |
new species
Garrick, J. A. F., 1967, Revision of sharks of genus Isurus with description of a new species (Galeoidea, Lamnidae), Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 118, pp. 663-690
: 677
677 |
Carcharias taurus
Alec B. M. Moore, Leonard J. V. Compagno & Ian K. Fergusson, 2007, The Persian / Arabian Gulf's sole great white shark Carcharodon carcharias (Lamniformes: Lamnidae) record from Kuwait: misidentification of a sandtiger shark Carcharias taurus (Lamniformes: Odontaspididae)., Zootaxa 1591, pp. 67-68
: 67-68
67-68 |
Carcharias taurus
Ebert, David A., Wintner, Sabine P. & Kyne, Peter M., 2021, An annotated checklist of the chondrichthyans of South Africa, Zootaxa 4947 (1), pp. 1-127
: 39-40
39-40 |
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