vuilleti, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 15 Treatments

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Haplothrips vuilleti     Maroto, Julio & Berzosa, Jacinto, 2021, Contribución al conocimiento de la fauna tisanopterológica (Insecta: Thysanoptera) de Galicia (España): complejo dunar de A Lanzada y abedular de Montederramo, Arquivos Entomolóxicos 24, pp. 181-204 : 191 191
Haplothrips vuilleti     Maroto, Julio & Berzosa, Jacinto, 2021, Contribución al conocimiento de la fauna tisanopterológica (Insecta: Thysanoptera) de Galicia (España): complejo dunar de A Lanzada y abedular de Montederramo, Arquivos Entomolóxicos 24, pp. 181-204 : 195-196 195-196
Macronotops vuilleti     Qiu, Jian-Yue, Xu, Hao & Chen, Li, 2019, A revision of the rare flower beetle genus Macronotops Krikken (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) from Asia with biological notes, Zootaxa 4556 (1), pp. 1-65 : 38-40 38-40
Waxiella vuilleti     Hodgson, Chris J. & Peronti, Ana L. B. G., 2012, 3372, Zootaxa 3372, pp. 1-265 : 222-225 222-225
Phaulothrips vuilleti     Mound, Laurence A. & Tree, Desley J., 2013, Australian spore-feeding thrips of the genus Phaulothrips (Thysanoptera, Idolothripinae), Zootaxa 3608 (4), pp. 239-252 : 240 240
Bruchocida (Eupelmus) vuilleti     Gary A. P. Gibson & Lucian Fusu, 2016, Revision of the Palaearctic species of Eupelmus (Eupelmus) Dalman (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae), Zootaxa 4081 (1), pp. 1-331 : 303-304 303-304
Thrips vuilleti     Mirab-balou, M., 2018, An updated checklist of Iranian thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera), Far Eastern Entomologist 361, pp. 12-36 : 28 28
Bruchocida vuilleti     Fusu, Lucian, Ebrahimi, Ebrahim, Siebold, Cedric & Villemant, Claire, 2015, Revision of the Eupelmidae Walker, 1833 described by Jean Risbec. Part 1: the slide mounted specimens housed at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, Zoosystema 37 (3), pp. 457-480 : 467-468 467-468
Eupelmus vuilleti     Pérez-Benavides, A. Lucía, Hernández-Baz, Fernando, González, Jorge M. & Riverón, Alejandro Zaldívar, 2019, Updated taxonomic checklist of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) associated with Bruchinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4638 (3), pp. 301-343 : 314 314
Pachnoda vuilleti subsp. vuilleti     Serrano, Artur R. M., 2022, The rose chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) of Guinea-Bissau: an annotated checklist and new records, Zootaxa 5104 (2), pp. 151-195 : 162 162
Haplothrips (Haplothrips) vuilleti     Mirab-balou, M., 2018, An updated checklist of Iranian thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera), Far Eastern Entomologist 361, pp. 12-36 : 30 30
Haplothrips vuilleti     Poushkova, S. V. & Kasatkin, D. G., 2020, To the knowledge of the fauna of thrips (Thysanoptera) of the Middle East and the South Caspian region, Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2), pp. 213-217 : 217 217
Mesocomys vuilleti     Fusu, Lucian, Ebrahimi, Ebrahim, Siebold, Cedric & Villemant, Claire, 2015, Revision of the Eupelmidae Walker, 1833 described by Jean Risbec. Part 1: the slide mounted specimens housed at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle in Paris, Zoosystema 37 (3), pp. 457-480 : 475 475
Phaulothrips vuilleti     Mound, Laurence A. & Tree, Desley J., 2013, Australian spore-feeding thrips of the genus Phaulothrips (Thysanoptera, Idolothripinae), Zootaxa 3608 (4), pp. 239-252 : 251 251
Vuilletia     Dahiya, Nisha, 2014, Systematic relationships of Vuilletia and Senegathrips (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae) from galls on the West African shrub Guiera senegalensis, Zootaxa 3811 (1), pp. 146-148 : 146 146