dissectus, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 12 Treatments

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Lucasioides dissectus   sp. nov.  Wang, Jin, Yao, Chong-Hui, Jiang, Chao & Li, Wei-Chun, 2024, Integrative taxonomy reveals exceptional species diversity of Lucasioides from China (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Agnaridae), Arthropod Systematics & amp; Phylogeny 82, pp. 527-549 : 527-549 527-549
Polydesmus dissectus     Keller, Oliver, Dunn, Ann & Soto-Adames, Felipe, 2023, An annotated catalog of the primary type material of Myriapoda deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in Gainesville, FL, USA, Zootaxa 5293 (2), pp. 230-250 : 243-244 243-244
Plegaderus dissectus     Mitter, Heinz, 2017, Bemerkenswerte Käferfunde aus Oberösterreich XIV und Anhang weiterer bemerkenswerter Funde aus Österreich (Insecta: Coleoptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2), pp. 1489-1504 : 1491 1491
Oxybelus dissectus     Mokrousov, M. V., Proshchalykin, M. Yu., Aliyev, Kh. A. & Maharramov, M. M., 2019, To the knowledge of digger wasps (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan, Far Eastern Entomologist 394, pp. 1-24 : 14 14
Hymenoptera   new species  Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1798, Supplementum entomologiae systematicae, Proft et Storch : 269 269
Plegaderus (Plegaderus) dissectus     Penati, Fabio, 2009, An updated catalogue of the Histeridae (Coleoptera) of Sardinia, with faunistic, zoogeographical, ecological and conservation remarks *, Zootaxa 2318, pp. 197-280 : 261 261
Plegaderus dissectus     Chittaro, Yannick & Sanchez, Andreas, 2017, À propos de quelques Coléoptères rares ou nouveaux pour la Suisse, Entomo Helvetica 10, pp. 45-53 : 49 49
Plegaderus (Plegaderus) dissectus     Ghahari, Hassan, Mazur, Slawomir & Ostovan, Hadi, 2017, A Checklist of the Histeridae (Coleoptera: Histeroidea) of Iran, The Coleopterists Bulletin 71 (3), pp. 595-611 : 597 597
Oxybelus dissectus     Jahantigh, Fatemeh, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Mokhtari, Azizollah & Ramroodi, Sara, 2017, Catalogue of Ampulicidae, Crabronidae and Sphecidae of Iran (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Zootaxa 4307 (1), pp. 1-96 : 52-53 52-53
Wesmaelius dissectus   sp. nov.  Zhao, Yang, Tian, Yanlin & Liu, Zhiqi, 2017, New data on brown lacewing genus Wesmaelius Krüger, 1922 from China (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae), with a key to Chinese species, Zootaxa 4273 (1), pp. 19-30 : 21-24 21-24
Oxybelus dissectus     Dollfuss, H., 2008, The Crabronid Wasps of the Genera Oxybelus LATREILLE 1796 and Brimocelus ARNOLD 1927 of " Biologiezentrum Linz " Collection in Linz, Austria (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (1), pp. 463-505 : 470-471 470-471
Oxybelus dissectus     Gadallah, Neveen S., 2020, Biodiversity of the aculeate wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) of the Arabian Peninsula: Apoidea (Spheciformes), Crabronidae, Zootaxa 4754 (1), pp. 20-73 : 20-73 20-73