aurantiaca, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 100 Treatments

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Proceraea aurantiaca     Faulwetter, Sarah, Simboura, Nomiki, Katsiaras, Nikolaos, Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos & Arvanitidis, Christos, 2017, Polychaetes of Greece: an updated and annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 20997-20997 : 20997 20997
Okanagana aurantiaca     Sanborn, Allen F., 1999, Cicada (Homoptera: Cicadoidea) Type Material in the Collections of the American Museum of Natural History, California Academy of Sciences, Snow Entomological Museum, Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, and the United States National Museum, The Florida Entomologist 82 (1), pp. 34-60 : 46 46
Okanagana aurantiaca     Sanborn, Allen F., 2007, New species, new records and checklist of cicadas from Mexico (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadidae), Zootaxa 1651, pp. 1-42 : 38 38
Tachardina aurantiaca     Williams, Douglas J. & Miller, Douglass R., 2010, Scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccoidea) of the Krakatau Islands including species from adjacent Java, Zootaxa 2451, pp. 43-52 : 46 46
Polymniella aurantiaca     Londoño-Mesa, Mario H., 2009, Terebellidae (Polychaeta: Terebellida) from the Grand Caribbean region 2320, Zootaxa 2320 (1), pp. 1-93 : 56 56
Poekilloptera aurantiaca     Campodonico, Juan Francisco, 2021, Los Fulgoroidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) de Chile, Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 47 (4), pp. 801-928 : 887 887
Ischnocoelia robusta subsp. aurantiaca     Carpenter, James M. & Brown, Graham R., 2021, Catalogue of the Australian Eumeninae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Zootaxa 4919 (1), pp. 1-68 : 13 13
Eurylepta aurantiaca     Cuadrado, Daniel, Hernández-Gonzalez, Alejandro, Noreña, Carolina & Simões, Nuno, 2024, Polyclads (Platyhelminthes) in the southern Gulf of Mexico: unveiling biodiversity and descriptions of two new species, ZooKeys 1221, pp. 103-144 : 103-144 103-144
Haplosyllis aurantiaca     Lattig, Patricia & Martin, Daniel, 2009, A taxonomic revision of the genus Haplosyllis Langerhans, 1887 (Polychaeta: Syllidae: Syllinae), Zootaxa 2220, pp. 1-40 : 34 34
Lecythis persistens subsp. aurantiaca     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 502 502
Haplosymploce aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Zheng, Yuhong, Li, Xinran & Wang, Zongqing, 2016, A taxonomic report on the cockroach genus Haplosymploce Hanitsch from China including one new species (Blattodea: Ectobiidae: Blattellinae), Zootaxa 4066 (2), pp. 161-170 : 166-169 166-169
Glyphocrangon aurantiaca     Poupin, Joseph, 2024, A documented checklist of the Crustacea (Stomatopoda, Decapoda) of the southern Guianas (Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil Amapá), European Journal of Taxonomy 954 (1), pp. 1-197 : 64 64
Bilobella aurantiaca     Mayvan, Mahmood Mehrafrooz, Greenslade, Penelope & Sadeghi-Namaghi, Hussein, 2023, An annotated checklist of the Collembola (Hexapoda) from Iran, Zootaxa 5275 (1), pp. 1-101 : 27 27
Brassia aurantiaca   comb. nov.  Chase, M. W. & Whitten, W. M., 2011, Further taxonomic transfers in Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 20 (1), pp. 26-32 : 27 27
Naineris aurantiaca     Alvarez, Ricardo Castro, Miranda, Vinícius Da Rocha & Brasil, Ana Claudia Dos Santos, 2019, Redescription of Naineris aurantiaca (Müller, 1858) and designation of a neotype from the Brazilian coast (Annelida: Orbiniidae), Zootaxa 4571 (1), pp. 125-136 : 128-133 128-133
Pityrogramma aurantiaca     Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108 : 16 16
Celtis aurantiaca     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Eurylepta aurantiaca     Pitale, Reshma & Apte, Deepak, 2019, Intertidal Euryleptid polyclads and description of a new Stylostomum Lang, 1884 from Maharashtra, India, Zootaxa 4652 (2), pp. 317-339 : 326-328 326-328
Nectria aurantiaca     de la Fuente, Javier Isaac, García-Jiménez, Jesús, López, Caribell Yuridia, Oros-Ortega, Iván, Vela-Hernández, Reyna Yazuly, Guevara-Guerrero, Gonzalo, Garza Ocañas, Fortunato, Chay Casanova, Jesús Antonio, Ibarra Garibay, León Esteban & Bandala, Victor Manuel, 2020, An annotated checklist of the macrofungi (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Glomeromycota) from Quintana Roo, Mexico, Check List 16 (3), pp. 627-648 : 629 629
Adenomera aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Carvalho, Thiago R. D., Moraes, Leandro J. C. L., Lima, Albertina P., Fouquet, Antoine, Peloso, Pedro L. V., Pavan, Dante, Drummond, Leandro O., Rodrigues, Miguel T., Giaretta, Ariovaldo A., Gordo, Marcelo, Neckel-Oliveira, Selvino & Haddad, Célio F. B., 2021, Systematics and historical biogeography of Neotropical foam-nesting frogs of the Adenomera heyeri clade (Leptodactylidae), with the description of six new Amazonian species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 191, pp. 395-433 : 416-420 416-420
Miconia aurantiaca   comb. nov.  Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 60-62 60-62
Xanthogryllacris punctipennis subsp. aurantiaca     Ingrisch, Sigfrid, 2018, New taxa and records of Gryllacrididae (Orthoptera, Stenopelmatoidea) from South East Asia and New Guinea with a key to the genera, Zootaxa 4510 (1), pp. 1-278 : 93 93
Meria aurantiaca     Liao, Xiang-Ping, Chen, Bin & Li, Ting-Jing, 2022, A taxonomic revision of the subfamily Myzininae from China, with a key to the Chinese species (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae), Zootaxa 5154 (2), pp. 152-174 : 163-164 163-164
Leucanopsis aurantiaca     Vincent, Benoît & Laguerre, Michel, 2014, Catalogue of the Neotropical Arctiini Leach, [1815] (except Ctenuchina Kirby, 1837 and Euchromiina Butler, 1876) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae), Zoosystema 36 (2), pp. 137-533 : 360 360
Heliographa aurantiaca     Couri, Márcia & Pont, Adrian, 2020, Type specimens of Limnophorini (Diptera: Muscidae) deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Berlin, Germany), Zoologia (e 46879) 37, pp. 1-57 : 4 4
Diptera   new species  Meigen, Johann Wilhelm, 1824, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Vierter Theil., Schulz-Wundermann : -1 -1
Oreocharis aurantiaca     Möller, Michael, Middleton, David, Nishii, Kanae, Wei, Yi-Gang, Sontag, Susanne & Weber, Anton, 2011, A new delineation for Oreocharis incorporating an additional ten genera of Chinese Gesneriaceae, Phytotaxa 23, pp. 1-36 : 17 17
Alpenus aurantiaca     Dubаtolov, Vlаdimir V., 2017, Two new tiger-moth species from Afrotropics with reviews of genera Pericaliella and Monstruncusarctia (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea: Erebidae, Arctiinae), Zootaxa 4353 (3), pp. 577-583 : 580 580
Thyenula aurantiaca     Wesołowska, Wanda, Azarkina, Galina N. & Russell-Smith, Anthony, 2014, Euophryine jumping spiders of the Afrotropical Region-new taxa and a checklist (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae), Zootaxa 3789 (1), pp. 1-72 : 49-50 49-50
Lamiales   new species  Hilliard, Olive Mary & Burtt, Bernard Dearman, 2002, The genus Agalmyla (Gesneriaceae-Cyrtandroideae), Edinburgh Journal of Botany 59, pp. 1-210 : 143 143
Nemka aurantiaca     Ljubomirov, Toshko & Ghahari, Hassan, 2012, An annotated checklist of Mutillidae (Insecta: Hymenoptera) from Iran, Zootaxa 3449, pp. 1-25 : 13 13
Bilobella aurantiaca     Bendjaballah, Mohamed, Zoughailech, Abdelmalek, Brahim-Bounab, Hayette, Hamra-Kroua, Salah, Bedos, Anne & Deharveng, Louis, 2018, Annotated checklist of the springtails (Hexapoda: Collembola) of the Collo massif, northeastern Algeria, Zoosystema 40 (16), pp. 389-414 : 397 397
Oreorchis aurantiaca     Ormerod, Paul, Kurzweil, Hubert & Watthana, Santi, 2021, Annotated List of Orchidaceae for Myanmar, Phytotaxa 481 (1), pp. 1-262 : 178 178
Cordyceps aurantiaca     Zha, Ling-Sheng, Kryukov, Vadim Yu, Ding, Jian-Hua, Jeewon, Rajesh & Chomnunti, Putarak, 2021, Novel taxa and species diversity of Cordyceps sensu lato (Hypocreales, Ascomycota) developing on wireworms (Elateroidea and Tenebrionoidea, Coleoptera), MycoKeys 78, pp. 79-117 : 79 79
Lycenchelys aurantiaca     Kawarada, Shumpei, Imamura, Hisashi, Narimatsu, Yoji & Shinohara, Gento, 2020, Taxonomic revision of the genus Lycenchelys (Osteichthyes: Zoarcidae) in Japanese waters, Zootaxa 4762 (1), pp. 1-66 : 10-14 10-14
Eulasia (Eulasia) aurantiaca     Ghahari, Hassan, Nikodým, Milan & M, Pygopleurus, 2018, An annotated checklist of Glaphyridae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) of Iran, Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (2), pp. 1171-1193 : 1173-1174 1173-1174
Protoneura aurantiaca     Ellenrieder, Natalia Von & Garrison, Rosser W., 2017, A synopsis of the Neotropical genus Protoneura (Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4361 (1), pp. 1-76 : 13-15 13-15
Austrocnephia aurantiaca     Craig, Douglas A., Currie, Douglas C., Gil-Azevedo, Leonardo H. & Moulton, John K., 2019, Austrocnephia, new genus, for five species of ‘ Paracnephia’ (Diptera: Simuliidae), with a key to Australian black fly genera, Zootaxa 4627 (1), pp. 1-92 : 7 7
Oreomecon aurantiaca   comb. nov.  Elvebakk, Arve & Bjerke, Jarle W., 2024, Papaver recircumscribed: A review of neighbouring Papaveraceae genera, including Afropapaver nom. et stat. nov. and Oreomecon, a large, Arctic-Alpine genus, PhytoKeys 248, pp. 105-188 : 105-188 105-188
Eurylepta aurantiaca     Bahia, Juliana, Padula, Vinicius, Lavrado, Helena Passeri & Quiroga, Sigmer, 2014, Taxonomy of Cotylea (Platyhelminthes: Polycladida) from Cabo Frio, southeastern Brazil, with the description of a new species, Zootaxa 3873 (5), pp. 495-525 : 520-521 520-521
Asplundia aurantiaca     MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Ceroctis aurantiaca     Bologna, Marco A., Amore, Valentina & Pitzalis, Monica, 2018, Meloidae of Namibia (Coleoptera): taxonomy and faunistics with biogeographic and ecological notes, Zootaxa 4373 (1), pp. 1-141 : 49-50 49-50
Aphelandra aurantiaca     MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Platycnemididae     Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kalkman, Vincent J., Dow, Rory A., Stokvis, Frank R. & Tol, Jan Van, 2014, Redefining the damselfly families: a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Zygoptera (Odonata). Supporting Information Table 2: List of analysed samples., Systematic Entomology 39 (1), pp. 1-10 : 7 7
Fasciolaria aurantiaca     Finet, Yves & Snyder, Martin Avery, 2012, Illustrations and taxonomic placement of the Recent Fusus and Fasciolaria in the Lamarck collection of the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Zootaxa 3507 (1), pp. 1-37 : 2-3 2-3
Mantella aurantiaca     Jovanovic, Olga, Glos, Julian, Glaw, Frank, Randrianiaina, Roger-Daniel & Vences, Miguel, 2009, Comparative larval morphology in Madagascan frogs of the genus Mantella (Amphibia: Mantellidae), Zootaxa 2124, pp. 21-37 : 25-26 25-26
Euselasia aurantiaca subsp. aurum     Luis-Martínez, Armando, Covarrubias, Arturo Arellano & Llorente-Bousquets, Jorge, 2017, Papilionoidea (Insecta: Lepidoptera) type specimens at the Museo de Zoología “ Alfonso L. Herrera ” from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Zootaxa 4232 (2), pp. 151-172 : 157 157
Antepipona aurantiaca     Kumar, Girish P., Carpenter, James M. & Sureshan, Pavittu M., 2016, A taxonomic review of the genus Antepipona de Saussure, 1855 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from India, Zootaxa 4150 (5), pp. 501-536 : 503-504 503-504
Proceraea aurantiaca     Nygren, Arne, 2004, Revision of Autolytinae (Syllidae: Polychaeta)., Zootaxa 680, pp. 1-314 : 44-45 44-45
Pseudonortonia aurantiaca     J. M, Gusenleitner, J. & Madl, M., 2010, A Catalogue of the Eumeninae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of the Ethiopian Region excluding Malagasy Subregion. Part II: Genera Delta de SAUSSURE 1885 to Zethus FABRICIUS 1804 and Species Incertae Sedis, Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (1), pp. 95-315 : 207 207
Yungia aurantiaca     Gammoudi, Mehrez & Tekaya, Saïda, 2017, Suborders Acotylea and Cotylea (Polycladida): Study on morphological, ecological and reproductive features of some representative species from Tunisian coasts (Mediterranean), Ecologica Montenegrina 10, pp. 58-70 : 64 64
Narella aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Cairns, Stephen D., 2018, Primnoidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Calcaxonia) of the Okeanos Explorer expeditions (CAPSTONE) to the central Pacific, Zootaxa 4532 (1), pp. 1-43 : 31-34 31-34
Myrmarachne aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Benjamin, Suresh P., 2015, Model mimics: antlike jumping spiders of the genus Myrmarachne from Sri Lanka, Journal of Natural History 49 (43), pp. 2609-2666 : 2613 2613
Leucospis aurantiaca     Ye, Xin-hai, van Achterberg, Cornelis, Yue, Qi & Xu, Zai-fu, 2017, Review of the Chinese Leucospidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea), ZooKeys 651, pp. 107-157 : 112-113 112-113
Acontista aurantiaca     Schwarz, Christian J., Ehrmann, Reinhard, Stiewe, Martin B. D., Mörtter, Rolf & Falkenberg, Michael, 2020, Mantodea of Panguana (Insecta: Dictyoptera), Zootaxa 4824 (1), pp. 1-66 : 40 40
Pentatoma aurantiaca     Grazia, Jocélia & Campos, Luiz A., 2010, Neotropical Pentatomidae (Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of the collection of Massimiliano Spinola preserved in the “ Museo Regionale de Scienze Naturali ” ̡ Turin ̡ Italy, Zoologia 27 (3), pp. 413-424 : 420 420
Lysilinga aurantiaca     Webb, Donald W. & Metz, Mark A., 2006, A Revision of the New World Genera Brachylinga Irwin and Lyneborg and Lysilinga Irwin and Lyneborg (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) with the Description of a New Genus, Elcaribe Webb, Zootaxa 1288 (1288), pp. 1-241 : 208-210 208-210
Megachile (Hackeriapis) aurantiaca     Zakardjian, Marie, Jourdan, Herve, Cochenille, Thomas, Mahe, Prisca & Geslin, Benoit, 2023, Checklist of the bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) of New Caledonia, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 105291-105291 : 105291 105291
Rimicaris aurantiaca     Martin, Joel W. & Haney, Todd A., 2005, Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 145 (4), pp. 445-522 : 467 467
Paneliusia aurantiaca     Sikora, Tomáš, Jaschhof, Mathias & Ševčík, Jan, 2017, Glossostyles perspicua gen. et sp. nov. and other fungivorous Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) new to the Czech and Slovak Republics, European Journal of Taxonomy 303, pp. 1-29 : 22-23 22-23
Atkinsoniella aurantiaca     Feng, Ling & Zhang, Yalin, 2015, The leafhopper genus Atkinsoniella Distant (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae) with descriptions of two new species from China, Zootaxa 4028 (2), pp. 274-286 : 275 275
Nymphoides aurantiaca     Ito, Yu & Barfod, Anders S., 2014, An updated checklist of aquatic plants of Myanmar and Thailand, Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1019-1019 : 1019 1019
Nectria aurantiaca     Yang, Qin, Du, Zhuo, Liang, Ying-Mei & Tian, Cheng-Ming, 2018, Molecular phylogeny of Nectria species associated with dieback and canker diseases in China, with a new species described, Phytotaxa 356 (3), pp. 199-214 : 210 210
Miconia aurantiaca     Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 34-35 34-35
Vanda aurantiaca   comb. nov.  Gardiner, Lauren Maria, 2012, New combinations in the genus Vanda (Orchidaceae), Phytotaxa 61 (1), pp. 47-54 : 49 49
(Asthena) aurantiaca     Schmidt, Olga, 2015, List of primary types of the larentiine moth species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) described from Indonesia - a starting point for biodiversity assessment of the subfamily in the region, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 5447-5447 : 5447 5447
Pilosella aurantiaca     Krasnopoļska, Dana, 2019, Interspecific Hybridization And Invasiveness Of Pilosella Aurantiaca (L.) F. Schultz Et Sch. Bip. In Latvia, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 19 (2), pp. 219-225 : 222-223 222-223
Ectenessa aurantiaca     Ferreira, Gabriel Dos Santos, Ferreira, André Da Silva & Bravo, Freddy, 2023, Annotated checklist of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera: Chrysomeloidea) from the Brazilian semi-arid region, with new species and new geographic records, Zootaxa 5235 (1), pp. 1-81 : 33 33
Quercus aurantiaca     Rzedowski, Jerzy & Grether, Rosaura, 2018, Two new species of the genus Indigofera (Papilionoideae, Leguminosae) from central Mexico, Phytotaxa 372 (4), pp. 256-262 : 259-261 259-261
Index aurantiaca     Wijayawardene, Nalin N., Dai, Dong-Qin, Premarathne, Bhagya M., Wimalasena, Madhara K., Jayalal, Udeni, Wickramanayake, Kawmini D., Dangalla, Hasanka, Jayathunga, Hashini, Brahmanage, Rashika S., Karunarathna, Samantha C., Weerakoon, Gothamie, Ariyawansa, Kahandawa G. S. U., Yapa, Neelamanie, Madawala, Sumedha, Nanayakkara, Chandrika M., Fan, Xin-Lei, Kirk, Paul M., Zhang, Gui-Qing, Ediriweera, Aseni, Bhat, Jayarama, Dawoud, Turki M. & Tibpromma, Saowaluck, 2023, Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 611 (1), pp. 1-105 : 64 64
Spathidexia aurantiaca   sp. n.  Fleming, AJ, Wood, D. Monty, Janzen, Daniel, Hallwachs, Winnie & Smith, M. Alex, 2015, Seven new species of Spathidexia Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae) reared from caterpillars in Area de Conservacion Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 4597-4597 : 4597 4597
Hymenoptera   new species  Yoshimoto, Carl M., 1962, Revision of the Hawaiian Eucoilinae (Hym.: Cynipoidea)., Pacific insects 4, No. 4, pp. 799-845 : 805 805
Antepipona aurantiaca     Pannure, Arati & Carpenter, James M., 2016, Taxonomic studies on potter wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) of south India, Zootaxa 4171 (1), pp. 1-50 : 23 23
Typhline aurantiaca     Barabanov, Andrei & Milto, Konstantin, 2017, An annotated type catalogue of the anguid, dibamid, scincid and varanid lizards in the Department of Herpetology, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (Reptilia: Sauria: Anguidae, Dibamidae, Scincidae and Varanidae), Zootaxa 4244 (1), pp. 65-78 : 75 75
Synemosyna aurantiaca     Perger, Robert, Rubio, Gonzalo D. & Haddad, Charles R., 2021, On ant-like Synemosyna Hentz, 1846 spiders from Bolivia, with indirect evidence for polymorphic mimicry complexes (Araneae: Salticidae: Simonellini), European Journal of Taxonomy 748 (1), pp. 67-88 : 72-74 72-74
Chone aurantiaca     Tovar-Hernández, María Ana, 2007, Revision of Chone Krøyer, 1856 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from North America and descriptions of four new species, Journal of Natural History 41 (9 - 12), pp. 511-566 : 516-519 516-519
Carcinopodia aurantiaca     Mbata, Keith J. & Prins, Jurate De, 2023, Annotated checklist of moths of Zambia (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5354 (1), pp. 1-503 : 293 293
Arcicella aurantiaca     Lee, Do-Hoon, Jang, Ho-Jin, Bae, Jin-Woo, Cho, Jang-Cheon, Jang, Kwang-Yeop, Joh, Ki-seong & Cha, Chi-Nam Seong and Chang-Jun, 2018, A report of 22 unrecorded bacterial species in Korea in the phyla Bacteroidetes and Rhodothermaeota, Journal of Species Research 7 (2), pp. 123-134 : 126 126
Ghatiana aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Pati, S. K. & Sharma, R. M., 2014, Description of Ghatiana, a new genus of freshwater crab, with two new species and a new species of Gubernatoriana (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Gecarcinucidae) from the Western Ghat Mountains, India, Journal of Natural History 48 (21), pp. 1279-1298 : 1289-1292 1289-1292
Coelogyne aurantiaca   comb. nov.  Chase, Mark W., Gravendeel, Barbara, Sulistyo, Bobby P., Wati, Richa Kusuma & Schuiteman, André, 2021, Expansion of the orchid genus Coelogyne (Arethuseae; Epidendroideae) to include Bracisepalum, Bulleyia, Chelonistele, Dendrochilum, Dickasonia, Entomophobia, Geesinkorchis, Gynoglottis, Ischnogyne, Nabaluia, Neogyna, Otochilus, Panisea and Pholidota, Phytotaxa 510 (2), pp. 94-134 : 103 103
Chrysorabdia aurantiaca     Singh, Navneet, Joshi, Rahul, Kirti, Jagbir Singh, Bisht, Santosh Singh & Param, Harsimranjeet Singh, 2021, A catalogue of Indian Arctiinae (Erebidae, Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5058 (1), pp. 1-118 : 50 50
Musa aurantiaca     Häkkinen, Markku & Väre, Henry, 2008, Typification and check-list of Musa L. names (Musaceae) with nomenclatural notes, Adansonia (3) 30 (1), pp. 63-112 : 67 67
Tachardina aurantiaca     Hodgson, Chris, 2020, A review of neococcid scale insects (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Coccomorpha) based on the morphology of the adult males, Zootaxa 4765 (1), pp. 1-264 : 164-166 164-166
Yungia aurantiaca     Noreña, Carolina, 2017, The Polycladida (Platyhelminthes) of the Canary Islands. New genus, species and records, Zootaxa 4312 (1) : -1 -1
Hesiospina aurantiaca     Faulwetter, Sarah, Simboura, Nomiki, Katsiaras, Nikolaos, Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos & Arvanitidis, Christos, 2017, Polychaetes of Greece: an updated and annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 20997-20997 : 20997 20997
Morinda aurantiaca     Razafimandimbison, Sylvain G. & Bremer, Birgitta, 2011, Nomenclatural changes and taxonomic notes in the tribe Morindeae (Rubiaceae), Adansonia (3) 33 (2), pp. 283-309 : 298 298
Virbia aurantiaca     Vincent, Benoît & Laguerre, Michel, 2014, Catalogue of the Neotropical Arctiini Leach, [1815] (except Ctenuchina Kirby, 1837 and Euchromiina Butler, 1876) (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae), Zoosystema 36 (2), pp. 137-533 : 382 382
Reteporella aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Gordon, Dennis P., 2009, New bryozoan taxa from a new marine conservation area in New Zealand, with a checklist of Bryozoa from Greater Cook Strait, Zootaxa 1987, pp. 39-60 : 50 50
Priopoda aurantiaca     Sheng, Mao-Ling & Sun, Shu-Ping, 2012, The species of Priopoda Holmgren (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from China with a key to species known in Oriental and Eastern Palaearctic Regions, Zootaxa 3222, pp. 46-60 : 59 59
Epocilla aurantiaca     Magar, Kiran Thapa, Shrestha, Bimal Raj, Gurung, Tek Bahadur, K. C., Rabin Bahadur, Babu, Lamichhane, Ram, Hill, David E. & Thapa, Arjun, 2020, New records of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Nepal, Peckhamia 220 (1), pp. 1-11 : 5 5
Pilosella aurantiaca     Krasnopoļska, Dana, 2019, Interspecific Hybridization And Invasiveness Of Pilosella Aurantiaca (L.) F. Schultz Et Sch. Bip. In Latvia, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 19 (2), pp. 219-225 : 222 222
Luciola aurantiaca     Ho, - Z., 2019, The Luciolinae of S. E. Asia and the Australopacific region: a revisionary checklist (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) including description of three new genera and 13 new species, Zootaxa 4687 (1), pp. 1-174 : 154 154
Austrocnephia aurantiaca     Craig, Douglas A., Currie, Douglas C., Gil-Azevedo, Leonardo H. & Moulton, John K., 2019, Austrocnephia, new genus, for five species of ‘ Paracnephia’ (Diptera: Simuliidae), with a key to Australian black fly genera, Zootaxa 4627 (1), pp. 1-92 : 8-27 8-27
Nucras aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Bauer, Aaron M., Childers, Jackie L., Broeckhoven, Chris & Mouton, P. Lefras N., 2019, A new Nucras Gray, 1838 (Squamata: Lacertidae) from the Strandveld of the Western Cape, South Africa, Zootaxa 4560 (1), pp. 149-163 : 154-157 154-157
Pagurixus aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Komai, Tomoyuki, 2010, New species and new records of the hermit crab genus Pagurixus Melin, 1939 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) from the Indo-West Pacific, Journal of Natural History 44 (21 - 22), pp. 1269-1342 : 1279-1285 1279-1285
Hetereleotris aurantiaca   sp. nov.  Kovačić, Marcelo, Bogorodsky, Sergey V. & Mal, Ahmad O., 2019, Two new species of Hetereleotris (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from the Red Sea, Zootaxa 4608 (3), pp. 501-516 : 504-508 504-508
Proceraea aurantiaca     Mikac, Barbara, 2015, A sea of worms: polychaete checklist of the Adriatic Sea, Zootaxa 3943 (1), pp. 1-172 : 132 132
Lepidoptera   new species  Alphéraky, Serge, 1892, Lepidoptera nova a Gr. Grum-Grshimailo in Asia Centrali novissime lecta, Trudy Russkago entomologicheskago obshchestva. Horae Societatis entomologicae rossicae 26, No. 3, pp. 444-459 : 452 452
Biemna aurantiaca     Bertolino, Marco, Costa, Gabriele, Bavestrello, Giorgio, Pansini, Maurizio & Daneri, Giovanni, 2020, New sponge species from Seno Magdalena, Puyuhuapi Fjord and Jacaf Canal (Chile), European Journal of Taxonomy 715, pp. 1-49 : 20-23 20-23
Glyphocrangon aurantiaca     Rodríguez-Quintal, Bladimir & Lira, Carlos, 2025, A review of deep-sea shrimps (Decapoda: Dendrobranchiata and Caridea) with four new records for Venezuela, Zootaxa 5583 (3), pp. 401-436 : 427-428 427-428

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