Pilosella × roxolanica (Rehm.) Soják, 1971

Krasnopoļska, Dana, 2019, Interspecific Hybridization And Invasiveness Of Pilosella Aurantiaca (L.) F. Schultz Et Sch. Bip. In Latvia, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 19 (2), pp. 219-225 : 222-223

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12649131

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Pilosella × roxolanica (Rehm.) Soják


Pilosella × roxolanica (Rehm.) Soják View in CoL [= Pilosella aurantiaca × Pilosella vaillantii ]

Pilosella × roxolanica (Rehmann) Soják, 1971 , Preslia, 43(2): 185; ШЛЯКов, 1989, ФЛ. евр. ч. СССР, 8: 365.

Hieracium guthnickianum Hegetschw. 1840 , Fl. Schweiz: 781 auct. non.; P.D.Sell et C.West, 1976, Fl. Europ. 4: 374 pro hybr.

Distribution: new hybridogenous species to flora of Latvia. Observation is known from one location in Lavia, Rauna district, Rauna, collected by D. Krasnopolska in 2017 (DAU 100002920) ( Fig. 5). First time collected by A. Opmanis in 2015. Location has been checked later several times by D. Krasnopolska in 2017 and 2019.

Pilosella × stoloniflora (Waldst. et Kit.) F.W.Schultz et Sch.Bip. [= Pilosella aurantiaca × Pilosella officinarum ]

Pilosella × stoloniflora (Waldst. et Kit.) F.W.Schultz et Sch.Bip. 1862 , Flora, 45: 423; ШЛЯКов, 1989, ФЛ. евр. ч. СССР, 8: 372; Kukk et Gudžinskas, 2003, Fl. of the Bal. Coun. 3: 100.

Hieracium stoloniflorum Waldst. Et Kit. 1812 , Pl. Rar. Hung. 3: 303, t. 273; P.D.Sell et C.West, 1976, Fl. Europ. 4: 375 pro hybr.

Distribution: new hybridogenous species to flora of Latvia. A single location of this species was found in Rīga, Mangaļsala, in 1979 by Lodziņa (LATV 52605) ( Fig.6 View Fig ).

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