Ephippiger ephippiger, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 29 Treatments

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Ephippiger ephippiger subsp. diurnus     Monnerat C., Thorens P., Walter T. & Gonseth Y., 2007, Rote Liste der Heuschrecken der Schweiz, Umwelt-Vollzug 7 (19), pp. 1-62 : 34 34
Hemianax ephippiger Burmeister 1839     Martin, R., 1910, Contribution à l'étude des Neuroptères de l'Afrique, Annales Societe Entomologique France 79, pp. 82-104 : 101 101
Brachysandalus ephippiger     Liu, Yingqi & Cai, Wanzhi, 2024, Revision of Australian Brachysandalus with the description of nine new species including one cavernicolous species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), and observations on male extragenital structure and leg teratology, Zootaxa 5490 (1), pp. 1-112 : 22-26 22-26
Saga ephippigera Fischer von Waldheim 1846     Şirin, Deniz, Taylan, Mehmet Sait, Sevgili, Hasan & Mol, Abbas, 2019, Bioacoustics review of Anatolian species of the predatory bush-cricket genus Saga (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Saginae) with the description of a new species, Zootaxa 4664 (1), pp. 83-102 : 89-90 89-90
Anax ephippiger     Shapovalov, M. I., Korotkov, E. A. & Saprykin, M. A., 2022, Additions to dragonfly (Odonata) fauna of the Republic of Adygea (North-Western Caucasus), Russian Entomological Journal 31 (3), pp. 213-217 : 214 214
Ephippiger ephippiger     Skejo, Josip, Rebrina, Fran, Szövényi, Gergely, Puskás, Gellért & Tvrtković, Nikola, 2018, The first annotated checklist of Croatian crickets and grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Ensifera, Caelifera), Zootaxa 4533 (1), pp. 1-95 : 18 18
Saga ephippigera Fischer de Waldheim 1846     Khudhur, Farhad A. & Ahmed, Soran H., 2020, New distribution records of the genus Saga Charpentier, 1825 (Orthoptera Tettigoniidae: Saginae) from Iraq, Zootaxa 4894 (2), pp. 297-300 : 297 297
Ephippiger ephippiger     Ünal, Mustafa, 2011, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Bradyporinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Bradyporini; Ephippigerini) of Turkey, with description of new species and the relationship of the taxa, Zootaxa 2899, pp. 1-42 : 36 36
Anax ephippiger     Bazzi, Gaia, Galimberti, Andrea, Foglini, Claudio, Bani, Luciano, Bazzi, Lionello, Bonvicini, Piero, Brembilla, Roberto, Brigo, Massimo, Cavenaghi, Alberto, Colombo, Giuseppe, Della Pieta, Cesare, Galliani, Carlo, Guarnaroli, Ettore, Larroux, Nicola, Monti, Alessandro, Orioli, Valerio, Ornaghi, Francesco, Pilon, Nicola, Pirotta, Giuliana, Radaelli, Giovanni, Tessa, Giulia & Assandri, Giacomo, 2023, Odonate diversity of a highly urbanised region: An annotated checklist of the damselflies and dragonflies (Insecta, Odonata) of Lario and Brianza (Lombardy, N Italy), Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 111358-111358 : 111358 111358
Anteoninae Kim & Lee, 2014, sp.nov. key    Kim, Chang-Jun & Lee, Jong-Wook, 2014, Check-list of Anteoninae R. Perkins, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) of South Korea, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 3802 (2), pp. 173-192 : 188-190 188-190
Protophthiracarus ephippiger Balogh & Mahunka 1978     Oliveira, Anibal R., Argolo, Poliane S., De, Gilberto J., Norton, Roy A. & Schatz, Heinrich, 2017, A checklist of the oribatid mite species (Acari: Oribatida) of Brazil, Zootaxa 4245 (1), pp. 1-89 : 21 21
Malachius (Malachius) ephippiger Redtenbacher 1843     Mirutenko, Vladyslav & Ghahari, Hassan, 2016, An annotated checklist of Malachiidae (Coleoptera: Cleroidea) from Iran, Zootaxa 4162 (2), pp. 331-346 : 341 341
Trichodes ephippiger Chevrolat 1874     Zappi, Iuri & Ghahari, Hassan, 2016, A checklist of the Cleridae of Iran with new data (Coleoptera: Cleroidea), Zootaxa 4147 (4), pp. 403-420 : 410 410
Anax ephippiger     Kutsarov, Yordan, Bechev, Dimitar, Kostadinov, Rosen & Marinov, Milen, 2012, The Bulgarian Odonata database - current status, organisation and a case study new entries, ZooNotes 2012 (33), pp. 1-25 : 5 5
Anteon ephippiger Dalman 1818     Kim, Chang-Jun & Lee, Jong-Wook, 2014, Check-list of Anteoninae R. Perkins, 1912 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) of South Korea, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 3802 (2), pp. 173-192 : 176 176
Amazoneura ephippigera     Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kalkman, Vincent J., Dow, Rory A., Stokvis, Frank R. & Tol, Jan Van, 2014, Redefining the damselfly families: a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of Zygoptera (Odonata). Supporting Information Table 2: List of analysed samples., Systematic Entomology 39 (1), pp. 1-10 : 7 7
Anax ephippiger     Ghahari, H., Thipaksorn, A., Naderian, H., Sakenin, H. & A. A, 2012, A faunistic study on the Odonata (Insecta) from Kurdistan province and vicinity, western Iran, Linzer biologische Beiträge 44 (2), pp. 1079-1085 : 1080 1080
Bradypus variegatus subsp. ephippiger Philippi 1870     Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Pilosa, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 100-103 : 101 101
Ephippiger ephippiger subsp. diurnus     Monnerat C., Thorens P., Walter T. & Gonseth Y., 2007, Rote Liste der Heuschrecken der Schweiz, Umwelt-Vollzug 7 (19), pp. 1-62 : 24 24
Anteon ephippiger     Kochetkov, D. N., 2024, NEW RECORDS OF PINCER WASPS (HYMENOPTERA: DRYINIDAE) FROM RUSSIA, WITH DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF BOCCHUS ASHMEAD, 1893, Far Eastern Entomologist 498, pp. 1-12 : 3 3
Ephippiger ephippiger     Ivković, Slobodan, Online, Published & Version, Final, 2017, First results of a faunistic survey on the Orthoptera of Jadovnik Mountain, southwestern Serbia, with data on the calling songs of some bush cricket species, Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (6), pp. 1083-1095 : 1091 1091
Anteon ephippiger Dalman 1818     Else, George R., Bolton, Barry & Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - aculeates (Apoidea, Chrysidoidea and Vespoidea), Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8050-8050 : 8050 8050
Bembidion ephippigerum     Bousquet, Yves, 2012, Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico, ZooKeys 245, pp. 1-1722 : 412-413 412-413
Hemianax ephippiger Burmeister 1839     K. J. Morton, 1924, The Dragon-flies (Odonata) of Palestine, based primarily on collection made by Dr. P. A. Buxton, with Notes on the Species of the Adjacent Regions., Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1924, pp. 25-44 : 41 41
Anteon ephippiger Dalman 1818     Else, George R., Bolton, Barry & Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - aculeates (Apoidea, Chrysidoidea and Vespoidea), Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 8050-8050 : 8050 8050
Chrysochroa (Pyranthe) fulgens subsp. ephippigera White 1843     Ai, Hong-Mu, Qi, Zhi-Hao, Su, Rong-Xiang, Liao, Zhi-Yu & Song, Hai-Tian, 2024, New records of Chrysochroinae Laporte de Castelnau, 1835 (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) from China, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 115599-115599 : 115599 115599
Anteon ephippiger Dalman 1818     Kim, Chang-Jun & Lee, Jong-Wook, 2013, A review of the genus Anteon Jurine, 1807 (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) from South Korea, with description of a new species, Zootaxa 3626 (4), pp. 517-530 : 518-519 518-519
Ephippiger ephippiger subsp. ephippiger     Alexiou, Sotiris, 2017, New distribution records of Orthoptera of Greece, Journal of Orthoptera Research 26 (1), pp. 53-63 : 55 55
Ephippiger ephippiger     Ünal, Mustafa, 2011, Taxonomic review of the subfamily Bradyporinae (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae; Bradyporini; Ephippigerini) of Turkey, with description of new species and the relationship of the taxa, Zootaxa 2899, pp. 1-42 : 36-37 36-37

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