Hyperusia muscoides
Greathead, David J., 2006, New records of Namibian Bombyliidae (Diptera), with notes on some genera and descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 1149 (1), pp. 1-88
: 60
60 |
Exoprosopa cervina
Greathead, David J., 2006, New records of Namibian Bombyliidae (Diptera), with notes on some genera and descriptions of new species, Zootaxa 1149 (1), pp. 1-88
: 70
70 |
Colletes karooensis
Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96
: 46
46 |
Colletes testaceipes
Zabel, Tina & Kuhlmann, Michael, 2023, Taxonomic revision of the southern African Colletes fasciatus species group (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 899, pp. 1-96
: 80
80 |
Exochomoscirtes jaechi
sp. nov.
Ruta, Rafał & Yoshitomi, Hiroyuki, 2010, Revision of the genus Exochomoscirtes Pic (Coleoptera: Scirtidae: Scirtinae) 2598, Zootaxa 2598 (1), pp. 1-80
: 45-46
45-46 |
Zosterodasys transversus
Vďačný, Peter & Tirjaková, Eva, 2012, Taxonomic Revision and Neotypification of Zosterodasys transversus (Kahl, 1928), with Description of a Mirror-Image Doublet (Ciliophora, Phyllopharyngea, Synhymeniida), Acta Protozoologica 51 (1), pp. 39-54
: 40-53
40-53 |
Phanoperla doisuthep
sp. nov.
Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2010, Seven New Species Of Phanoperla Banks From Vietnam And Thailand (Plecoptera: Perlidae), Illiesia 6 (10), pp. 98-112
: 98-99
98-99 |
Facydes nigroguttatus
Riedel, M., 2013, Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 2. Tribe Heresiarchini, Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (2), pp. 2025-2076
: 2048
2048 |
Aleurodamaeus woasi
sp. nov.
Hugo-Coetzee, Elizabeth A., 2013, New species of Aleurodamaeus Grandjean, 1954 (Oribatida: Aleurodamaeidae) from South Africa, Zootaxa 3670 (4), pp. 531-556
: 549-552
549-552 |
Indonemoura auberti
sp. nov.
Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2010, Eleven New Species Of The Genus Indonemoura Baumann (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) From Thailand And Vietnam, Illiesia 6 (14), pp. 210-226
: 213-214
213-214 |
Indonemoura chantaramongkolae
sp. nov.
Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2010, Eleven New Species Of The Genus Indonemoura Baumann (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) From Thailand And Vietnam, Illiesia 6 (14), pp. 210-226
: 216
216 |
Indonemoura forcipata
sp. nov.
Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2010, Eleven New Species Of The Genus Indonemoura Baumann (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) From Thailand And Vietnam, Illiesia 6 (14), pp. 210-226
: 218
218 |
Indonemoura javanica
Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2010, Eleven New Species Of The Genus Indonemoura Baumann (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) From Thailand And Vietnam, Illiesia 6 (14), pp. 210-226
: 220-221
220-221 |
Africorchestia quadrispinosa
Lowry, J. K. & Baldanzi, S., 2016, New talitrids from South Africa (Amphipoda, Senticaudata, Talitroidea, Talitridae) with notes on their ecology, Zootaxa 4144 (2), pp. 151-174
: 158
158 |
Neobarombiella punctatolineata
comb. nov.
Bolz, Helmut & Wagner, Thomas, 2012, 3463, Zootaxa 3463, pp. 1-112
: 34-36
34-36 |
Neobarombiella mendica
comb. nov.
Bolz, Helmut & Wagner, Thomas, 2012, 3463, Zootaxa 3463, pp. 1-112
: 43-46
43-46 |
Nemoura raptoraloba
sp. nov.
Sivec, Ignac & Stark, Bill P., 2010, Eight New Species Of The Genus Nemoura (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) From Thailand And Vietnam, Illiesia 6 (21), pp. 277-287
: 283-284
283-284 |
Sphex tomentosus
Dörfel, Thorleif H. & Ohl, Michael, 2022, The wasp genus Sphex in Sub-Saharan Africa (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 796 (1), pp. 1-170
: 50-56
50-56 |
Desplatsia dewevrei
Wellsow, Julia, Hart, Michelle, Wilkie, Peter & Harris, David J., 2019, A taxonomic revision of the African genus Desplatsia Bocq. (Malvaceae - Grewioideae), European Journal of Taxonomy 584 (584), pp. 1-38
: 16-24
16-24 |
Desplatsia subericarpa
Wellsow, Julia, Hart, Michelle, Wilkie, Peter & Harris, David J., 2019, A taxonomic revision of the African genus Desplatsia Bocq. (Malvaceae - Grewioideae), European Journal of Taxonomy 584 (584), pp. 1-38
: 27-33
27-33 |