Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq.

Wellsow, Julia, Hart, Michelle, Wilkie, Peter & Harris, David J., 2019, A taxonomic revision of the African genus Desplatsia Bocq. (Malvaceae - Grewioideae), European Journal of Taxonomy 584 (584), pp. 1-38 : 27-33

publication ID


persistent identifier

treatment provided by

Felipe (2021-09-01 16:56:09, last updated 2024-12-10 23:55:03)

scientific name

Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq.


Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq. View in CoL

Figs 1A View Fig , 2C–D View Fig , 3A View Fig , 4F View Fig , 6C View Fig , 9 View Fig

Adansonia View in CoL 7: 51 ( Bocquillon 1866). – Type: EQUATORIAL GUINEA • Jul. 1862; G. Mann 1695; lectotype: K [ K000241997 ], designated here, isolectotypes: K [ K000241998 ], K [ K000241999 ], P [MNHN-P-P06724376], P [MNHN-P-P06724377] .

Desplatsia klainii Pierre ex A.Chev., Les View in CoL végétaux utiles de l’Afrique tropicale française. Etudes scientifiques et agronomiques. Vol. 9: 81 ( Chevalier 1917). – Type: GABON • 14 Aug. 1901; T.- J. Klaine 2290; lectotype: P [MNHN-P-P06724387], isolectotypes: K, P [MNHN-P-P06724388] Libreville; 0°23′ N, 9°27′ E; 8 Jan. 1902; T.- J. Klaine 2651; syntypes: BM, BR [ BR0000020060015 ], P [MNHN-P-P06724381] 6 sheets GoogleMaps .

Grewiopsis globosa De Wild. & T.Durand View in CoL , Bulletin de la Société royale de Botanique de Belgique, Comptes-Rendus des Séances 38 (2): 178 ( De Wildeman & Durand 1899). – Grewiella globosa (De Wild. & T.Durand) T.Durand & H.Durand, Sylloge Florae Congolanae View in CoL : 70 ( Durand & Durand 1909).– Type: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO • Coquilhatville; 14 Jan. 1896; A.P.Dewèvre 614; lectotype: BR[BR0000008965608], isolectotype: BR[BR0000008963093] 2 sheets.

Other material studied

ANGOLA • Mayumbe ; 22 Jan. 1916; J. Gossweiler 6182; BM Cabinda, Buco Zau, close to Chiaca ; 4°46′ S, 12°33′ E; 20 Aug. 1958; R. Santos 213; BM GoogleMaps .

CAMEROON • Campo Ma′an area , Ebodje, forest close to Likodo River mouth; 2°39′ N, 9°51′ E; 8 Mar. 2001; T. R. van Andel 3236; WAG [ WAG.1834962] GoogleMaps Bipindi ; 3°04′ N, 10°25′ E; Jun. 1918; E. Annet 410; P GoogleMaps Eseka , River Nyong km 12; 3°38′ N, 10°45′ E; Dec. 1967; P. Bamps 1314; BR [ BR0000020059811 ], P GoogleMaps Forest Reserve of Kienke , Kribi-Ebolowa km 16; 2°55′ N, 10°00′ E; Jan. 1968; P. Bamps 1684; BR [ BR0000020059828 ], P GoogleMaps Bitye , Yaounde; 3°01′ N, 12° E, 1917; G. L. Bates 1668; BM, BR [ BR0000020059798 ] GoogleMaps Bitya , near the River Ja; 3°01′ N, 12°22′ E; G. L. Bates 1710; K GoogleMaps 6.5 km S of Kribi, Gr. Batanga road; 2°57′ N, 9°55′ E; 28 Oct. 1968; J. J. Bos 3170; BR [ BR0000020059859 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1834995] 2 sheets GoogleMaps about 12 km from Kribi , Lolodorf road; 2°59′ N, 9°59′ E; 13 Jan. 1969; J. J. Bos 3628; BR [ BR0000020059880 ], P GoogleMaps Lobé R. bank 1 km, above Gr. Batanga ferry; 2°52′ N, 9°54′ E; 24 Jan. 1969; J. J. Bos 3754; BR [ BR0000020059866 ], P GoogleMaps 18 km from Kribi , Lolodorf road; 3°00′ N, 10°02′ E; 19 Mar. 1969; J. J. Bos 4162; BR [ BR0000020059842 ], WAG [ WAG.1845049] 2 sheets GoogleMaps 10 km from Kribi , Lolodorf road, N bank of Kienke River; 2°58′ N, 9°58′ E; 27 May 1969; J. J. Bos 4653; WAG [ WAG.1845010] GoogleMaps 20 km from Kribi , 2 km N of Lolodorf road; 3°01′ N, 10°03′ E; 12 Dec. 1969; J. J. Bos 5804; P GoogleMaps 40 km N of Kribi, 5 km E of Edea road, forest track Fifinda-Bella ; 3°13′ N, 10°04′ E; 6 Feb. 1970; J. J. Bos 6264; WAG [ WAG.1845015] GoogleMaps about 60 km N of Kribi ; 3°19′ N, 10°06′ E; 13 Feb. 1970; J. J. Bos 6344; P GoogleMaps few km S of km 14 Kribi-Lolodorf ; 2°58′ N, 10°01′ E; 4 Mar. 1970; J. J. Bos 6485; WAG [ WAG.1845018] 2 sheets GoogleMaps 13.5 km from Kribi , Ebolowa road; 2°51′ N, 10°00′ E; 29 Jun. 1970; J. J. Bos 6992; WAG [ WAG.1845023] 2 sheets GoogleMaps 4 km north of km 20 Kribi , Lolodorf; 3°02′ N, 10°03′ E; 4 Jul. 1970; J. J. Bos 7019; P GoogleMaps 3 km N of Niète R., miner′s road, SE of Kribi ; 2°44′ N, 10°03′ E; 30 Jul. 1970; J. J. Bos 7182; P GoogleMaps Lomié , near Catholic Mission; 3°09′ N, 13°38′ E; 20 Apr. 1961; F. J. Breteler 1261; WAG [ WAG.1845028] 3 sheets GoogleMaps near Dimako , between Bertoua and Doumé; 4°23′ N, 13°34′ E; 7 Dec. 1961; F. J. Breteler 2164; BR [ BR0000020059835 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845033] 2 sheets GoogleMaps E of Méloundou , 50 km SW of Batouri; 4°01′ N, 14°06′ E; 17 Apr. 1962; F. J. Breteler 2843; WAG [ WAG.1834990] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Bimbia ; 3°58′ N, 9°15′ E; 7 Mar. 1995; S. Cable 1442; K, WAG [ WAG.1845035] GoogleMaps Onge , Enyenge; 4°17′ N, 8°58′ E; 27 Oct. 1993; M. R. Cheek 5147; BR [ BR0000020059873 ], P, WAG [ WAG.1845039] GoogleMaps Ndanan 2; 3°37′, 11°34′ E; 14 Oct. 2002; M. R. Cheek 11089; K Ndanan 1; 3°37′ N, 11°34′ E; 15 Mar. 2004; M. R. Cheek 11737; K GoogleMaps Yabassi ; 4°21′ N, 10°24′ E; 17 Feb. 2006; M. R. Cheek 13013; K GoogleMaps Batanga ; 4°24′ N, 11°01′ E; 26 Nov. 1891; M. J. Dinklage 1409; P GoogleMaps Campo-Ma′an area, Bongola , along the Bongola River; 2°13′ N, 9°56′ E; 29 Jan. 2000; M. E. Elad 1239; WAG [ WAG.1845678] GoogleMaps Campo-Ma′an area, Medjivini , between Ekan and Ngo′ambang in Ma′an area; 2°17′ N, 10°20′ E; 31 Mar. 2000; M. E. Elad 1440; WAG [ WAG.1845679] GoogleMaps River Npolongwe , between Kribi and Londji; 2°57′ N, 9°55′ E; 4 Mar. 1987; H. Huber 1044; P GoogleMaps Ngongondje hill, near Akonetye Village; 2°40′ N, 12° E; 28 Aug. 1978; A. Koufani 119; K, P GoogleMaps foot of Ngongondje hill, near Akonetye, 2°30′ S of Ebolowa; 2°40′12″ N, 12°52′12″ E; 29 Aug. 1978; A. Koufani 141; P GoogleMaps Mount Kupe , Kupe Village, forest trail above Kupe Village; 4°46′ N, 9°42′ E; 19 Jan. 1995; P. Lane 357; WAG [ WAG.1834978] GoogleMaps left bank of Kélé R., 29 km N of Eséka; 3°50′ N, 10°45′ E; 30 Jun. 1965; A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 6022; WAG [ WAG.1834984] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Kombite ; 13 Jan. 1960; R. Letouzey 2639; BR [ BR0000020059903 ], K, P “Au nord du Moundi” [north of Moundi ]; 4°34′ N, 13°28′ E; 16 Jan. 1960; R. Letouzey 2648; P GoogleMaps “Au sud de Zingui” [south of Zingui], between the rivers Niete and Lobe; 2°49′ N, 10°58′ E; 20 Jan. 1962; R. Letouzey 4065; P GoogleMaps 5 km SW of Nguila ; 4°43′ N, 11°41′ E; 22 Dec. 1969; R. Letouzey 9760; BR [ BR0000020059910 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1834987] GoogleMaps near Njantibda , Makak; 3°30′ N, 11°06′ E; 19 Jun. 1987; S. D. Manning 2110; K, WAG [ WAG.1834954] GoogleMaps Deng Deng ; 5°10′ N, 13°35′ E; Apr. 1914; G. W. J. Mildbraed 8866; K GoogleMaps ca 10 km S of Mekalat, between Mekalat and Lolodorf; 3°06′ N, 10°44′ E; 20 Mar. 1996; A. S. Mutsaers 2; WAG [ WAG.1834957] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Deng Deng ; 5°11′ N, 13°31′ E; 19 Jan. 1960; P. Nana 263; P GoogleMaps Mabeta-Moliwe ; 3°59′ N, 9°15′ E; 25 Nov. 1991; F. Nguembock 48; WAG [ WAG.1845040] GoogleMaps Canon du Ntem; Mar. 1983; B. A. Nkongmenek 385; P Biboulou , 36 km SW of Ambam; 2°22′ N, 11°16′ E; 19 Feb. 1963; A. Raynal 9844; P GoogleMaps Nkoemvone , 11 km S of Ebolowa; 2°48′ N, 11°07′ E; 16 Feb. 1965; A. Raynal 13440; P GoogleMaps Moliwe ; 4°02′ N, 9°17′ E; 30 Jul. 1993; I. von Rege 29; K GoogleMaps Mabeta ; 3°59′ N, 9°17′ E; 11 Aug. 1993; I. von Rege 92; K GoogleMaps “Réserve de faune du Dja” [ Dja Faunal Reserve ], 24 km S of Djolimpoum; 3°20′ N, 12°52′ E; 28 Feb. 1994; B. Sonké 971; BR [ BR0000019963334 ] GoogleMaps “Réserve de faune du Dja” [ Dja Faunal Reserve ], 27 km S of Djolimpoum; 3°20′ N, 12°52′ E; 6 Mar. 1994; B. Sonké 1018; BR [ BR0000020061074 ] GoogleMaps “Réserve de faune du Dja” [Dja Faunal Reserve], Djolimpoum ; 3°13′ N, 12°51′ E; 13 Dec. 1994; B. Sonké 1337; BR [ BR0000019963402 ] GoogleMaps Lolo Village ; 3°14′ N, 10°44′ E; 1896; A. Staudt 211; K, P GoogleMaps Ndanan 1; 3°37′ N, 11°35′ E; 23 Mar. 2004; F. Tadjouteu 569; K, WAG [ WAG.1845037] GoogleMaps ibid.; 27 Mar. 2004; F. Tadjouteu 590; K GoogleMaps Bechati ; 5°40′ N, 9°55′ E; 24 Sep. 2006; B. Tchiengue 2766; K, WAG [ WAG.1845036] GoogleMaps Campo Ma′an area , Bibabimvoto , in the National Park along Transect T4 ; 2°15′ N, 10°15′ E; 24 Aug. 2000; G. P. Tchouto Mbatchou T4 X98; WAG [ WAG.1845676] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Southwest Province , roadside forest S of Baro Village; 5°14′ N, 9°15′ E; 31 Mar. 1988; D. W. Thomas 7495; WAG [ WAG.1834963] GoogleMaps Campo Region , Dipikar island; 2°13′57″ N, 9°53′01″ E; 10 Dec. 1998; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 12124; WAG [ WAG.1845688] GoogleMaps 50 km NW of Eséka, W of Yaoundé , on opposite site of the Kelè River; 3°50′ N, 10°27′ E; 22 Nov. 1963; W. J. J. O. de Wilde 1300; WAG [ WAG.1845055] GoogleMaps ca 50 km NW of Eséka, W of Yaoundé ; 3°39′ N, 10°46′ E; 16 Dec. 1963; W. J. J. O. de Wilde 1508; P, WAG [ WAG.1834980] GoogleMaps ca 40 km S of Badjob, ca 10 km N of the Njong-River , SW of Eséka; 3°39′ N, 10°46′ E; 28 Jan. 1964; W. J. J. O. de Wilde 1723; BR [ BR0000020059897 ], P, WAG [ WAG.1845053] GoogleMaps ca 15 km S of Ebolowa ; 3°54′ N, 11°54′ E; 28 Feb. 1964; W. J. J. O. de Wilde 1985; P, WAG [ WAG.1834983] GoogleMaps Bipinde ; 3°05′ N, 10°25′ E; 1896; G. A. Zenker 918; BM, E [ E00934283 ] 2 sheets, HBG, K, P GoogleMaps ibid.; 1904; G. A. Zenker 3169; BM, BR [ BR0000020059934 ] 2 sheets, E [ E00934282 ], K, P GoogleMaps ibid.; G. A. Zenker 3705; WAG [ WAG.1845031] 2 sheets GoogleMaps .

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC • Ngoto Forest ; 4°01′ N, 17°11′ E; 3 Sep. 1994; L. Debroux 88; BR [ BR0000020059972 ] GoogleMaps Dzanga-Sangha Reserve ; 2°21′ N, 16°10′ E; 10 Oct. 1988; D. J. Harris 1387; E [ E00930949 ] GoogleMaps 45 km S of Lidjombo ; 2°22′ N, 16°10′ E; 4 Mar. 1989; D. J. Harris 1976; E [ E00930952 ] GoogleMaps 45 km S of Lidjombo; 2°21′ N, 16°09′ E; 11 Oct. 1990; D. J. Harris 2566; WAG [ WAG.1845041] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Boukoko ; 3°57′ N, 17°55′ E; 14 Sep. 1951; Tisserant (Équipe) 2264; P GoogleMaps Boukoko ; 3°54′ N, 17°55′ E; 16 Feb. 1948; Tisserant (Équipe) 701; P GoogleMaps .

CONGO • Zanaga Project ; 2°58′ S, 13°34′ E; 12 Oct. 2009; M. R. Cheek 15710; K, WAG [ WAG.1845038] GoogleMaps P. N. Odzala ( Cuvette ); 13 Oct. 1994; F. Dowsett-Lemaire 1805; BR [ BR0000020060053 ] Achoutha ; 22 Aug. 1895; M. J. Dybowski 125; P “Chantier forestry of Mudongo” [logging camp of Mudongo], forest at Limba , 25 km W of Sibiti; 3°24′ S, 13°12′ E; 19 Aug. 1965; C. Farron 4497; P GoogleMaps Les Saras , along N1 ; 4°21′ S, 12°21′ E; 13 Jan. 1987; H. de Foresta 1223; P GoogleMaps Sanghe ; 1°33′ N, 16°17′ E; 14 Feb. 2007; J. Gillet 6126; BR [ BR0000020060695 ] GoogleMaps Madingou , Niari; 2°34′ S, 11°44′ W; Mar. 1957; J. Koechlin 7905; P GoogleMaps Kouilou , Kakamoeka, left river bank of Kouilou; 4°13′ S, 12°06′ E; 10 Jan. 1990; S. Lisowski B-8031; BR [ BR0000020060046 ], WAG [ WAG.1845046] GoogleMaps ibid.; 11 Oct. 1990; S. Lisowski B-8045; BR [ BR0000020060060 ] GoogleMaps Simonbondo ; 2°19′ S, 13°40′ E; 8 Oct. 2009; J.-. M. Moutsamboté 6484; K GoogleMaps ibid.; 9 Oct. 2009; J.-. M. Moutsamboté 6527; K, WAG [ WAG.1577666] GoogleMaps Bangou Forest ; 3°56′ S, 14°24′ E; 23 Feb. 1960; P. Sita 203; P, WAG [ WAG.1845737] GoogleMaps .

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO • Biaro ; 0°14′ N, 25°19′ E; 30 May 2009; C. Amani 651; BR [ BR0000005773725 ] GoogleMaps Kisangani ; 0°31′ N, 25°11′ E; 9 Mar. 1915; J. C. Bequaert 7067; BR [ BR0000008964946 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps River Ikelemba ; May 1913; P. Bonnivair 11; BR [ BR0000020060572 ] 2 sheets “Grotte de Binza” [ Binza Cave ]; 23 Jan. 1968; H. Breyne 469; BR [ BR0000020060237 ] ibid.; 23 Jan. 1968; H. Breyne 470; BR [ BR0000020060220 ] Mabana, left of road Menkao-Bombo River ; 28 Feb. 1971; H. Breyne 2054; BR [ BR0000020060251 ] road Bita-Sualempu Terr. Maluku ; 19 Mar. 1971; H. Breyne 2120; BR [ BR0000020060244 ] Mayumbe / Ganda Sundi; 2°50′ N, 27°63′ E; Comte de Briey 176; BR [ BR0000013288006 ] 3 sheets low slopes of Namoya summit; 4°1′ S, 27°33′ E; 13 Apr. 2008; B. Bytebier 2883; BR [ BR0000005044887 ] GoogleMaps Muetshi 70 km WNW of Lusambo 20 km WZW of Bena Thiadi; 1982; P. Casier 293; BR [ BR0000020061029 ] Kasayi Muetshi ; 23 Feb. 1983; P. Casier 413; BR [ BR0000020061036 ] Bokola ; 1909; J. Claessens 124; BR [ BR0000020060343 ] 2 sheets Luba ; 1921; J. Claessens 158; BR [ BR0000020060596 ] 2 sheets Kasangulu Chefferie ; 8 Jun. 1960; P. Compère 2178; BR [ BR0000020060275 ] Prov. Kasai, Mweka, Kakenge ; 21 Nov. 1958; R. Dechamps 78; BR [ BR0000020060367 ], WAG [ WAG.1845695] 2 sheets Kiyaka-Kikwit-Kwango; 5°02′S, 18°5′ E; 9 Jul. 1955; R. Devred 1966; BR [ BR0000020060350 ] GoogleMaps 1896; A. P. Dewèvre s.n.; P Kiobo ; 5°37′ S, 13°13′ E; 23 Oct. 1945; C. A. Donis 371; BR [ BR0000020060084 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845682] 2 sheets GoogleMaps N`kula ridge, Luki ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 4 Nov. 1947; C. A. Donis 1528; BR [ BR0000020060077 ], K GoogleMaps Luki, Singa Valley ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 24 Sep. 1948; C. A. Donis 2007; BR [ BR0000020060107 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 24 Sep. 1948; C. A. Donis 2008; BR [ BR0000020060091 ] GoogleMaps Luki, Kinkongo Valley ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 21 Oct. 1948; C. A. Donis 2071; BR [ BR0000013287986 ] GoogleMaps Luki ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 27 Nov. 1948; C. A. Donis 2106; BR [ BR0000013287993 ] GoogleMaps Kingana Forest ; 24 Jun. 1958; J. Dubois 316; BR [ BR0000020060268 ] Prov. Equateur, Befale, Eandza ; 19 Feb. 1958; C. M. Evrard 3509; BR [ BR0000020060626 ], WAG [ WAG.1845693] BokoIngo-Djoa ; 26 Feb. 1958; C. Evrard 3551; BR [ BR0000020060619 ] Djoa ; 15 Oct. 1958; C. Evrard 5015; BR [ BR0000020060633 ] road Ekunga-Bosale ; 2°56′ N, 30°46′ E; 15 Aug. 1958; C. Evrard 4685; BR [ BR0000020060640 ] GoogleMaps Yalisenga ( Mondombe ); 1°14′ N, 22°44′ E; 26 Dec. 1958; C. Evrard 5386; BR [ BR0000020060664 ] GoogleMaps LuiKotale ; 2°46′ S, 20°22′ E; Mar. 2003; B. Fruth 03/0985/b; M GoogleMaps Bokaw ; 0°8′ S, 20°58′ E; 15 May 1954; R. Germain 8340; BR [ BR0000020060688 ] GoogleMaps between Kwango-Lufuma, valley of Tsambi , village of Itambu; 3Aug. 1944; R. Germain 2590; BR [ BR0000020060381 ] near Yapehe ; 0°9′ S, 24°20′ E; 15 Jun. 1949; R. Germain 4983; BR [ BR0000020060657 ] GoogleMaps near Tumba Terre de Lodja Station Crête ; 15 Aug. 1938; J. Gillardin 427; BR [ BR0000020060701 ] Sangaie ; 4°99′ S, 23°51′ E; Mar. 1939; J. Gillardin 538; BR [ BR0000020060374 ] 2 sheets, K near Kinshasa; 4°18′ S, 15°18′ E; 15 Aug. 1902; J. Gillet s.n.; BR [ BR0000020060282 ] GoogleMaps Epulu, “Zone de Mambes” [area of Mambes], Ituri Forest ; 1°25′ N, 28°35′ E; 16 Jul. 1991; T. Hart 1196; BR [ BR0000020059569 ] GoogleMaps Luki ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 25 Oct. 1951; J. Hombert 2; BR [ BR0000020060121 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 21 Apr. 1951; J. Hombert 14; BR [ BR0000020060114 ] GoogleMaps Dzelo “grot” [cave]; 4°23′ S, 15°15′ E; 24 Mar. 1947; E. Jans 442; BR [ BR0000013218003 ] GoogleMaps E. Jans s.n.; BR [ BR0000013217990 ] Bonga Village region of Ikela ; 10 Jun. 1911; K. Jespersen s.n.; BR [ BR0000020060725 ] Wendji, near Coquilhotville ; 0°3′ S, 18°9′ E; Aug. 1930; J. P. A. Lebrun 1012; BR [ BR0000020060718 ] GoogleMaps Lumuna ; Aug. 1932; J. P. A. Lebrun 5904; BR [ BR0000020060732 ] 2 sheets, P Ubundu ; 0°21′ S, 25°25′ E; 11 Mar. 1978; J. Lejoly 2876; BR [ BR0000020060756 ] GoogleMaps Wangata-Watsiko at Ikoie, near Eala ; 0°4′ N, 18°18′ E; 1946; J. Léonard 418; BR [ BR0000020060770 ] GoogleMaps Mabidi ; 4°17′ S, 18°25′ E; 20 Jun. 1903; E. Lescrauwaet 105; BR [ BR0000020060398 ] GoogleMaps Yangole , 20 km W of Yangambi; 0°49′ N, 24°16′ E; 22 Oct. 1938; J. Louis 11958; BR [ BR0000020060800 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Yafalolame , between Opala and Mayoko; 0°43′ S, 23°56′ E; 15 Feb. 1939; J. Louis 14224; BR [ BR0000020060824 ] 3 sheets GoogleMaps 10 May 1890; R. E. Luja 269; BR [ BR0000020060428 ] 3 sheets Kikwit ; 5°02′ S, 18°48′ E; 7 Nov. 1990; B. Masens 161; BR [ BR0000019963471 ], WAG [ WAG.1845834] GoogleMaps E. Maudoux 135; BR [ BR0000020060145 ] Ruki ; 1°22′ N, 24°22′ E; 11 Oct. 1949; E. Maudoux 170; BR [ BR0000020060138 ], K GoogleMaps “ Grotte de Binza ” [cave of Binza]; 23 Jan. 1968; F. Muambi 66; BR [ BR0000020061050 ] ibid.; 20 Feb. 1968; F. Muambi 117; BR [ BR0000020060299 ] Luki ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 17 Jul. 1982; L. Nsimundele 1056; BR [ BR0000020060169 ] GoogleMaps Ngenegene ; 4 Oct. 1984; H. H. Ntahobavuka 4[5]; BR [ BR0000020060961 ] Kisangani, Ngenegene ; 20 May 1985; H. H. Ntahobavuka 33; BR [ BR0000020059149 ], WAG [ WAG.1845706] “Grotte de Binza” [cave of Binza ]; 17 May 1967; L. Pauwels 5009; BR [ BR0000020060312 ], WAG [ WAG.1845056] Minkudu, territory of Tshela ; 3°38′ S, 18°36′ E; 25 Oct. 1947; P. Toussaint 12; BR [ BR0000020060152 ], K GoogleMaps Eala ; 0°03′ N, 18°18′ E; 1 Feb. 1907; L. Pynaert 1086; BR [ BR0000020060848 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps ibid.; 15 Oct. 1907; L. Pynaert 1767; BR [ BR0000020060862 ] GoogleMaps Kikwit Forest ; 5°02′ N, 18°49′ E; 24 May 1946; M. Renier 2 B; BR [ BR0000020060459 ] GoogleMaps S of Booke, Monkoto National Park; 2°33′ N, 22°0′ E; 15 May 1958; R. Robin 91; BR [ BR0000020060855 ] GoogleMaps Lukolela ; 24 Jul. 1959; L. Toka 226; BR [ BR0000020060909 ] Luki, valley of the N′tosi settlement at Terminalia ; 5°38′ S, 13°03′ E; 14 Jan. 1948; L. Toussaint 149; BR [ BR0000020060176 ] GoogleMaps Gimbi settlement at Terminalia in the Fuka Valley ; 28 Oct. 1948; L. Toussaint 612; BR [ BR0000020060329 ] Pangu ; 4°17′ S, 20°01′ E; 15 Jun. 1920; H. Vanderyst 9556; BR [ BR0000020060466 ] GoogleMaps Ipamu, Kikwit ; 4°9′ S, 19°38′ E; 1921; H. Vanderyst 9936; BR [ BR0000020060497 ] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Kamtshar ; 3°43′ S, 18°55′ E; 1921; H. Vanderyst 10130; BR [ BR0000020060534 ] GoogleMaps Mpio ; 4°13′ S, 19°38′ E; 1921; H. Vanderyst 10236; BR [ BR0000020060527 ] GoogleMaps Ipamu ; 4°9′ S, 19°38′ E; 1921; H. Vanderyst 10597; BR [ BR0000020060558 ] GoogleMaps ibid.; 1 Jul. 1922; H. Vanderyst 12232; BR [ BR0000020060541 ] GoogleMaps Kangu ; 5°15′ S, 12°56′ E; 12 Oct. 1930; H. Vanderyst 26299; BR [ BR0000020060190 ] GoogleMaps Temvo ; 5°29′ S, 13°03′ E; 25 Feb. 1919; F. Vermoesen 1662; BR [ BR0000020060183 ] GoogleMaps Eala ; 0°03′ N, 18°18′ E; 2 May 1919; F. Vermoesen 2127; BR [ BR0000020060893 ] 3 sheets GoogleMaps ibid.; 15 May 1919; F. Vermoesen 2261; BR [ BR0000020060947 ] 3 sheets GoogleMaps Ineac-Luki ; 5°38′ S, 13°04′ E; 7 Apr. 1959; J. Wagemans 2282; BR [ BR0000020060213 ], WAG [ WAG.1845045] GoogleMaps Bokondji ; 2 Jul. 1959; P. de Wanckel 121; BR [ BR0000020060602 ] Vaku ; 5°18′ S, 13°15′ E; Nov. 1923; F. Wellens 445; BR [ BR0000020060206 ] GoogleMaps .

EQUATORIAL GUINEA • Region Continental ; 28 Jul. 1999; F. Eneme Efua 446; WAG [ WAG.1845680] Mabungo 1°73′ N, 10°64′ E; 25 Apr. 1908; G. Tessmann 378; K Vega Ersatrek ; 14 Sep. 1908; G. Tessmann 556; K .

GABON • Nyanga, road Tchibanga-Ndende ; 2°58′ S, 11°06′ E; 25 Oct. 2009; P. Bissiengou 527; BR [ BR0000020060008 ] GoogleMaps Nyanga, Mourindi ; 2°34′ S, 10°45′ E; 15 Sep. 2000; H. P. Bourobou 233; BR [ BR0000009218185 ], P GoogleMaps Monts de Cristal, along the Mbé River ; 0°50′ N, 10°30′ E; 23 Aug. 1978; F. J. Breteler 247; BR [ BR0000020059958 ], WAG [ WAG.1845021] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Moyen-Ogooué, ca 20– 30 km NNW of Ndojé ; 0°3′ S, 10°45′ E; 1 Oct. 1994; F. J. Breteler 13116; BR [ BR0000020060022 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1845689] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Haut-Ogooué, S of Bambidie ; 0°42′ S, 13°00′ E; 7 Oct. 1997; F. J. Breteler 14236; BR [ BR0000020059989 ] GoogleMaps Adouma, at Orimbo, Ogooué ; 0°40′ S, 10°13′ E; 29 Jul. 1912; F. Fleury 26229; K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845022] GoogleMaps around Nkogo at the Ogooué ; 0°16′ N, 9°15′ E; 14 Aug. 1912; F. Fleury 26350; P GoogleMaps Station d′Ipassa , 10 km S of Makokou; 0°34′ N, 12°53′ E; 28 Apr. 1978; J. Florence 1110; P GoogleMaps La Nkoulounga; 9 Jul. 1959; N. Hallé 740; P Abanga ; 4 Jun. 1963; N. Hallé 2215; P Belinga ; 1°05′ N, 13°11′ E; 13 Nov. 1946; N. Hallé 3168; P GoogleMaps Nkogo ; 15 Aug. 1912; E. Jablonszky 26360; P 11 Sep. 1901; T.- J. Klaine 2381; K, P Libreville ; 0°22′ N, 9°26′ E; 14 Aug. 1901; T.- J. Klaine s.n.; P GoogleMaps Tchibanga ; 2°51′ S, 11°02′ E; 9 Oct. 1908; G. M. P. C. Le Testu 1418; BM, BR [ BR0000020060039 ], K, P GoogleMaps Gabon River ; Jul. 1861; G. Mann 992; K “Mont Fene, inselberg au pied du village d′Efôt, à 15 km de Médouneu en direction de Sam” [Mont Fene, inselberg at foot of village Efôt, at 15 km of Médouneu in direction of Sam ]; 1°00′ N, 10°54′ E; 15 Jan. 2000; I. Parmentier 714; WAG [ WAG.1845043] GoogleMaps Ogooué-Maritime; 2°03′ S, 10°28′ E; 14 Nov. 2005; M. S. M. Sosef 2278; BR [ BR0000020061067 ], K, WAG [ WAG.1834960] 2 sheets GoogleMaps Mission St-Martin , Ngounie; 1938; A. Walker s.n.; P 26 km ENE of Lambaréné, 6 km ENE of Bellevue ; 0°35′ S, 10°26′ E; 2 Apr. 1994; J. J. Wieringa 2622; WAG [ WAG.1845685] GoogleMaps about 25 km SW of Doussala ; 2°25′ S, 10°33′ E; 26 Nov. 1986; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 8961; BR [ BR0000020059996 ], K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845686] 2 sheets GoogleMaps ca 20 km SSE of Doussala ; 2°25′ S, 10°43′ E; 15 Mar. 1988; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 9362; BR [ BR0000020059965 ], WAG [ WAG.1845048] 2 sheets GoogleMaps .

GHANA • Asinanyo River Forest Reserve ; Feb. 1937; J. E. Andoh 4300; K Bobiri Forest Reserve ; Jan. 1951; J. E. Andoh FH5457 ; BR [ BR0000020059750 ], K, P Bobiri Forest Reserve Juaso, Ashanti; 19 Jan. 1972; A. A. Enti Sp 537; BR [ BR0000020059781 ] between 6–8 km NW of intersection of Accra-Kumasi road at Sagyimase along forest access road, Atewa Range , Forest Reserve ; 6°13′ N, 0°32′ W; 4 Jul. 1995; D. K. Harder 3327; WAG [ WAG.1845057] GoogleMaps W. A. C. R. I., Tafo ; 6°44′ N, 1°36′ W; Jul. 1961; F. R. Irvine 4979; K GoogleMaps ibid.; 2 Nov. 1953; N. K. Lovi WACRI3844 ; K, P GoogleMaps • 1941; J. Scholles 165; K • Gabo, upper Wassow Reserve ; 11 Feb. 1927; C. Vigne 279; BM, K C. Vigne 1044; BM, BR [ BR0000020059774 ], K Kwaku Prasu ; Feb. 1929; C. Vigne 1599; K South Fomany Su Reserve ; 1930; C. Vigne 1831; K .

GUINEA • Nimba Mountains , “Forêt de Gouan” [Gouan Forest]; 7°42′ N, 8°23′ W; 22 Dec. 2008; O.- O. Haba 76; BR [ BR0000005091423 ], WAG [ WAG.1845059] GoogleMaps .

IVORY COAST • A. Aubréville 1217; P Guiglo, Zaipobly ; 7°29′ N, 5°57′ W; 27 Jan. 2001; A. Bakayoko 22; P GoogleMaps “Soubré Forêt Classée” [ Soubré Forest ]; 5°40′ N, 6°20′ W; Feb. 1969; P. Bamps 2092; K, P, WAG [ WAG.1834988] GoogleMaps Pinhou ; 6°37′ N, 7°19′ W; Feb. 1969; P. Bamps 2136; BR [ BR0000020059743 ], K GoogleMaps ibid.; 20 Mar. 1969; P. Bamps 2241; BR [ BR0000020059736 ] GoogleMaps Tienkula ; 6°07′ N, 7°29′ W; L. Bernardi 8356; K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845684] GoogleMaps “Env. de Bingerville” [surroundings of Bingerville ]; Apr. 1913; N. de Byans s.n.; L [ L.2349654] Bouroukrou ; 7°40′ N, 3°12′ W; 27 Dec. 1906; A. J. B. Chevalier 16697; K, P GoogleMaps Bomoukrou , railway km 92; Jan. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 16708; P Bouroukrou ; 7°40′ N, 3°12′ W; 5 Jan. 1907; A. J. B. Chevalier 16837; K, P, WAG [ WAG.1845062] GoogleMaps N of Trouvougbeu , 6 km from village; 7°18′ N, 7°01′ W; 10 Feb. 1995; L. Gautier LG2606 ; BR [ BR0000020059712 ] GoogleMaps on bank of Sassandra River, near Louga ; 5°03′ N, 6°13′ W; sandy soil; 9 Apr. 1973; J. de Koning 1344; BR [ BR0000020059705 ], WAG [ WAG.1845060] 2 sheets GoogleMaps behind Fuyt Plantation ; 5°03′ N, 6°14′ W; 12 Nov. 1973; J. de Koning 2678; BR [ BR0000020059699 ], WAG [ WAG.1845070] 2 sheets GoogleMaps 61 km N of Sassandra ; 5°19′ N, 6°10′ W; 19 Feb. 1959; A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 2759; BR [ BR0000020059767 ], K, L [ L.2349653], P, WAG [ WAG.1845065] 2 sheets GoogleMaps ca 16 km NW of Sassandra, ca 4 km SE of Louga , W of Sassandra River; 5°00′ N, 6°12′ W; 15 Jun. 1963; W. J. O. de Wilde 233; K, WAG [ WAG.1845692] 3 sheets GoogleMaps “ Region d′ Abidjan ” [region of Abidjan], “ K. P. 64”; 22 Aug. 1956; J. J. F. E. de Wilde 376; WAG [ WAG.1845067] .

LIBERIA • National Forest , 18 miles N of Tapeta; 6°45′ N, 8°52′ W; 22 Feb. 1961; A. G. Voorhoeve 198; BR [ BR0000020059682 ], WAG [ WAG.1845063] 2 sheets GoogleMaps .

NIGERIA • Sapoba Forest Reserve ; 6°06′ N, 5°53′ E; Jan. 1935; FHI1259 About FHI ; K GoogleMaps Okomu Forest Reserve ; 6°15′ N, 5°06′ E; 25 Dec. 1947; J. P. M. Brenan 8615 A; BM, K, P GoogleMaps Akamkpa, Gmeling Plantation ; 5°18′ N, 8°21′ E; 16 Feb. 1993; B. O. Daramola 18; K GoogleMaps Okomu Forest Reserve ; 20 Feb. 1953; M. C. Ejiofor FHI 19741; K North Onda Enclave village along the Onda-Owena stream path; 27 Feb. 1946; A. P. D. Jones 15373; K Afi River Forest Reserve, on path from Boje to Iso Bendiga ; 6°17′ N, 8°55′ E; 14 Dec. 1950; R. W. J. Keay FHI 28254; BR [ BR0000020059804 ], K GoogleMaps J.D. Kennedy 1958; K Sapoba ; 6°06′ N, 5°53′ E; J. D. Kennedy 2349; K GoogleMaps Akampka rubber estate, Calabar River; 5°18′ N, 8°21′ E; 14 Mar. 1959; M. G. Latilo FHI 41333; K GoogleMaps Oban Forest Reserve, Orem ; 5°19′ N, 8°34′ E; 25 Jan. 1957; J. C. Okafor FHI 36156x; K GoogleMaps Iguobazowa Forest Reserve ; 6°33′ N, 5°21′ E; 24 Jan. 1961; J. Olorunfemi FHI 41469; K GoogleMaps Ikeji-Ipetu Forest Reserve ; 7°26′ N, 4° E; Mar. 1969; J. Olurunfemi FHI 20538; K, P GoogleMaps Okumu Forest Reserve ; 6°15′ N, 5°06′ E; 5 Jan. 1948; C. F. A. Onochie 8810; K GoogleMaps Okomu Forest Reserve , along main road; 6°15′ N, 5°06′ E; 19 Feb. 1953; C. F. A. Onochie FHI 19730; K GoogleMaps Oban ; 5°19′ N, 8°34′ E; 1911; P. A. Talbot 443; BM GoogleMaps Oban ; 5°19′ N, 8°34′ E; 1909; P. A. Talbot 642; BM GoogleMaps Oban District ; P. A. Talbot 1430; K near Etemi Odo, Omo Reserve ; 20 Nov. 1946; A. Tamajong FHI 20744; K, P Okomu Forest Reserve ; 6°19′ N, 5°20′ E; 3 Mar. 1997; Verwilghen 22; BR [ BR0000019964119 ], WAG [ WAG.1845720] GoogleMaps .

SIERRA LEONE • Mabonto ; 8°51′ N, 11°48′ W; 20 Oct. 1914; N. W. Thomas 3517; P GoogleMaps Mabonto ; 8°51′ N, 11°48′ W; 20 Oct. 1914; N. W. Thomas 3525; K GoogleMaps .


HABIT. Small tree or shrub, to 2–3(–8) m tall, DBH to 2–10 cm, branches and twigs densely red-brown pubescent to glabrous.

LEAVES. With 3–5-fid stipules, finely divided into linear to filiform lobes, 4–9 mm long, hirsute; petiole distinctly inflated in the upper part, reddish-brown tomentose, 0.5–1.8 cm long; leaf blades usually drying green, oblong-oblanceolate to oblong-elliptic, papery, 13.5–25(–34) cm long and 4.5–9.5(–11) cm wide, glabrous apart from sparsely pubescent veins above, puberulous to pubescent with scattered stellate hairs below, secondary veins often looping, apex distinctly acuminate, base cordate to subcordate and sometimes asymmetric, margin obscurely toothed or with very few, small, acute, forward-pointing teeth; sometimes domatia formed of long hairs in the axils of the lateral veins.

INFLORESCENCE. An axillary or terminal cyme of 3–7 flowers; loose and slender; peduncle 0.5–4.5 cm long, pubescent; involucral bracts, either 3–4-fid, 4–6 mm long, lobes linear to filiform, hirsute, usually persistent, or lanceolate, 4–5 mm long, brownish-tomentose, falling off early, none enveloping the flower buds.

FLOWERS. pedicellate; pedicel 4–10 mm long, pinkish-tomentose; buds ovoid, pinkish-velvety; sepals oblong to oblanceolate, 8–10 mm long and 2–3 mm wide, borders fringed at the apex, tomentose; petals oblong, rounded at the apex, 2–3 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide; ovary 5–7-locular.

FRUITS. Oblong-elliptic, flattened at base and apex, 6.5–8 cm long and 5–6 cm wide, grooved, glabrous.

SEEDS. Obovoid, 1.8 cm long, 8 mm wide.

Distribution (see Fig. 9 View Fig )

Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone.


Terra firma forest, understory, fruiting and flowering in full shade. At altitudes of 250–1025 m a.s.l.


Flower: March, August, October, fruit: January, Juny–August.

Proposed IUCN status

Least Concern (LC). Desplatsia subericarpa has an EOO of 4 062 478 km 2 and an AOO of 580 km 2, with a wide distribution across the forests of West and Central Africa. There are no major threats. Several collections are from protected areas which give this species some level of protection. Our assessment as LC is in agreement with the IUCN Red List assessments of threatened species (BGCI and IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group 2019b).


A specimen of Mann 1695 at K was chosen by us from all the sheets of this number at K and P as the lectotype, because it also includes fruits.

The specimens Zenker 918 (BM, E, HBG, K, P) were annotated by Pellegrin (1924) as Grewia oligantha K.Schum. , later corrected by himself to D. subericarpa . Grewia oligantha K.Schum. has, to the best of our knowledge, never been effectively published.

Five specimens do not entirely conform to the species description, but are tentatively placed under this species: Donis 1528 (BR, P), Manning 2110 (K, WAG), Masens 161 (BR, WAG) Maudoux 170 (BR, K), and Toussaint 12 (BR, K). Some are unusually hairy and some dry brown, characters usually associated with D. chrysochlamys , which is why we first thought of some as D. chrysochlamys . However, the leaf tip is distinctly acuminate and the leaf margin only shows very few, small, sharp teeth, characters indicating that the specimens are D. subericarpa .

Bocquillon H. 1866. Memoire sur le groupe des Tiliacees. Adansonia 7: 17 - 64.

Chevalier A. 1917. Les vegetaux utiles de l'Afrique tropicale francaise. Etudes scientifiques et agronomiques. Vol. 9: La foret et les bois du Gabon. Paris.

De Wildeman E. A. J. & Durand T. 1899. Materiaux pour la Flore du Congo. Bulletin de la Societe royale de Botanique de Belgique. Comptes-Rendus des Seances 38 (2): 171 - 220.

Durand T. & Durand H. 1909. Sylloge Florae Congolanae. Maison A. de Boeck, Brussels.

Pellegrin F. 1924. La flore du Mayombe: d'apres les recoltes de M. Georges Le Testu. Memoire de la Societe linneenne de Normandie XXVI (11), Societe linneenne de Normandie, Paris.

Gallery Image

Fig. 1. Illustration of Desplatsia Bocq. leaves. A. D. subericarpa Bocq. (Harris 1387 (E)). B. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 5402 (E)). C. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 7025 (E)). D. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4397 (E)). Scale bars = 2 cm. Boxed enlargements of petiole (in B–D) and midrib (A–D) are magnified 10× to represent the view through a typical 10× hand lens. Boxed enlargements of petiole (A) and stipules (A–D) are magnified 6×. Images are taken from Harris & Wortley (2008), illustrated by Rosemary Wise, with additional enlargements by Sanna Olander.

Gallery Image

Fig. 2. Desplatsia Bocq. leaf images. A. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 4977 (E)). B. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 9664 (E)). C–D. D. subericarpa Bocq. (Harris 10194). C. Leaves. D. Leaf base with subulately divided stipules and distinctly inflated petiole in upper part. E–F. Stellate hairs on leaf undersurface. E. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 5241 (E)). F. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4397 (E)). E–F at the same magnification (40× with microscope). Scale bars = 1 mm. A–D images by D. Harris (RBGE); E–F images by J. Wellsow (RBGE).

Gallery Image

Fig. 3. Outline of Desplatsia Bocq. leaf margins. A. D. subericarpa Bocq. (Harris 1387 (E)). B. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret (Harris 5402 (E)). C. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 7025 (E)). D. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4397 (E)). Shown at 1.5× actual size. Illustrations by Sanna Olander.

Gallery Image

Fig. 4. Desplatsia Bocq. fruit images. A–B. D. chrysochlamys (Mildbr. & Burret) Mildbr. & Burret. A. Fresh fruit (Jongkind 8725). B. Cut fresh fruit (Jongkind 9717). C–D. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret. C. Fresh fruit (Harris 9652 (E)). D. Cut fresh fruit (Jongkind 8142). E. D. mildbraedii Burret (Harris 4005 (E)), fresh fruits.F. D. subericarpaBocq. (Harris 10194), fresh fruit.A–B, D images by C. Jongkind; C, E–F images by D. Harris (RBGE).

Gallery Image

Fig. 6. Desplatsia Bocq. flower images. A–B. D. dewevrei (De Wild. & T.Durand) Burret (Harris 9664 (E)), images by D. Harris (RBGE). C. D. subericarpa Bocq., image by Gilles Dauby.

Gallery Image

Fig. 9. Distribution map for Desplatsia subericarpa Bocq.


Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève


Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


University of the Witwatersrand


Bristol Museum


Embrapa Agrobiology Diazothrophic Microbial Culture Collection


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Wageningen University


Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Nanjing University


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Botanische Staatssammlung München


University of Helsinki


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Hiroshima Botanical Garden


University of Copenhagen


Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria















