-83.94, 10.163889: 11 Treatments

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Miconia approximata   nom. nov.  Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 51-57 51-57
Miconia aurantiaca   comb. nov.  Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 60-62 60-62
Argia calverti   sp. nov.  Garrison, Rosser W. & Ellenrieder, Natalia Von, 2017, New species of the damselfly genus Argia from Mexico, Central America and Ecuador with an emphasis on Costa Rica (Insecta: Odonata: Coenagrionidae), Zootaxa 4235 (1), pp. 1-93 : 6-10 6-10
Triaenodes delicatus     Holzenthal, Ralph W. & Contents, Trond Andersen Table Of, 2004, The caddisfly genus Triaenodes in the Neotropics (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae), Zootaxa 511 (1), pp. 1-80 : 20-23 20-23
Miconia magnifolia   nom. nov.  Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 91-95 91-95
Couepia hallwachsiae   sp. nov.  Santamaria-Aguilar, Daniel & Lagomarsino, Laura. P., 2015, Synopsis of Couepia (Chrysobalanaceae) in Costa Rica, with a description of two new species, Phytotaxa 233 (1), pp. 69-79 : 70-72 70-72
Fidicinoides coffea   sp. nov.  Sanborn, Allen F., Moore, Thomas E. & Young, Allen M., 2008, Two new cicada species from Costa Rica (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadidae) with a key to the species of Fidicinoides in Costa Rica, Zootaxa 1846, pp. 1-20 : 3-10 3-10
Phylloicus lituratus     PRATHER, AYSHA L., 2003, Revision of the Neotropical caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Trichoptera: Calamoceratidae), Zootaxa 275 (1), pp. 1-214 : 62-65 62-65
Fidicina variegata   sp. nov.  Sanborn, Allen F., 2005, Fidicina variegata, a New Cicada Species from Costa Rica (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadidae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98 (2), pp. 187-190 : 187-189 187-189
Miconia laxivenula   comb. nov.  Gamba, Diana & Almeda, Frank, 2014, Systematics of the Octopleura Clade of Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae) in Tropical America, Phytotaxa 179 (1), pp. 1-174 : 85-90 85-90
Mucomyia emersa   sp. nov.  Kvifte, Gunnar Mikalsen, Curler, Gregory R. & Marshall, Stephen A., 2018, Aquatic insects in the forest canopy: a new genus of moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) developing in slime on aerial roots, Journal of Natural History 52 (3 - 4), pp. 137-153 : 140-146 140-146