Argulus patagonicus
Diaz, Analía R., Álvarez, Victor Hugo Merlo & Damborenea, Cristina, 2017, Type material housed in the Carcinological Collection of the Museo de La Plata, Argentina, Zootaxa 4303 (1), pp. 88-102
: 93
93 |
Cyanolicimex patagonicus
Roth, Steffen, Hahn, Steffen, Montani, María Eugenia & Coscarón, María Del Carmen, 2023, Contribution to the Cimicidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) fauna from Argentina: biology and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5323 (4), pp. 587-594
: 592
592 |
Brachymyrmex patagonicus var. cordemoyi
n. var.
Forel, A., 1895, Nouvelles fourmis de diverses provenances, surtout d'Australie., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique 39, pp. 41-49
: -1
-1 |
Amphibiopus patagonicus
Valais, Silvina De, 2009, Ichnotaxonomic revision of Ameghinichnus, a mammalian ichnogenus from the Middle Jurassic La Matilde Formation, Santa Cruz province, Argentina, Zootaxa 2203, pp. 1-21
: 9-12
9-12 |
Araripesuchus patagonicus
Zaher, Hussam, Pol, Diego, Carvalho, Alberto B., Riccomini, Claudio, Campos, Diógenes & Nava, William, 2006, Redescription of the Cranial Morphology of Mariliasuchus amarali, and Its Phylogenetic Affinities (Crocodyliformes, Notosuchia), American Museum Novitates 3512 (1), pp. 1-40
: 38
38 |
Corticacarus (Corticacarus) patagonicus
Smit, Harry, 2002, Rheophilic water mites from southern Argentina, with the description of one new genus and three new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia), Zootaxa 103, pp. 1-23
: 15
15 |
Lyncodon patagonicus
Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2009, Mustelidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 1 Carnivores, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 564-656
: 656
656 |
Leiosolenus (Labis) patagonicus
Delfino, Marina Inés & Signorelli, Javier Hernán, 2022, Leiosolenus (Labis) patagonicus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from Argentinean sea, taxonomic revision and anatomical notes, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 62, pp. 1-12
: 3-5
3-5 |
new species
Fowler, Henry Weed & Bean, Barton A., 1923, Descriptions of eighteen new species of fish from the Wilkes Exploring Expedition, preserved at the United States National Museum, Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3 63, pp. 1-27
: 18
18 |
Lyncodon patagonicus
Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Carnivora, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 532-628
: 608
608 |
new species
Szidat, L., 1956, Über die Parasitenfauna von Percichthys trucha (Cuv. & Val.) Girard der patagonischen Gewässer und die Beziehungen des Wirtsfisches und seiner Parasiten zur paläarktischen region., Archiv für Hydrobiologie 51, pp. 542-577
: 561
561 |
Euspilotus (sensu stricto) patagonicus
Aballay, Fernando H., Arriagada, Gerardo, Flores, Gustavo E. & Nestor D. Centeno,, 2013, An illustrated key to and diagnoses of the species of Histeridae (Coleoptera) associated with decaying carcasses in Argentina, ZooKeys 261, pp. 61-84
: 68
68 |
Plagiodontes patagonicus
Pizá, Julia & Cazzaniga, Néstor J., 2009, A new species of Plagiodontes from Argentina, and new data on the anatomy of four other species in the genus (Gastropoda: Orthalicidae, Odontostominae), Journal of Natural History 43 (23 - 24), pp. 1437-1471
: 1461
1461 |
Serianus patagonicus
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 10
10 |
Brachyponera patagonicus
Xian, Chunlan, Leong, Chi Man, Luo, Jiuyang, Jia, Fenglong, Han, Hongxiang & Xie, Qiang, 2024, Diversity pattern of insects from Macao based on an updated species checklist after 25 years, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 118110-118110
: 118110
118110 |
Oligocladus patagonicus
Calviño, Carolina Isabel & Martínez, Susana Graciela, 2018, Typification of plant names belonging to subfamily Apioideae (Apiaceae) for the Flora of Argentina, Phytotaxa 379 (2), pp. 153-161
: 159
159 |
Ceramaster patagonicus
Mah, Christopher L., 2011, Taxonomy of high-latitude Goniasteridae (Subantarctic & Antarctic): one new genus, and three new species with an overview and key to taxa, Zootaxa 2759, pp. 1-48
: 8-10
8-10 |
Neomaso patagonicus
Maelfait, Jean-Pierre, Desender, Konjev, Hendrickx, Frederik, Dekoninck, Wouter, Berthet, Mado, Bouckaert, Katia, Caudron, Julien & Leclercq, Marylise, 2023, Updated checklist, origin, distribution, literature and genital drawings of the spiders of the Galápagos Islands, Belgian Journal of Entomology 142, pp. 1-188
: 12
12 |
Campylaimus patagonicus
sp. nov.
Villares, Gabriela, Martelli, Antonela, Russo, Virginia Lo & Pastor, Catalina, 2013, Three new species and one new record of Campylaimus (Diplopeltidae, Nematoda) from Argentine coasts (Buenos Aires and Santa Cruz, Argentina), Zootaxa 3613 (1), pp. 83-96
: 90-93
90-93 |
Diplothrixochernes patagonicus
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 14
14 |
Symplectoscyphus patagonicus
: 138
138 |
Taurocerastes patagonicus
Dupuis, Fabien, 2005, L’abdomen et les genitalia des femelles de coléo ptère s Scarabaeoidea (Insecta, Coleoptera), Zoosystema 27 (4), pp. 733-823
: 756-757
756-757 |
Hippocampus patagonicus
Silveira, Rosana Beatriz, Siccha-Ramirez, Raquel, Silva, José Rodrigo Santos & Oliveira, Claudio, 2014, Morphological and molecular evidence for the occurrence of three Hippocampus species (Teleostei: Syngnathidae) in Brazil, Zootaxa 3861 (4), pp. 317-332
: 323
323 |
Cyanolicimex patagonicus
sp. nov.
Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola, Masello, Juan & Carpintero, Diego L., 2010, Insects found in birds’ nests from Argentina. Cyanoliseus patagonus (Vieillot, 1818) [Aves: Psittacidae], with the description of Cyanolicimex patagonicus, gen. n., sp. n., and a key to the genera of Haematosiphoninae (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), Zootaxa 2728, pp. 1-22
: 6-9
6-9 |
new species
Jordan, David Starr & Goss, D. K., 1889, A review of the flounders and soles (Pleuronectidae) of America and Europe, Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 14, pp. 225-342
: 248
248 |
Eumops patagonicus
Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Chiroptera - Family Molossidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 432-451
: 438
438 |
Astylus patagonicus
Estrada, Patricia, 2020, Contributions to the knowledge of southern South American species of Astylus Laporte, 1836 (Coleoptera: Melyridae). Re-describing Astylus vittaticollis (Blanchard, 1843) and A. patagonicus (Blanchard, 1843), Zootaxa 4845 (1), pp. 119-126
: 122
122 |
Thiratoscirtus patagonicus
Wiśniewski, Konrad & Wesołowska, Wanda, 2024, Jumping spiders (Salticidae) of Uganda - revised list, new species and distributional data, European Journal of Taxonomy 952, pp. 1-171
: 134-136
134-136 |
Leiosolenus patagonicus
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 31
31 |
Gauchodaeus patagonicus
sp. n.
Paulsen, M. J. & Ocampo, Federico C., 2012, The Ochodaeidae of Argentina (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea), ZooKeys 174, pp. 7-30
: 23-24
23-24 |
Neochelanops patagonicus
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 17-18
17-18 |
Polynoncus patagonicus
Costa-Silva, Vinícius, Strümpher, Werner P., Thyssen, Patricia J. & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2024, Taxonomic revision of the South American genus Polynoncus Burmeister, 1876 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea: Trogidae), Journal of Natural History 58 (1 - 4), pp. 14-166
: 119-121
119-121 |
Acanthoscelides patagonicus
MORSE, GEOFFREY E. & RIBEIRO-COSTA, CIBELE STRAMARE, 2024, New and Confirmed Combinations of New World Bruchinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) with a List of incertae sedis Species, Zootaxa 5543 (1), pp. 57-82
: 71
71 |
Eumops patagonicus subsp. patagonicus
Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Chiroptera - Family Molossidae, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 432-451
: 438
438 |
Eumops patagonicus
Don E. Wilson & Russell A. Mittermeier, 2019, Molossidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 598-672
: 633
633 |
new species
Trach, Viacheslav A. & Khaustov, Alexandr A., 2017, The first record of the genus Myrmozercon Berlese (Acari: Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) in the Neotropical region and a description of a new species, Acarologia 58, No. 1, pp. 41-51
: 44
44 |
Systellura longirostris subsp. patagonicus
Coria, Oscar R., Quiroga, Oscar B., Navarro, José L., Heredia, Javier, Torres, Ricardo & Lima, Javier, 2021, Lista actualizada de las aves de Santiago del Estero, Argentina, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 65 (1), pp. 42-143
: 60
60 |
Mimus patagonicus
Coria, Oscar R., Quiroga, Oscar B., Navarro, José L., Heredia, Javier, Torres, Ricardo & Lima, Javier, 2021, Lista actualizada de las aves de Santiago del Estero, Argentina, Acta Zoológica Lilloana 65 (1), pp. 42-143
: 108
108 |
Myrmozercon patagonicus
sp. nov.
Trach, Viacheslav A. & Khaustov, Alexander A., 2018, The first record of the genus Myrmozercon Berlese (Acari: Mesostigmata: Laelapidae) in the Neotropical region and a description of a new species, Acarologia 58 (1), pp. 41-51
: 42-48
42-48 |
Proteopitar patagonicus
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 70
70 |
Ceremaster patagonicus subsp. patagonicus
Jangoux, Michel, 2022, The type specimens of extant asteroids (Echinodermata) in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle of Paris, Zoosystema 44 (11), pp. 259-334
: 268
268 |
Macrobiotus patagonicus
Roszkowska, Milena, Stec, Daniel, Ciobanu, Daniel Adrian & Kaczmarek, Łukasz, 2016, Tardigrades from Nahuel Huapi National Park (Argentina, South America) with descriptions of two new Macrobiotidae species, Zootaxa 4105 (3), pp. 243-260
: 250
250 |
Phymaturus patagonicus
Pincheira-Donoso, Daniel, Scolaro, J. Alejandro & Sura, Piotr, 2008, A monographic catalogue on the systematics and phylogeny of the South American iguanian lizard family Liolaemidae (Squamata, Iguania), Zootaxa 1800, pp. 1-85
: 58
58 |
Mucronotus patagonicus
sp. nov.
Ruta, Rafał, 2021, Three new genera of large marsh beetles (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) from Valdivian temperate rain forests of southern South America, Zootaxa 5048 (4), pp. 451-485
: 468-470
468-470 |
Fissarcturus patagonicus
comb. nov.
Poore, G. C. B., 2003, Revision of Holidoteidae, an endemic southern African family of Crustacea, and re-appraisal of taxa previously included in its three genera (Isopoda: Valvifera), Journal of Natural History 37, pp. 1805-1846
: 1834
1834 |
Prothylacynus patagonicus
Engelman, Russell K. & Croft, Darin A., 2022, Identifying tooth position of isolated teeth of sparassodonts (Mammalia: Metatheria) using geometric morphometrics, Palaeontologia Electronica (a 8) 25 (1), pp. 1-30
: 29
29 |
Brachymyrmex patagonicus
Guénard, Benoit, Mccaffrey, Katherine A., Lucky, Andrea & Dunn, Rob R., 2012, Ants of North Carolina: an updated list (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Zootaxa 3552, pp. 1-36
: 13
13 |
Aptenodytes patagonicus
Hospitaleche, Carolina Acosta & Soto-Acuña, Sergio, 2023, A small penguin cranium (Aves, Spheniscidae) from the Late Miocene of Bahía Inglesa Formation, Atacama Desert, Northern Chile, Comptes Rendus Palevol 22 (13), pp. 233-244
: 237
237 |
Pomphorhynchus patagonicus
Hernández-Orts, Jesús S., Kuchta, Roman, Semenas, Liliana, Crespo, Enrique A., González, Raúl A. & Aznar, Francisco J., 2019, An annotated list of the Acanthocephala from Argentina, Zootaxa 4663 (1), pp. 1-64
: 19-20
19-20 |
Tetanocera patagonicus
Murphy, William L., González, Christian R. & Elgueta, Mario, 2022, A catalog of the Sciomyzidae of Chile, with a key to genera (Diptera: Sciomyzoidea), Zootaxa 5099 (2), pp. 261-278
: 273-274
273-274 |
Lyncodon patagonicus subsp. patagonicus
Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Carnivora, Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 532-628
: 608
608 |
Lyncodon patagonicus
W. Christopher Wozencraft, 1993, Order Carnivora, Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition), Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 279-348
: 319
319 |
Colletes patagonicus
Ferrari, Rafael R., 2017, Taxonomic revision of the species of Colletes Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae: Colletinae) found in Chile, Zootaxa 4364 (1), pp. 1-137
: 98-101
98-101 |
Allorchestes patagonicus
Pugh, P. J. A., Dartnall, H. J. G. & McInnes, S. J., 2002, The non-marine Crustacea of Antarctica and the Islands of the Southern Ocean: biodiversity and biogeography, Journal of Natural History 36 (9), pp. 1047-1103
: 1073-1074
1073-1074 |
Acharax patagonicus
Passos, Flávio Dias, Batistão, Alan Rodrigo & Lima, Luan Lucas Cardoso, 2024, Checklist of marine Bivalvia (Mollusca) from Brazil, with descriptive analyses of their bathymetric and geographical distribution, Zootaxa 5488 (1), pp. 1-94
: 21
21 |
new species
de Lapparent de Broin, France & de la Fuente, Marcelo S., 2001, Oldest world Chelidae (Chelonii, Pleurodira), from the Cretaceous of Patagonia., Comptes rendus des séances de l’Académie des Sciences 333, pp. 463-470
: 467
467 |
Anthoceros patagonicus subsp. gremmenii
Söderström, Lars, Hagborg, Anders & Konrat, Matt Von, 2016, Early Land Plants Today: Index of Liverworts & Hornworts 2013 - 2014, Phytotaxa 269 (3), pp. 133-185
: 136
136 |
new species
Matallanas, J. & Pequeño, G., 2000, Description of Careproctus patagonicus sp. nov. and Careproctus magellanicus sp. nov. (Pisces: Scorpaeniformes) from the lower slope of Drake Passage, Journal of Fish Biology 56, No. 3, pp. 519-527
: 520
520 |
Leptoptilos patagonicus
sp. nov.
Noriega, Jorge Ignacio & Cladera, Gerardo, 2008, First record of an extinct marabou stork in the Neogene of South America, Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53 (4), pp. 593-600
: 595-596
595-596 |
Prothylacynus patagonicus
Suarez, Catalina, Forasiepi, Analia M., Babot, María Judith, Shinmura, Tatsuya, Luque, Javier, Vanegas, Rubén D., Cadena, Edwin A. & Goin, Francisco J., 2023, A sabre-tooth predator from the Neotropics: Cranial morphology of Anachlysictis gracilis Goin, 1997 (Metatheria, Thylacosmilidae), based on new specimens from La Venta (Middle Miocene, Colombia), Geodiversitas 45 (18), pp. 497-572
: 543
543 |
Asterochernes kuscheli subsp. patagonicus
Mahnert, Volker, Iorio, Osvaldo Di, Turienzo, Paola & Porta, Andres, 2011, Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida) from Argentina. New records of distributions and habitats, corrections and an identification key, Zootaxa 2881, pp. 1-30
: 13
13 |
Macrobiotus patagonicus
Rossi, Gustavo, Claps, Maria & Ardohain, Diego, 2009, Tardigrades from northwestern Patagonia (Neuquén Province, Argentina) with the description of three new species, Zootaxa 2095, pp. 21-36
: 24
24 |
Deropegus patagonicus
Margarita Ostrowski de Núñez, Nathalia J. Arredondo & Alicia A. Gil de Pertierra, 2017, Adult Trematodes (Platyhelminthes) of freshwater fishes from Argentina: a checklist, Revue suisse de Zoologie 124 (1), pp. 91-113
: 99
99 |
Brachymyrmex patagonicus
Wild, A. L., 2007, A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Zootaxa 1622, pp. 1-55
: 27
27 |
Hippocampus patagonicus
Sara A. Lourie, Riley A. Pollom & Sarah J. Foster, 2016, A global revision of the Seahorses Hippocampus Rafinesque 1810 (Actinopterygii: Syngnathiformes): Taxonomy and biogeography with recommendations for further research, Zootaxa 4146 (1), pp. 1-66
: 35
35 |
Prothylacynus patagonicus
Engelman, Russell K., Flynn, John J., Wyss, André R. & Croft, Darin A., 2020, Eomakhaira molossus, A New Saber-Toothed Sparassodont (Metatheria: Thylacosmilinae) from the Early Oligocene (? Tinguirirican) Cachapoal Locality, Andean Main Range, Chile, American Museum Novitates 2020 (3957), pp. 1-76
: 7
7 |
new species
: -1
-1 |
new species
Ellingsen, Edvard, 1904, On some pseudoscorpions from Patagonia collected by Dr. Filippo Silvestri., Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Torino 19, pp. 1-7
: 5
5 |
Symplectoscyphus patagonicus
sp. nov.
Galea, Horia R. & Schories, Dirk, 2012, Some hydrozoans (Cnidaria) from Central Chile and the Strait of Magellan, Zootaxa 3296, pp. 19-67
: 54
54 |
Aptenodytes patagonicus
Canoville, Aurore, Robin, Jean-Patrice & de Buffrénil, Vivian, 2025, Ontogenetic development of limb bone microstructure in the king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus (Miller, 1778), with considerations for palaeoecological inferences in Sphenisciformes, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 203 (1), pp. 1-19
: 13-14
13-14 |
Austrelmis patagonicus
sp. nov.
Manzo, V. & Archangelsky, M., 2012, Two new species of Elmidae (Coleoptera) from Argentina, Zootaxa 3478, pp. 267-281
: 269
269 |
Macrobiotus patagonicus
Kaczmarek, Łukasz, Michalczyk, Łukasz & Mcinnes, Sandra J., 2015, Annotated zoogeography of non-marine Tardigrada. Part II: South America, Zootaxa 3923 (1), pp. 1-107
: 74
74 |
Chydorus patagonicus
Pugh, P. J. A., Dartnall, H. J. G. & McInnes, S. J., 2002, The non-marine Crustacea of Antarctica and the Islands of the Southern Ocean: biodiversity and biogeography, Journal of Natural History 36 (9), pp. 1047-1103
: 1054
1054 |
Metallactus patagonicus
Sassi, Davide, 2018, Revision of the Metallactus kollari species-group with a new diagnosis of the genus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae), Zootaxa 4413 (1), pp. 57-110
: 83-86
83-86 |
Homunculus patagonicus
Novo, Nelson M., Tejedor, Marcelo F. & González Ruiz, Laureano R., 2018, Previously unknown fossil platyrrhines (Primates) of Patagonia from the Tournouër collection at the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Geodiversitas 40 (22), pp. 529-535
: 531
531 |
Lyncodon patagonicus
James H. Honacki, Kenneth E. Kinman & James W. Koeppl, 1982, Order Carnivora, Mammal Species of the World (1 st Edition), Lawrence, Kansas, USA: Alien Press, Inc. & The Association of Systematics Collections, pp. 244-289
: 259
259 |
Anobothrus patagonicus
Schüller, Myriam & Jirkov, Igor A., 2013, New Ampharetidae (Polychaeta) from the deep Southern Ocean and shallow Patagonian waters, Zootaxa 3692 (1), pp. 204-237
: 216-221
216-221 |
Tanytarsus patagonicus
comb. nov.
Sanseverino, Angela M., Trivinho-Strixino, Susana & Nessimian, Jorge L., 2010, Taxonomic status of Nimbocera Reiss, 1972, a junior synonym of Tanytarsus van der Wulp, 1874 (Diptera: Chironomidae), Zootaxa 2359, pp. 43-57
: 44-49
44-49 |
Bolitobius patagonicus
Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 651-1066
: 651-1066
651-1066 |
Chydorus patagonicus
Pugh, P. J. A., Dartnall, H. J. G. & McInnes, S. J., 2002, The non-marine Crustacea of Antarctica and the Islands of the Southern Ocean: biodiversity and biogeography, Journal of Natural History 36 (9), pp. 1047-1103
: 1053
1053 |
Polylobus patagonicus
Silva, Sidnei Bortoluzzi Da & Caron, Edilson, 2014, The unique Brazilian species of Polylobus Solier (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with a checklist of all species of the genus, Zootaxa 3811 (2), pp. 226-238
: 234
234 |
Pseudocleobis patagonicus
comb. nov.
Botero-Trujillo, Ricardo & Iuri, Hernán A., 2015, Chileotrecha romero (Kraus, 1966) comb. nov. and Pseudocleobis patagonicus (Roewer, 1934) comb. nov. transferral from Mummuciidae to Ammotrechidae (Arachnida, Solifugae), Zootaxa 3990 (3), pp. 437-443
: 440-442
440-442 |
Chydorus patagonicus
Dartnall, Herbert J. G. & Hollwedel, Werner, 2007, A limnological reconnaissance of the Falkland Islands; with particular reference to the waterfleas (Arthropoda: Anomopoda), Journal of Natural History 41 (21 - 24), pp. 1259-1300
: 1269
1269 |