hephaestus, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 12 Treatments

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Hephaestus epirrhinos     Morgan, David L., Allen, Gerald R., Pusey, Bradley J. & Burrows, Damien W., 2011, 2816, Zootaxa 2816, pp. 1-64 : 16 16
Perciformes   new species  Allen, Gerald R. Dr., 1984, A new species of freshwater grunter (Pisces: Teraponidae) from New Guinea, Records of the Western Australian Museum 11, No. 4, pp. 393-397 : 393 393
Alpheus hephaestus   sp. nov.  Bracken-Grissom, Heather D. & Felder, Darryl L., 2014, Provisional revision of American snapping shrimp allied to Alpheus floridanus Kingsley, 1878 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) with notes on A. floridanus africanus, Zootaxa 3895 (4), pp. 451-491 : 470-474 470-474
Cryptops (Trigonocryptops) hephaestus     Chagas-Jr, Amazonas & Bichuette, Maria Elina, 2018, A synopsis of centipedes in Brazilian caves: hidden species diversity that needs conservation (Myriapoda, Chilopoda), ZooKeys 737, pp. 13-56 : 22-23 22-23
Spathius hephaestus     Tang, Pu, Belokobylskij, Sergey & Chen, Xue-Xin, 2015, Spathius Nees, 1818 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae) from China with a key to species, Zootaxa 3960 (1), pp. 1-132 : 54 54
Corydoras hephaestus   sp. nov.  Ohara, Willian Massaharu, Tencatt, Luiz F. C. & Britto, Marcelo R., 2016, Wrapped in flames: Corydoras hephaestus, a new remarkably colored species from the Rio Madeira basin (Teleostei: Callichthyidae), Zootaxa 4170 (3), pp. 539-552 : 540-548 540-548
Corydoras hephaestus     De Oliveira, Rianne C., Ota, Renata R., Deprá, Gabriel C., Zawadzki, Cláudio H., Pavanelli, Carla S. & Da Graça, Weferson J., 2022, Catalog of type specimens of the fish collection of the Núcleo de Pesquisas em Limnologia, Ictiologia e Aquicultura (NUP), Universidade Estadual de Maringá Paraná, Brazil, Zootaxa 5128 (1), pp. 1-43 : 11 11
Protyndarichoides hephaestus   sp. nov.  Noyes, John Stuart, 2023, ENCYRTIDAE OF COSTA RICA (HYMENOPTERA: CHALCIDOIDEA), 4 Subfamily Encyrtinae: tribes Arrhenophagini, Habrolepidini, Cerapterocerini, Cheiloneurini, Trechnitini, Cercobelini, Polaszekiini, Protyndarichoidini, Gahaniellini and Syrphophagini (part), mainly primary parasitoids and hyperparasitoids of Coccoidea and Psylloidea (Hemiptera), Taxonomic Monographs on Neotropical Hymenoptera (Oxford, England) 2 (11), pp. 1-921 : 546-548 546-548
Coleoptera   new species  Liebherr, James K., 2008, Taxonomic revision of Mecyclothorax Sharp (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of Hawaii Island: abundant genitalic variation in a nascent island radiation, Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 55, No. 1, pp. 19-78 : 51 51
Gammaropsis hephaestus   sp. nov.  Myers, Alan A., 2009, Photidae *, Zootaxa 2260 (1), pp. 771-799 : 771-774 771-774
Cryptops (Trigonocryptops) hephaestus   sp. nov.  Ázara, Ludson Neves De & Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes, 2013, The first troglobitic Cryptops (Trigonocryptops) (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha) from South America and the description of a non-troglobitic species from Brazil, Zootaxa 3709 (5), pp. 432-444 : 437-441 437-441
Hephaestus jenkinsi     Morgan, David L., Allen, Gerald R., Pusey, Bradley J. & Burrows, Damien W., 2011, 2816, Zootaxa 2816, pp. 1-64 : 16 16