flavilabris, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 38 Treatments

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Cerceris flavilabris subsp. laminata     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2018, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part I). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (2), pp. 1125-1170 : 1146 1146
Cerceris flavilabris subsp. laminata     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2019, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris L, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part II). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 831-874 : 840 840
Selenophorus flavilabris subsp. ubancus     Keller, Oliver, Schnepp, Kyle E., Ashman, Krystal L., Turnbow, Robert H. & Skelley, Paul E., 2020, An annotated catalog of the type material of Adephaga and Myxophaga (Coleoptera) deposited in the Florida State Collection of Arthropods in Gainesville, Florida, United States of America, Zootaxa 4744 (1), pp. 1-118 : 32-33 32-33
Andrena (Holandrena) flavilabris     Wood, Thomas James, 2023, Revisions to the Andrena fauna of north-western Africa with a focus on Morocco (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 916 (1), pp. 1-85 : 69 69
Selenophorus flavilabris     Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 64 64
Platymetopus flavilabris subsp. laticeps     Kataev, Boris M., 2023, A review of Asian species of the genus Platymetopus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini), Zootaxa 5306 (5), pp. 501-536 : 515-519 515-519
Ornatoraphidia flavilabris     Tillier, Pierre, 2015, Raphidioptera et Neuroptera (Insecta, Neuropterida) du Parc national du Mercantour (France), Zoosystema 37 (4), pp. 581-594 : 583 583
Hymenoptera   new species  Fabricius, Johann Christian, 1793, Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus, C. G. Proft, Fil. et Soc. : 304 304
Cerceris flavilabris key    Arens, Werner, 2017, Die Grabwespen der Peloponnes (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) 1. Teil: Ampulicidae, Sphecidae, Crabronidae: Entomosericinae und Philanthinae; mit Beschreibung einer neuen Palmodes-Art, Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (1), pp. 619-655 : 648-649 648-649
Neobarombiella flavilabris   comb. nov.  Bolz, Helmut & Wagner, Thomas, 2012, 3463, Zootaxa 3463, pp. 1-112 : 12 12
Cerceris flavilabris     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2021, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the Jiři Halada collection (Suchdol nad Lužnicí, Czech Republic), from the Palearctic Region (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (2), pp. 577-630 : 596 596
Cerceris flavilabris subsp. laminata     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2021, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the Jiři Halada collection (Suchdol nad Lužnicí, Czech Republic), from the Palearctic Region (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 53 (2), pp. 577-630 : 596 596
Cerceris flavilabris subsp. flavilabris     Sadeghi, M., Fallahzadeh, M., Ostovan, H., Ljubomirov, T. & Hesami, Sh., 2019, Revised checklist of the genus Cerceris (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) of Iran, with two new records, Far Eastern Entomologist 395, pp. 14-22 : 16 16
Cerceris flavilabris     Jahantigh, Fatemeh, Rakhshani, Ehsan, Mokhtari, Azizollah & Ramroodi, Sara, 2017, Catalogue of Ampulicidae, Crabronidae and Sphecidae of Iran (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Zootaxa 4307 (1), pp. 1-96 : 78 78
Centris (Melanocentris) flavilabris     Vivallo, Felipe, 2019, Taxonomic notes, lectotype designations and new synonymies in some species of the bee genus Centris Fabricius, 1804 described by Sándor Mocsáry and Heinrich Friese (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Zootaxa 4638 (4), pp. 534-546 : 537 537
Diptera   new species  Meigen, Johann Wilhelm, 1820, Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europäischen zweiflügeligen Insekten. Zweiter Theil., F. W. Forstmann : -1 -1
Cantharis (Cantharis) flavilabris     Sergeeva, E. V., Stolbov, V. A., Kazantsev, S. V. & Lomakin, D. E., 2024, Beetle fauna of the superfamily Cantharoidea (Coleoptera) of the Tyumen Oblast, Russia, Amurian Zoological Journal XVI (1), pp. 190-205 : 194-195 194-195
Acara flavilabris   new species  Cope, Edward Drinker, 1870, Contribution to the ichthyology of the Marañon, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 11, pp. 559-570 : 570 570
Uchidella flavilabris     Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 9042-9042 : 9042 9042
Platymetopus flavilabris subsp. punctulatus     Kataev, Boris M., 2023, A review of Asian species of the genus Platymetopus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini), Zootaxa 5306 (5), pp. 501-536 : 519-521 519-521
Platymetopus flavilabris subsp. flavilabris     Kataev, Boris M., 2023, A review of Asian species of the genus Platymetopus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini), Zootaxa 5306 (5), pp. 501-536 : 509-510 509-510
Uchidella flavilabris     Broad, Gavin R., 2016, Checklist of British and Irish Hymenoptera - Ichneumonidae, Biodiversity Data Journal 4, pp. 9042-9042 : 9042 9042
Callopisma flavilabris     Keller, Oliver & Branham, Marc A., 2021, A catalog of the Lampyridae (Coleoptera) of the West Indies, Zootaxa 4970 (1), pp. 53-105 : 67 67
Cerceris flavilabris     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2019, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris L, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part II). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 831-874 : 839 839
Ornatoraphidia flavilabris     Aspoeck, Horst & Aspoeck, Ulrike, 2023, The snakeflies of the Mediterranean islands: review and biogeographical analysis (Neuropterida, Raphidioptera), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 70 (1), pp. 175-218 : 175 175
Cantharis flavilabris     Bukejs, Andris, 2011, Materials About The Fauna Of Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) Of Naujene Rural Municipality (Daugavpils District, Latvia). Part 3, Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis 11 (1), pp. 10-21 : 15 15
Platymetopus flavilabris     Kataev, Boris M., 2023, A review of Asian species of the genus Platymetopus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini), Zootaxa 5306 (5), pp. 501-536 : 504-508 504-508
Andrena (Holandrena) flavilabris     Wood, Thomas J., 1942, Revision of the Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) fauna of Bulgaria and North Macedonia with description of three new species, Belgian Journal of Entomology 117, pp. 1-39 : 23 23
Nomada (Nomada) flavilabris     Gaspar, Hugo, Flaminio, Simone, Soares, Albano, Rufino, Cristina, Loureiro, João, Castro, Sílvia & Wood, Thomas J., 2025, New data from the historical bee collection (Hymenoptera, Anthophila) of the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra and additional faunistic updates for Portugal, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 98, pp. 165-194 : 165-194 165-194
Selenophorus flavilabris subsp. flavilabris     Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 65-67 65-67
Neobarombiella flavilabris   comb. nov.  Bolz, Helmut & Wagner, Thomas, 2012, 3463, Zootaxa 3463, pp. 1-112 : 14-20 14-20
Platymetopus flavilabris subsp. thunbergi     Kataev, Boris M., 2023, A review of Asian species of the genus Platymetopus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalini), Zootaxa 5306 (5), pp. 501-536 : 512-514 512-514
Laetacara flavilabris     Escobar-Camacho, Daniel, Valdiviezo-Rivera, Jonathan, Carrillo-Moreno, Carolina, Argüello, Pablo & Swing, Kelly, 2025, Exceptional concentration of fish diversity in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador (Napo River Basin), Biodiversity Data Journal 13, pp. e 136476-e 136476 : e136476--1 e136476--1
Cerceris flavilabris     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2018, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part I). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (2), pp. 1125-1170 : 1145-1146 1145-1146
Selenophorus flavilabris subsp. cubanus     Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 65 65
Nesobasis flavilabris   new species  de Sélys-Longchamps, Edmond, 1891, Causeries odonatologiques. No. 3. Nesobasis Selys (Nouveau sous-genre d'Agrionines). Comptes-Rendus des Séances, Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique 35, pp. 51-57 : 55 55
Selenophorus flavilabris subsp. ubancus   stat. n.  Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 67 67
Cerceris flavilabris     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2021, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris LATREILLE, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part III). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 52 (2), pp. 933-961 : 941 941

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