cinari, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 9 Treatments

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Marphysa cinari     Faulwetter, Sarah, Simboura, Nomiki, Katsiaras, Nikolaos, Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos & Arvanitidis, Christos, 2017, Polychaetes of Greece: an updated and annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 20997-20997 : 20997 20997
Marphysa cinari   sp. nov.  Sahin, Güley Kurt, 2014, Marphysa cinari, a new species of Eunicidae (Polychaeta) from the coasts of Turkey (eastern Mediterranean) and re-descriptions of Marphysa kinbergi McIntosh, 1910 and Marphysa disjuncta Hartman, 1961, Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) 48 (33 - 34), pp. 1989-2006 : 1991-1998 1991-1998
Semiodera cinari   sp. nov.  Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2012, 3562, Zootaxa 3562, pp. 1-62 : 14-16 14-16
Izmira cinari     Rodríguez, Jorge, Grande, Cristina, Bulnes, Natalia Veronica, Almon, Bruno, Perez, Jacinto & Noreña, Carolina, 2017, Systematic revision of the family Pleioplanidae Faubel, 1983 (Polycladida, Acotylea): new genus and combinations, European Journal of Taxonomy 264 (264), pp. 1-30 : 21 21
Paucibranchia cinari   comb. nov.  Molina-Acevedo, Isabel C., 2018, Morphological revision of the Subgroup 1 Fauchald, 1970 of Marphysa de Quatrefages, 1865 (Eunicidae: Polychaeta), Zootaxa 4480 (1), pp. 1-125 : 31-35 31-35
Marphysa cinari     Faulwetter, Sarah, Simboura, Nomiki, Katsiaras, Nikolaos, Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos & Arvanitidis, Christos, 2017, Polychaetes of Greece: an updated and annotated checklist, Biodiversity Data Journal 5, pp. 20997-20997 : 20997 20997
Atherigona cinarina     Muller, B. S., 2015, Illustrated key and systematics of male South African Atherigona s. str. (Diptera: Muscidae), African Invertebrates 56 (3), pp. 845-845 : 865 865
Cinarinae     Stekolshchikov, Andrey V. & Buga, Sergey V., 2018, The aphid fauna (Hemiptera, Sternorrhyncha, Aphidomorpha) of Murmansk province (Russia), with description of Aphis khrulevi sp. nov. and Dysaphis karyakini sp. nov. and males of Chaitophorus nigricantis Pintera, 1987, Zootaxa 4527 (4), pp. 451-493 : 456-457 456-457
Cinarini     Stekolshchikov, Andrey V. & Khruleva, Olga A., 2020, Contribution to the aphid fauna (Homoptera, Aphidinea) of the Taymyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky District and the krai city of Norilsk, with descriptions of two new species of the genus Metopolophium, Zootaxa 4748 (1), pp. 87-118 : 91 91