Catocala electa
Zuparko, Robert L., 2015, Annotated Checklist of California Encyrtidae (Hymenoptera), Zootaxa 4017 (1), pp. 1-126
: 114-117
114-117 |
Catocala briseis
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 62
62 |
Catocala delilah
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 14-16
14-16 |
Catocala californica
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 51-52
51-52 |
Catocala eutychea
Weidlich, Michael, 2016, Zur Schmetterlingsfauna der Ionischen Inseln Griechenlands mit der Beschreibung neuer Psychiden-Taxa sowie ein Beitrag zu ihrer Köcherfliegenfauna (Lepidoptera, Trichoptera), Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 66 (2), pp. 265-320
: 288
288 |
Catocala unijuga
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 71-72
71-72 |
Catocala badia subsp. coelebs
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 66
66 |
Catocala dula
Koshkin, E. S., Kostyunin, A. E. & Bezborodov, V. G., 2023, An addition to the fauna of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) of Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands, Russia), Amurian Zoological Journal XV (1), pp. 170-177
: 174
174 |
Catocala electilis
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 45-46
45-46 |
Catocala nymphagoga
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 61-62
61-62 |
Catocala toropovi
sp. nov.
Saldaitis, Aidas, Kons, Hugo L. & Borth, Robert J., 2014, A new species of Catocala Schrank, 1802 (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae (sensu lato): Erebinae) from Kazakhstan, Zootaxa 3866 (4), pp. 543-554
: 544-553
544-553 |
Catocala luciana
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 63
63 |
Catocala sponsa
Wymann, Hans-Peter, 2013, Faunistisch bemerkenswerte Funde von « Macroheterocera » (Lepidoptera) im Berner Oberland zwischen 1992 und 2012, Entomo Helvetica 6, pp. 23-34
: 28
28 |
Catocala grotiana
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 56
56 |
Catocala frederici
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 22
22 |
Catocala neogama
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 58
58 |
Catocala nymphaea
Dobado, Pablo M., 2019, Lista provisional de los Noctuoidea de la provincia de Córdoba (sur de España): I. Notodontidae, Nolidae, Erebidae, Euteliidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 21, pp. 195-210
: 201
201 |
Catocala benjamini subsp. benjamini
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 22-23
22-23 |
Catocala benedeki
sp. nov.
Borth, Robert J., Kons, Hugo L., Saldaitis, Aidas & Gall, Lawrence F., 2017, The taxonomy of Catocala nupta (Linnaeus, 1767) and its allies, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Zootaxa 4263 (2), pp. 251-272
: 253-266
253-266 |
Catocala chelidonia subsp. occidentalis
subsp. nov.
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 31
31 |
Catocala faustina subsp. allusa
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 54-55
54-55 |
Catocala verrilliana
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 44
44 |
Catocala relicta
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 51
51 |
Catocala helena
Titov, Sergey V., Volynkin, Anton V., Pulikova, Genriyetta I. & Kaptyonkina, Alyona G., 2022, The first record of Catocala helena Eversmann, 1856 from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Noctuoidea: Erebidae: Catocalini), Ecologica Montenegrina 52, pp. 42-48
: 43-45
43-45 |
Catocala becheri
Volynkin, Anton V., Borth, Robert J., Didenko, Sergei & Saldaitis, Aidas, 2017, Description of the female of Catocala becheri (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), Zootaxa 4347 (3)
: -1
-1 |
Catocala optata
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2012, Catálogo comentado de los noctuidos de Galicia (España, N. O. Península Ibérica). (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 7, pp. 3-55
: 9
9 |
Catocala dilecta
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 74
74 |
Catocala californica
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 50-51
50-51 |
Catocala adultera
Dubatolov, V. V., 2020, New Findings Of Noctuids (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Noctuidae) In Botchinsky Nature Reserve In 2019, Amurian Zoological Journal XII (3), pp. 383-388
: 384
384 |
Catocala verrilliana
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 74
74 |
Catocala piatrix subsp. dionyza
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 50
50 |
Catocala blandula
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 61
61 |
Catocala nymphagoga
Dobado, Pablo M., 2019, Lista provisional de los Noctuoidea de la provincia de Córdoba (sur de España): I. Notodontidae, Nolidae, Erebidae, Euteliidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 21, pp. 195-210
: 201
201 |
Catocala electa
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 57-58
57-58 |
Catocala chelidonia subsp. chelidonia
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 29-30
29-30 |
Catocala nilssoni
sp. nov.
Saldaitis, Aidas, Pekarsky, Oleg & Borth, Robert J., 2017, A new species and taxonomical notes on some other Catocala Schrank, 1802 (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) from China, Zootaxa 4254 (1), pp. 39-48
: 40-47
40-47 |
Catocala alabamae
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 71
71 |
Catocala nymphagoga
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2018, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XVI: Noctuidae (sensu classico) [Nolidae, Erebidae (partim) y Noctuidae]. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 19, pp. 87-132
: 93
93 |
Catocala nymphaea
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2018, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XVI: Noctuidae (sensu classico) [Nolidae, Erebidae (partim) y Noctuidae]. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 19, pp. 87-132
: 93
93 |
Catocala electa
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2018, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XVI: Noctuidae (sensu classico) [Nolidae, Erebidae (partim) y Noctuidae]. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 19, pp. 87-132
: 93
93 |
Catocala elocata
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2018, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XVI: Noctuidae (sensu classico) [Nolidae, Erebidae (partim) y Noctuidae]. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 19, pp. 87-132
: 93
93 |
Catocala caesia
sp. nov.
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 19-21
19-21 |
Catocala andromache
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 26-27
26-27 |
Catocala nagioides
Lee, Dong-Yeol, Jeong, Ilyeong, Kim, Seonmin, Choi, Jae Won, Won, Min Hyeok, Kim, Donguk, Kim, Dongmin, Kim, Young-Kun, Jeon, Jiseung, Ryu, Jihun, Bang, WooJun, Chang, Jun Hyuk & Choi, Kwang Shik, 2024, Checklist for the insect fauna of two East Sea Islands (Ulleungdo Is. and Dokdo Is.) in the Republic of Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 129360-e 129360
: e129360--1
e129360--1 |
Catocala solntsevi
Kons Jr, Hugo L., Borth, Robert J., Saldaitis, Aidas & Didenko, Sergei, 2017, The Catocala naganoi species group (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with a new species from Vietnam, Zootaxa 4358 (1), pp. 79-106
: 104
104 |
Catocala praeclara subsp. manitoba
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 59-61
59-61 |
Catocala hermia subsp. hermia
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 68-69
68-69 |
Catocala pacta
Titov, Sergey V., Volynkin, Anton V. & Morozov, Pavel S., 2024, Revised checklist of the superfamily Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) of Northeast Kazakhstan (Pavlodar Region), Ecologica Montenegrina 73, pp. 288-376
: 314-315
314-315 |
Catocala lupina
Titov, Sergey V., Volynkin, Anton V. & Morozov, Pavel S., 2024, Revised checklist of the superfamily Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) of Northeast Kazakhstan (Pavlodar Region), Ecologica Montenegrina 73, pp. 288-376
: 314
314 |
Catocala nupta
Titov, Sergey V., Volynkin, Anton V. & Morozov, Pavel S., 2024, Revised checklist of the superfamily Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) of Northeast Kazakhstan (Pavlodar Region), Ecologica Montenegrina 73, pp. 288-376
: 314
314 |
Catocala faustina subsp. allusa
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 44-45
44-45 |
Catocala optata
Florido, Alfonso Sánchez & Moreno-Benítez, José Manuel, 2020, Contribución al conocimiento de los Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) de la provincia de Málaga (Andalucía, España)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 219-228
: 226
226 |
Catocala conversa
Florido, Alfonso Sánchez & Moreno-Benítez, José Manuel, 2020, Contribución al conocimiento de los Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) de la provincia de Málaga (Andalucía, España)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 219-228
: 226
226 |
Catocala chelidonia
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 29
29 |
Catocala bella
Knyazev, S. A., Ivonin, V. V. & Saykina, S. M., 2022, New records of rare and local butterflies and moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in Omsk and Novosibirsk regions, Amurian Zoological Journal XIV (2), pp. 321-334
: 327
327 |
Catocala jessica
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 57-58
57-58 |
Catocala relicta
Pohl, Greg, Anweiler, Gary, Schmidt, Christian & Kondla, Norbert, 2010, An annotated list of the Lepidoptera of Alberta, Canada, ZooKeys 38 (38), pp. 1-549
: 250-251
250-251 |
Catocala neglecta
Titov, Sergey V., Volynkin, Anton V. & Saldaitis, Aidas, 2024, New data on the distribution of three species of the genus Catocala Schrank in East Kazakhstan and West Mongolia (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), Ecologica Montenegrina 71, pp. 245-252
: 246
246 |
Catocala neogama subsp. euphemia
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 53
53 |
Catocala agitatrix
Koshkin, E. S., Kostyunin, A. E. & Bezborodov, V. G., 2023, An addition to the fauna of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) of Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands, Russia), Amurian Zoological Journal XV (1), pp. 170-177
: 172
172 |
Catocala deuteronympha
Koshkin, E. S., Kostyunin, A. E. & Bezborodov, V. G., 2023, An addition to the fauna of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) of Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands, Russia), Amurian Zoological Journal XV (1), pp. 170-177
: 172
172 |
Catocala habilis
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 49
49 |
Catocala luctuosa
stat. nov.
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 58-59
58-59 |
Catocala dilecta
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala elocata
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala conjuncta
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala sponsa
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala promissa
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala puerpera
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala nymphagoga
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala fraxini
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala nupta
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala nymphaea
Manceñido-González, David César, 2020, Catálogo actualizado y nuevos datos de los macroheteróceros de la provincia de León (NO España), VI (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 53-75
: 70
70 |
Catocala sponsa
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2018, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XVI: Noctuidae (sensu classico) [Nolidae, Erebidae (partim) y Noctuidae]. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 19, pp. 87-132
: 93
93 |
Catocala dula
Lee, Dong-Yeol, Jeong, Ilyeong, Kim, Seonmin, Choi, Jae Won, Won, Min Hyeok, Kim, Donguk, Kim, Dongmin, Kim, Young-Kun, Jeon, Jiseung, Ryu, Jihun, Bang, WooJun, Chang, Jun Hyuk & Choi, Kwang Shik, 2024, Checklist for the insect fauna of two East Sea Islands (Ulleungdo Is. and Dokdo Is.) in the Republic of Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 129360-e 129360
: e129360--1
e129360--1 |
Catocala puerpera
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 75
75 |
Catocala alabamae
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 65
65 |
Catocala deducta
Titov, Sergey V., Volynkin, Anton V. & Morozov, Pavel S., 2024, Revised checklist of the superfamily Noctuoidea (Lepidoptera) of Northeast Kazakhstan (Pavlodar Region), Ecologica Montenegrina 73, pp. 288-376
: 314
314 |
Catocala pretiosa subsp. texarkana
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 70
70 |
Catocala sponsa
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2013, Nuevos noctuidos para Galicia (España, N. O. Península Ibérica). (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 9, pp. 155-159
: 156
156 |
Catocala duda
sp. nov.
Saldaitis, Aidas, Volynkin, Anton V. & Didenko, Sergei I., 2023, Catocala duda, a new species from south-western China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Erebinae), Ecologica Montenegrina 61, pp. 50-55
: 51-55
51-55 |
Catocala elocata
Florido, Alfonso Sánchez & Moreno-Benítez, José Manuel, 2020, Contribución al conocimiento de los Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) de la provincia de Málaga (Andalucía, España)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 22, pp. 219-228
: 226
226 |
Catocala coniuncta
Dobado, Pablo M., 2019, Lista provisional de los Noctuoidea de la provincia de Córdoba (sur de España): I. Notodontidae, Nolidae, Erebidae, Euteliidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 21, pp. 195-210
: 201
201 |
Catocala fraxini
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 59-60
59-60 |
Catocala agrippina
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 42-43
42-43 |
Catocala miranda
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 63
63 |
new species
Jordan, David Starr & Evermann, Barton Warren, 1903, Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from the Hawaiian Islands, Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 22, pp. 161-208
: 201
201 |
Catocala benjamini subsp. ute
Hawks, David, 2010, Review of the Catocala delilah species complex (Lepidoptera, Erebidae), ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 13-35
: 24
24 |
Catocala lara
Koshkin, E. S., Kostyunin, A. E. & Bezborodov, V. G., 2023, An addition to the fauna of Macroheterocera (Lepidoptera) of Kunashir Island (Kuril Islands, Russia), Amurian Zoological Journal XV (1), pp. 170-177
: 172-174
172-174 |
Catocala connubialis
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 48
48 |
Catocala nymphaea
Fernández, Aquilino Martínez, 2022, Citas interesantes de Erebidae (Erebinae) y Euteliidae (Lepidoptera) para Galicia (noroeste de la península ibérica), Arquivos Entomolóxicos 25, pp. 53-84
: 61
61 |
Catocala naganoi
Kons Jr, Hugo L., Borth, Robert J., Saldaitis, Aidas & Didenko, Sergei, 2017, The Catocala naganoi species group (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with a new species from Vietnam, Zootaxa 4358 (1), pp. 79-106
: 103
103 |
Catocala cerogama
Telfer, Angela C, Young, Monica R, Quinn, Jenna, Perez, Kate, Sobel, Crystal N, Sones, Jayme E, Levesque-Beaudin, Valerie, Derbyshire, Rachael, Fernandez-Triana, Jose, Rougerie, Rodolphe, Thevanayagam, Abinah, Boskovic, Adrian, Borisenko, Alex V, Cadel, Alex, Brown, Allison, Pages, Anais, Castillo, Anibal H, Nicolai, Annegret, Glenn Mockford, Barb Mockford, Bukowski, Belen, Wilson, Bill, Trojahn, Brock, Lacroix, Carole Ann, Brimblecombe, Chris, Hay, Christoper, Ho, Christmas, Steinke, Claudia, Warne, Connor P, Garrido Cortes, Cristina, Engelking, Daniel, Wright, Danielle, Lijtmaer, Dario A, Gascoigne, David, Hernandez Martich, David, Morningstar, Derek, Neumann, Dirk, Steinke, Dirk, Marco DeBruin, Donna DeBruin, Dobias, Dylan, Sears, Elizabeth, Richard, Ellen, Damstra, Emily, Zakharov, Evgeny V, Laberge, Frederic, Collins, Gemma E, Blagoev, Gergin A, Grainge, Gerrie, Ansell, Graham, Meredith, Greg, Hogg, Ian, McKeown, Jaclyn, Topan, Janet, Bracey, Jason, Guenther, Jerry, Sills-Gilligan, Jesse, Addesi, Joseph, Persi, Joshua, Layton, Kara K S, D'Souza, Kareina, Dorji, Kencho, Grundy, Kevin, Nghidinwa, Kirsti, Ronnenberg, Kylee, Lee, Kyung Min, Xie, Linxi, Lu, Liuqiong, Penev, Lyubomir, Gonzalez, Mailyn, Rosati, Margaret E, Kekkonen, Mari, Kuzmina, Maria, Iskandar, Marianne, Mutanen, Marko, Fatahi, Maryam, Pentinsaari, Mikko, Bauman, Miriam, Nikolova, Nadya, Ivanova, Natalia V, Jones, Nathaniel, Weerasuriya, Nimalka, Monkhouse, Norman, Lavinia, Pablo D, Jannetta, Paul, Hanisch, Priscila E, McMullin, R. Troy, Ojeda Flores, Rafael, Mouttet, Raphaelle, Vender, Reid, Labbee, Renee N, Forsyth, Robert, Lauder, Rob, Dickson, Ross, Kroft, Ruth, Miller, Scott E, MacDonald, Shannon, Panthi, Sishir, Pedersen, Stephanie, Sobek-Swant, Stephanie, Naik, Suresh, Lipinskaya, Tatsiana, Eagalle, Thanushi, Decaens, Thibaud, Kosuth, Thibault, Braukmann, Thomas, Woodcock, Tom, Roslin, Tomas, Zammit, Tony, Campbell, Victoria, Dinca, Vlad, Peneva, Vlada, Hebert, Paul D N & deWaard, Jeremy R, 2015, Biodiversity inventories in high gear: DNA barcoding facilitates a rapid biotic survey of a temperate nature reserve, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 6313-6313
: 6313
6313 |
Catocala hermia subsp. hermia
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 49
49 |
Catocala maestosa
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 59
59 |
Catocala irene
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 72-73
72-73 |
Catocala amatrix
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 65
65 |
Vidius catocala
Zhang, Jing, Dolibaina, Diego R., Cong, Qian, Shen, Jinhui, Song, Leina, Mielke, Carlos G. C., Casagrande, Mirna M., Mielke, Olaf H. H. & Grishin, Nick V., 2023, Taxonomic notes on Neotropical Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera), Zootaxa 5271 (1), pp. 91-114
: 107
107 |
Catocala semirelicta subsp. semirelicta
Gall, Lawrence & Hawks, David, 2010, Systematics of moths in the genus Catocala (Lepidoptera, Erebidae) IV. Nomenclatorial stabilization of the Nearctic fauna, with a revised synonymic check list, ZooKeys 39 (39), pp. 37-83
: 64
64 |
Catocala nupta
Fernández Vidal, Eliseo H., 2018, Lepidópteros de O Courel (Lugo, Galicia, España, N. O. Península Ibérica) XVI: Noctuidae (sensu classico) [Nolidae, Erebidae (partim) y Noctuidae]. (Lepidoptera)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 19, pp. 87-132
: 93
93 |