Choreutis atrosignata
Sohn, Jae-Cheon, 2022, Three species of Choreutidae (Lepidoptera) new to Korea with the first record of Brenthiinae for the country, Journal of Species Research 11 (3), pp. 202-207
: 203-204
203-204 |
Anumeta atrosignata
Komal, J., Shashank, P. R., Sondhi, Sanjay, Madan, Sohail, Sondhi, Yash, Meshram, Naresh M. & Anooj, S. S., 2021, Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Delhi, India: An illustrated checklist based on museum specimens and surveys, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 73997-73997
: 73997
73997 |
Gongrocnemis atrosignata
Hollier, John & Maehr, Michael, D., 2012, An annotated catalogue of the type material of Orthoptera (Insecta) described by Carl Brunner von Wattenwyl deposited in the Muséum d’histoire naturelle in Geneva, Revue suisse de Zoologie 119 (1), pp. 27-75
: 33
33 |
Dicranomyia (Peripheroptera) atrosignata
Armitage, Brian J. & Ríos González, Tomás A., 2019, The Diptera of Panama. I. Annotated catalog of the Tipulomorpha of Panama, Insecta Mundi 712, pp. 1-30
: 23
23 |