Musa borneensis var. alutacea
Häkkinen, Markku & Väre, Henry, 2008, Typification and check-list of Musa L. names (Musaceae) with nomenclatural notes, Adansonia (3) 30 (1), pp. 63-112
: 69
69 |
Cyclocephala alutacea
Moore, Matthew R., Cave, Ronald D. & Branham, Marc A., 2018, Annotated catalog and bibliography of the cyclocephaline scarab beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae, Cyclocephalini), ZooKeys 745, pp. 101-378
: 134
134 |
Rugiluclivina alutacea
Balkenohl, Michael, 2018, Notes on Oriental Clivinini and the description of two new species (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Clivinini), Linzer biologische Beiträge 50 (1), pp. 197-215
: 205-209
205-209 |
Rhamphostomella alutacea
Grischenko, Andrei V., Gordon, Dennis P., Taylor, Paul D., Kuklinski, Piotr, Denisenko, Nina V., Spencer-Jones, Mary E. & Ostrovsky, Andrew N., 2022, Taxonomy, ecology and zoogeography of the Recent species of Rhamphostomella Lorenz, 1886 and Mixtoscutella n. gen. (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata), Zootaxa 5131 (1), pp. 1-115
: 37-40
37-40 |
Methocha alutacea
Narita, Keisuke & Mita, Toshiharu, 2021, A review of the subfamily Methochinae from Taiwan (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) with description of a new species and redescription of the known species, Zootaxa 4964 (2), pp. 303-329
: 305-307
305-307 |
Andrena (Proxiandrena) alutacea
Wood, Thomas James, Cross, Ian & Baldock, David W., 2020, Updates to the bee fauna of Portugal with the description of three new Iberian Andrena species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila), Zootaxa 4790 (2), pp. 201-228
: 219
219 |
Lithocharis alutacea
V, Alexey, V, Alexander & Barševskis, Arvids, 2015, Contribution to the knowledge of myrmecophilous beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera) of Latvia, Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1829-1842
: 1835
1835 |
Magdalis alutacea
Webster, Reginald P., Anderson, Robert S., Sweeney, Jon D. & DeMerchant, Ian, 2012, New Coleoptera records from New Brunswick, Canada: Anthribidae, Brentidae, Dryophthoridae, Brachyceridae, and Curculionidae, with additions to the fauna of Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, ZooKeys 179, pp. 349-406
: 363
363 |
Kotlabaea alutacea
Wijayawardene, Nalin N., Dai, Dong-Qin, Premarathne, Bhagya M., Wimalasena, Madhara K., Jayalal, Udeni, Wickramanayake, Kawmini D., Dangalla, Hasanka, Jayathunga, Hashini, Brahmanage, Rashika S., Karunarathna, Samantha C., Weerakoon, Gothamie, Ariyawansa, Kahandawa G. S. U., Yapa, Neelamanie, Madawala, Sumedha, Nanayakkara, Chandrika M., Fan, Xin-Lei, Kirk, Paul M., Zhang, Gui-Qing, Ediriweera, Aseni, Bhat, Jayarama, Dawoud, Turki M. & Tibpromma, Saowaluck, 2023, Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 611 (1), pp. 1-105
: 46
46 |
Andrena alutacea
Hazir, Canan, Keskin, Nevin & Scheuchl, Erwin, 2014, Faunistic, geographical and biological contributions to the bee genus Andrena (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae, Andreninae) from Turkey, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 38, pp. 59-133
: 107
107 |
Themiste (Themiste) alutacea
Dean, Harlan K., Hernández-Ávila, Iván & Cutler, Edward B., 2007, Sipunculans of the Caribbean coast of Venezuela and Curaçao, Zootaxa 1431, pp. 45-54
: 47
47 |
Acalypta alutacea
sp. nov.
Souma, Jun, 2025, A new species and two new records of the moss-feeding lace bug genus Acalypta (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Tingidae) from Hokkaido, northern Japan, with an illustrated key to the Japanese species of the genus, ZooKeys 1229, pp. 107-132
: 107-132
107-132 |
Pachytomella alutacea
Namyatova, Anna A., 2010, Revision of the genus Pachytomella (Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae: Halticini), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 50 (2), pp. 341-368
: 348-350
348-350 |
Phyllodrepa alutacea
Herman, Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. I. Introduction, History, Biographical Sketches, and Omaliine Group, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 1-650
: 1-650
1-650 |
Scholvienia alutacea
Breure, Abraham S. H. & Avila, Valentin Mogollon, 2016, Synopsis of Central Andean Orthalicoid land snails (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora), excluding Bulimulidae, ZooKeys 588, pp. 1-199
: 58-60
58-60 |
Hyleoglomeris alutacea
sp. nov.
Mikhaljova, Elena V. & Lim, Kil-Young, 2006, New species of the genus Hyleoglomeris from Korea (Diplopoda: Glomerida: Glomeridae), Zootaxa 1224, pp. 45-58
: 54-56
54-56 |
Pseudomorpha alutacea
Bousquet, Yves, 2012, Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico, ZooKeys 245, pp. 1-1722
: 844
844 |
Andrena (Micrandrena) alutacea
Wood, Thomas J. & Monfared, Alireza, 2022, A revision of the Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) fauna of Iran, with the description of 16 new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 843, pp. 1-136
: 58-59
58-59 |
Andrena alutacea
Cornalba, Maurizio, Quaranta, Marino, Selis, Marco, Flaminio, Simone, Gamba, Sirio, Mei, Maurizio, Bonifacino, Marco, Cappellari, Andree, Catania, Roberto, Niolu, Pietro, Tempesti, Stefano & Biella, Paolo, 2024, Exploring the hidden riches: Recent remarkable faunistic records and range extensions in the bee fauna of Italy (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophila), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 116014-116014
: 116014
116014 |
Andrena (Micrandrena) alutacea
Wood, Thomas J., 1942, Revision of the Andrena (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) fauna of Bulgaria and North Macedonia with description of three new species, Belgian Journal of Entomology 117, pp. 1-39
: 18
18 |
Pelidnota alutacea
Moore, Matthew R., Jameson, Mary L., Garner, Beulah H., Audibert, Cedric, Smith, Andrew B. T. & Seidel, Matthias, 2017, Synopsis of the pelidnotine scarabs (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Rutelini) and annotated catalog of the species and subspecies, ZooKeys 666, pp. 1-349
: 1
1 |
Dolichogenidea alutacea
Fernandez-Triana, Jose, Sakagami, Kota & Shimizu, So, 2018, Dolichogenidea maetoi sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Japan, the first parasitoid wasp recorded from Hyblaea fortissima (Lepidoptera), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 58 (1), pp. 167-175
: 170
170 |
Artheneis alutaceae
Ghahari, Hassan & Moulet, Pierre, 2012, An Annotated Catalog of the Iranian Lygaeoidea (excluding Berytidae and Piesmatidae) (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomomorpha), Zootaxa 3408, pp. 1-33
: 13
13 |