Teleiopsis paulheberti
sp. nov.
Huemer, Peter & Mutanen, Marko, 2012, Taxonomy of spatially disjunct alpine Teleiopsis albifemorella s. lat. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) revealed by molecular data and morphology — how many species are there?, Zootaxa 3580, pp. 1-23
: 8-17
8-17 |
Teleiopsis kyraensis
sp. nov.
Bidzilya, Oleksiy & Nupponen, Kari, 2018, New species and new records of gelechiid moths (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from southern Siberia, Zootaxa 4444 (4), pp. 381-408
: 386-389
386-389 |
Teleiopsis terebinthinella
Karsholt, Ole & Huemer, Peter, 2017, Review of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) from Crete, Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (1), pp. 159-190
: 185
185 |
Lee, Sangmi & Brown, Richard L., 2008, Revision of Holarctic Teleiodini (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Zootaxa 1818, pp. 1-55
: 36-37
36-37 |
Teleiopsis sharporum
sp. nov.
Bidzilya, Oleksiy, 2021, New host-plants records of Afrotropical Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera), with description of three new species, Zootaxa 4952 (3), pp. 495-522
: 511-515
511-515 |
Teleiopsis diffinis
Bidzilya, Oleksiy, Karsholt, Ole, Kravchenko, Vasiliy & Šumpich, Jan, 2019, An annotated checklist of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) of Israel with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4677 (1), pp. 1-68
: 60
60 |
Teleiopsis terebinthinella
Bidzilya, Oleksiy, Karsholt, Ole, Kravchenko, Vasiliy & Šumpich, Jan, 2019, An annotated checklist of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) of Israel with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4677 (1), pp. 1-68
: 60
60 |
Teleiopsis motleella
sp. nov.
Ponomarenko, Margarita & Park, Kyu-Tek, 2007, Two new species and a new record of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) from Korea, Zootaxa 1437, pp. 55-60
: 55-57
55-57 |
Teleiopsis diffinis
Bidzilya, Oleksiy & Nupponen, Kari, 2018, New species and new records of gelechiid moths (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from southern Siberia, Zootaxa 4444 (4), pp. 381-408
: 385-386
385-386 |
Teleiopsis laetitiae
Bryner, Rudolf & Kopp, Andreas, 2023, Aktualisierung der Checkliste der Schmetterlinge (Lepidoptera) der Schweiz, Entomo Helvetica 16, pp. 39-60
: 49
49 |
Teleiopsis sarcochroma
Bidzilya, Oleksiy, Karsholt, Ole, Kravchenko, Vasiliy & Šumpich, Jan, 2019, An annotated checklist of Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) of Israel with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4677 (1), pp. 1-68
: 59
59 |
Teleiopsis diffinis
Junnilainen, Jari, Karsholt, Ole, Nupponen, Kari, Kaitila, Jari-Pekka, Nupponen, Timo & Olschwang, Vladimir, 2010, The gelechiid fauna of the southern Ural Mountains, part II: list of recorded species with taxonomic notes (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) 2367, Zootaxa 2367 (1), pp. 1-68
: 34
34 |
Teleiopsis albifemorella
Huemer, Peter & Mutanen, Marko, 2012, Taxonomy of spatially disjunct alpine Teleiopsis albifemorella s. lat. (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) revealed by molecular data and morphology — how many species are there?, Zootaxa 3580, pp. 1-23
: 6-8
6-8 |