new species
Schori, M. & Utteridge, Timothy Michael Arthur, 2010, Three new species and a new name in Southeast Asian Gomphandra (Stemonuraceae / Icacinaceae s. l.), Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 55, pp. 189-195
: 194
194 |
new species
Blume, Carl Ludwig von, 1825, Synoptische Beschrijving van eenige planten, behoorende tot de familie der Elaeagneen, Combretaceen, Santlalaceen, Thymeleen, Proleaceen, Caprifolieen, Lorantheen, Ebenaceen, Styraceen, Sapoteen, Jasmineen, Myrsineen, Solanaceen, Convolvulaceen, Campanulaceen en Lobeliaceen, op eene, in de jaren 1823 - 1824 gedane reis over Java, Waargenomen en beschreven, Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlandsch Indie 13, pp. 637-730
: 646
646 |
Ormerod, Paul, Kurzweil, Hubert & Watthana, Santi, 2021, Annotated List of Orchidaceae for Myanmar, Phytotaxa 481 (1), pp. 1-262
: 78
78 |
Platea parvifolia
Rio, Cédric Del, Stull, Gregory W. & Franceschi, Dario De, 2020, Survey of the fruits and endocarps of Icacinaceae (Lamiids, Icacinales), European Journal of Taxonomy 645, pp. 1-130
: 112-114
112-114 |
new species
Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1940, VII. Beitrage zur kenntnis der Icacinaceen und Peripterygiaceen, Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15, pp. 228-257
: 238
238 |
new species
Utteridge, Timothy Michael Arthur, 2001, A New Species of Medusanthera Seem. (Icacinaceae) from New Guinea: Medusanthera inaequalis Utteridge. Contributions to the Flora of Mt Jaya, IV, Kew Bulletin 56, pp. 233-237
: 234
234 |
Gomphandra hainanensis
Lin, Yun, Bi, Hai-Yan, Sun, Jun & Sun, Qian, 2023, Correction of collecting number errors in the protologues of sixty-four taxon names from China, Phytotaxa 598 (4), pp. 271-282
: 275
275 |
Reveal, James L., Chase, Mark W., Iii, - Apg & Iii, Apg, 2011, APG III: Bibliographical Information and Synonymy of Magnoliidae Abstract Kew words Introduction, Phytotaxa 19 (1), pp. 71-134
: 110
110 |
new species
Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1940, VII. Beitrage zur kenntnis der Icacinaceen und Peripterygiaceen, Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15, pp. 228-257
: 240
240 |
Rio, Cédric Del, Stull, Gregory W. & Franceschi, Dario De, 2020, Survey of the fruits and endocarps of Icacinaceae (Lamiids, Icacinales), European Journal of Taxonomy 645, pp. 1-130
: 58-59
58-59 |
Nothapodytes nimmoniana
Rio, Cédric Del, Stull, Gregory W. & Franceschi, Dario De, 2020, Survey of the fruits and endocarps of Icacinaceae (Lamiids, Icacinales), European Journal of Taxonomy 645, pp. 1-130
: 59
59 |
new species
Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1940, VII. Beitrage zur kenntnis der Icacinaceen und Peripterygiaceen, Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem 15, pp. 228-257
: 241
241 |
new species
Schellenberg, Gustav August, 1923, 82. Die bis jetzt aus Neu-Guinea bekannt gewordenen Opiliaceae, Olacaceae und Icacinaceae, Botanische Jahrbücher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie. 58, pp. 155-177
: 162
162 |
Gomphandra hainanensis
Lin, Yun, Bi, Hai-Yan, Sun, Jun & Sun, Qian, 2023, Correction of collecting number errors in the protologues of sixty-four taxon names from China, Phytotaxa 613 (3), pp. 261-270
: 265
265 |
Discophora guianensis
Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903
: 708
708 |
Nothapodytes pittosporoides
Rio, Cédric Del, Stull, Gregory W. & Franceschi, Dario De, 2020, Survey of the fruits and endocarps of Icacinaceae (Lamiids, Icacinales), European Journal of Taxonomy 645, pp. 1-130
: 59
59 |
new species
Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1969, Materials towards the knowledge of the Icacinaceae of Asia, Malesia, and adjacent areas, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 17, pp. 181-264
: 195
195 |
new species
Utteridge, Timothy Michael Arthur, 2011, A revision of the genus Medusanthera (Stemonuraceae, Icacinaceae s. l.), Kew Bulletin 66, pp. 49-81
: 70
70 |
new species
Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1969, Materials towards the knowledge of the Icacinaceae of Asia, Malesia, and adjacent areas, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 17, pp. 181-264
: 218
218 |