Pseudotolida syphaxi
sp. nov.
Steury, Brent W. & Steiner, Warren E., 2020, Descriptions of Four New Species of Tumbling Flower Beetles (Coleoptera: Mordellidae) from Eastern North America, The Coleopterists Bulletin 74 (4), pp. 699-709
: 706-708
706-708 |
Traylor, Clayton R., Ulyshen, Michael D. & McHugh, Joseph V., 2023, New Host Records and a Review of Deadwood Associations for Mordellidae (Coleoptera) in North America, The Coleopterists Bulletin 77 (3), pp. 375-381
: 379
379 |
Pseudotolida arida
Webster, Reginald P., Webster, Vincent L., Alderson, Chantelle A., Hughes, Cory C. & Sweeney, Jon D., 2016, Further contributions to the Coleoptera fauna of New Brunswick with an addition to the fauna of Nova Scotia, Canada, ZooKeys 573, pp. 265-338
: 319-320
319-320 |