Philonthus rectangulus
Anlaş, S., 2009, Distributional checklist of the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) of Turkey, with new and additional records, Linzer biologische Beiträge 41 (1), pp. 215-342
: 229
229 |
Philonthus rectangulus
Lee, Dong-Yeol, Jeong, Ilyeong, Kim, Seonmin, Choi, Jae Won, Won, Min Hyeok, Kim, Donguk, Kim, Dongmin, Kim, Young-Kun, Jeon, Jiseung, Ryu, Jihun, Bang, WooJun, Chang, Jun Hyuk & Choi, Kwang Shik, 2024, Checklist for the insect fauna of two East Sea Islands (Ulleungdo Is. and Dokdo Is.) in the Republic of Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. e 129360-e 129360
: e129360--1
e129360--1 |
Philonthus rectangulus
Herman, Taphylininae Iochini Aorothiini Thiini Latyprosopini Taphylinini Mblyopinina Nisolinina Yptiomina Hilonthina Lee H., 2001, Catalog of the Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 1758 to the End of the Second Millennium. V. Staphylinine Group (Part 2) Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2001 (265), pp. 2441-3020
: 2441-3020
2441-3020 |
Philonthus rectangulus
Majka, Christopher & Klimaszewski, Jan, 2008, Adventive Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) of the Maritime Provinces of Canada: further contributions, ZooKeys 2 (2), pp. 151-174
: 165
165 |
Philonthus (Philonthus) rectangulus
Sazhnev, A. S. & Kozminykh, V. O., 2023, New records of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) for Orenburg Oblast, Amurian Zoological Journal XV (2), pp. 411-419
: 416
416 |
Philonthus rectangulus
Chani-Posse, Mariana, 2010, Revision of the southern South American species of Philonthus Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) 2595, Zootaxa 2595, pp. 1-70
: 47-49
47-49 |
Philonthus rectangulus
Taphylininae, Iochini, Aorothiini, Thiini, Latyprosopini, Taphylinini, Mblyopinina, Nisolinina, Yptiomina, Hilonthina & Herman, Lee H., 2001, Staphylininae: Diochini, Maorothiini, Othiini, Platyprosopini, Staphylinini (Amblyopinina, Anisolinina, Hyptiomina, Philonthina), Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2441 (265), pp. 2435-3021
: 2979-2982
2979-2982 |