sensu lato
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 4-5
4-5 |
Linguimaera leo
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 58-60
58-60 |
Linguimaera daveyi
sp. nov.
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 46-54
46-54 |
Linguimaera caesaris
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 265-266
265-266 |
Linguimaera schickelae
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 70
70 |
Linguimaera tias
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 277
277 |
Linguimaera mannarensis
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 276-277
276-277 |
Linguimaera bogombogo
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 261-265
261-265 |
Linguimaera pirloti
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 261
261 |
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 260-261
260-261 |
Linguimaera boecki
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 41-42
41-42 |
Linguimaera kellisa
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 57-58
57-58 |
Linguimaera leo
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 276
276 |
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 258-260
258-260 |
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 260
260 |
Linguimaera leo
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 272-276
272-276 |
Linguimaera kellissa
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 266-272
266-272 |
Linguimaera christorei
sp. nov.
Hughes, L. E., 2015, Ampithoidae and Maeridae Amphipods from Timor-Leste (Crustacea: Peracarida), Records of the Australian Museum 67 (3), pp. 83-108
: 95-97
95-97 |
Linguimaera tias
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 71
71 |
Linguimaera boeckoides
sp. nov.
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 43-45
43-45 |
Linguimaera undetermined
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 277-282
277-282 |
Linguimaera siaes
sp. nov.
Myers, A. A., 2016, Amphipoda (Crustacea) from Palau, Micronesia: Families Maeridae and Melitidae, Zootaxa 4170 (3), pp. 451-474
: 459-460
459-460 |
Linguimaera garitima
sp. nov.
Krapp-Schickel, T., 2003, Linguimaera Pirlot, 1936 (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae), a valid genus, Memoirs of Museum Victoria 60 (2), pp. 257-283
: 266
266 |
Linguimaera pirloti
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 67-69
67-69 |
Linguimaera pirloti
Krapp-Schickel, Traudl, 2009, Maeridae, the Ceradocus group *, Zootaxa 2260 (1), pp. 598-642
: 620
620 |
Linguimaera mannarensis
Thacker, Dimple, Patel, Krupal, Myers, Alan, Guerra-García, José M., Zeidler, Wolfgang & Trivedi, Jigneshkumar, 2023, Annotated Checklist of Marine Amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda) of India, Zootaxa 5340 (1), pp. 1-90
: 69
69 |
Linguimaera mere
sp. nov.
Hughes, Lauren E., 2016, New genera, species and records of Maeridae from Australian Waters: Austromaera, Ceradocus, Glossomaera, Hamimaera, Huonella gen. nov., Linguimaera and Maeraceterus gen. nov. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), Zootaxa 4115 (1), pp. 1-81
: 60-65
60-65 |