Gylippus (Paragylippus) hakkaricus
sp. nov.
Erdek, Melek, 2019, Description of the new solifuge Gylippus (Paragylippus) hakkaricus sp. n. (Gylippidae, Solifugae), Zootaxa 4695 (6), pp. 559-567
: 560-565
560-565 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1905, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Solifugen-Fauna Persiens., Izviestiia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk 5, pp. 247-286
: 284
284 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1907, Zur Systematik der Solifugengattung Gylippus., Zoologischer Anzeiger 31, pp. 885-893
: 888
888 |
new species
Werner, F., 1905, Skorpione und Solifugen. In: Penther, A., Zederbauer, E. Ergebnisse einer naturwissenschaftliche Reise zum Erdschais-Dagh (Kleinasien)., Annalen des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums in Wien 20, pp. 113-114
: 113
113 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1907, Zur Systematik der Solifugengattung Gylippus., Zoologischer Anzeiger 31, pp. 885-893
: 889
889 |
new genus
Simon, Eugène, 1879, Essai d'une classification des Galéodes, remarques synonymiques et description d'espèces nouvelles ou mal connues, Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Séries 1 - 6 9, pp. 93-154
: 124
124 |
new species
Kraepelin, Karl, 1899, Zur Systematik der Solifugen., Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 16, pp. 197-259
: 248
248 |
new species
Kraepelin, Karl, 1899, Zur Systematik der Solifugen., Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg 16, pp. 197-259
: 247
247 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1906, Neue Solifugen., Zoologischer Anzeiger 30, pp. 24-28
: 24
24 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1906, Ueber die an den Küsten des Aral- und Balchasch-Sees von L. S. Berg gesammelten Skorpione und Solifugen]., Izvestiya Turkestanskogo Otdela Imperatorskogo Russkogo Geograficheskogo Obshchestva 4, No. 7, pp. 42-48
: 44
44 |
new species
Erdek, Melek, 2015, Gylippus (Hemigylippus) bayrami sp. n. from Turkey with comparative remarks on the species of the subgenus Gylippus (Hemigylippus) Birula (Solifugae: Gylippidae), Zoology in the Middle East 61, No. 1, pp. 69-75
: 3-7
3-7 |
Gylippus rickmersi
Harms, Danilo & Dupérré, Nadine, 2018, An annotated type catalogue of the camel spiders (Arachnida: Solifugae) held in the Zoological Museum Hamburg, Zootaxa 4375 (1), pp. 1-58
: 47
47 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1893, Zur Kenntniss der russischen Galeodiden. III., Horæ Societatis Entomologicæ Rossicæ 27, pp. 82-90
: 89
89 |
new species
Birula, Alexei A., 1907, Zur Systematik der Solifugengattung Gylippus., Zoologischer Anzeiger 31, pp. 885-893
: 888
888 |
new species
Turk, Frank A., 1948, On recent additions to the collection of Solifuga belonging to the Hebrew University of Palestine., Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Including Zoology, Botany and Geology, Being a Continuation of the ' Magazine of Botany and Zoology', and of Louden and Charlesworth's ' Magazine of Natural History', Series 12 1, pp. 263-273
: 265
265 |