Ericales, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 100 Treatments

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Ericales   new species  Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1960, Florae Malesianae praecursores XXIII. The genus Rhododendron in Malaysia, Reinwardtia 5, pp. 45-231 : 172 172
Craibiodendron yunnanense     Tong, Yihua, Fritsch, Peter W., Huong, Nguyen Thi Thanh, Averyanov, Leonid V., Kuznetsov, Andrey N., Kuznetsova, Svetlana P. & Nuraliev, Maxim S., 2022, Novelties in Vietnamese Craibiodendron, Lyonia and Vaccinium (Ericaceae), Phytotaxa 538 (1), pp. 21-34 : 22 22
Embelia viridiflora     Prasanth, Arun & Sardesai, Milind M., 2021, Nomenclatural notes on type materials of eight names in Embelia (Primulaceae) from Peninsular India, Phytotaxa 491 (3), pp. 230-238 : 237 237
Embelia robusta     Prasanth, Arun & Sardesai, Milind M., 2021, Nomenclatural notes on type materials of eight names in Embelia (Primulaceae) from Peninsular India, Phytotaxa 491 (3), pp. 230-238 : 232-237 232-237
Eubotrys arvensis subsp. pubescens     Peruzzi, Lorenzo, Galasso, Gabriele, Domina, Gianniantonio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Santangelo, Annalisa, Alessandrini, Alessandro, Astuti, Giovanni, D’Antraccoli, Marco, Roma-Marzio, Francesco, Ardenghi, Nicola M. G., Barberis, Giuseppina, Conti, Fabio, Bernardo, Liliana, Peccenini, Simonetta, Stinca, Adriano, Wagensommer, Robert P., Bonari, Gianmaria, Iamonico, Duilio, Iberite, Mauro, Viciani, Daniele, Guacchio, Emanuele Del, Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Lastrucci, Lorenzo, Villani, Mariacristina, Brunu, Antonello, Magrini, Sara, Pistarino, Annalaura, Brullo, Salvatore & Salmeri, Cristina, 2019, An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types, Phytotaxa 410 (1), pp. 1-215 : 159 159
Primula daonensis     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Primulaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 927 927
Ceratiola     Barney, Robert J., 2016, PachybrachisChevrolat (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cryptocephalinae) Endemic to Florida, Including Descriptions of Four New Species, The Coleopterists Bulletin 70 (1), pp. 31-52 : 31-52 31-52
Maba pierrei     Meeprom, Nattanon, Utteridge, Timothy, Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2022, Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925 - 1930), Adansonia (3) 44 (12), pp. 1925-1930 : 128 128
Camellia sinensis     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part T), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 878-905 : 884 884
Vaccinium poasanum     MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Leucothoe bidens     White, Kristine N., 2011, A taxonomic review of the Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 3078, Zootaxa 3078 (1), pp. 1-113 : 45 45
Azalea lapponica   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 151 151
Leucothoe pacifica     White, Kristine N., 2011, A taxonomic review of the Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 3078, Zootaxa 3078 (1), pp. 1-113 : 65-66 65-66
Diospyros nebulorum     Meeprom, Nattanon, Utteridge, Timothy, Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2022, Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925 - 1930), Adansonia (3) 44 (12), pp. 1925-1930 : 124 124
Ericales   new species  Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1963, Florae Malesianae precursores XXXV. Supplementary notes towards the knowledge of the Ericaceae in Malaysia, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 12, pp. 89-144 : 117 117
Coris frerei     Golani, Daniel & Bogorodsky, Sergey V., 2010, 2463, Zootaxa 2463, pp. 1-135 : 78 78
Tapeinosperma vestitum     Schmid, Maurice, 2012, Contribution à la connaissance des Primulaceae (ex Myrsinaceae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie. III. Les genres Tapeinosperma Hook. f. et Mangenotiella gen. nov., Adansonia (3) 34 (2), pp. 279-341 : 292-293 292-293
Ericales   new species  Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1973, New species and noteworthy records of Rhododendron in Malesia (Ericaceae), Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 21, pp. 357-376 : 371 371
Styrax officinalis     Peruzzi, Lorenzo, Galasso, Gabriele, Domina, Gianniantonio, Bartolucci, Fabrizio, Santangelo, Annalisa, Alessandrini, Alessandro, Astuti, Giovanni, D’Antraccoli, Marco, Roma-Marzio, Francesco, Ardenghi, Nicola M. G., Barberis, Giuseppina, Conti, Fabio, Bernardo, Liliana, Peccenini, Simonetta, Stinca, Adriano, Wagensommer, Robert P., Bonari, Gianmaria, Iamonico, Duilio, Iberite, Mauro, Viciani, Daniele, Guacchio, Emanuele Del, Galdo, Gianpietro Giusso Del, Lastrucci, Lorenzo, Villani, Mariacristina, Brunu, Antonello, Magrini, Sara, Pistarino, Annalaura, Brullo, Salvatore & Salmeri, Cristina, 2019, An inventory of the names of native, non-endemic vascular plants described from Italy, their loci classici and types, Phytotaxa 410 (1), pp. 1-215 : 162 162
Trientalis europaea     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Primulaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Primula minima     Hess, Hans Ernst, Landolt, Elias & Hirzel, Rosmarie, 1976, Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete. Band 2. Nymphaceae bis Primulaceae (2 nd edition) (p. 956): Primulaceae, Birkhaeuser Verlag : 929 929
Pouteria congestifolia     MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Rhododendron zollingeri     Mambrasar, Yasper Michael, Warseno, Tri, Kuswantoro, Farid & Arifiani, Deby, 2024, NOTES ON RHODODENDRON (ERICACEAE) FROM BALI, INDONESIA, AND A NEW SUBSPECIES OF RHODODENDRON JAVANICUM, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 81 (1962), pp. 1-11 : 8-9 8-9
Ericales   new species  Royen, Pieter van, 1957, Revision of the Sapotaceae of the Malaysian area in a wider sense: VII). Planchonella Pierre, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 8, pp. 235-445 : 433 433
Ericales   new species  Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1960, Florae Malesianae praecursores XXIII. The genus Rhododendron in Malaysia, Reinwardtia 5, pp. 45-231 : 123 123
Ericales   new species  Ridley, Henry Nicholas, 1916, Report on the botany of the Wollaston Expedition to Dutch New Guinea, 1912 - 13, Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Second Series. Botany 9, pp. 1-269 : 103 103
Primula egaliksensis     Gillespie, Lynn J., Saarela, Jeffery M., Sokoloff, Paul C. & Bull, Roger D., 2015, New vascular plant records for the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, PhytoKeys 52, pp. 23-79 : 51-52 51-52
Leucothoe diemensis     White, Kristine N., 2011, A taxonomic review of the Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 3078, Zootaxa 3078 (1), pp. 1-113 : 50 50
Rhododendron schlippenbachii     Suh, Soo-Jung, 2020, Host plant list of the scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in South Korea, Insecta Mundi 2020 (757), pp. 1-26 : 19 19
Rhododendron mucronulatum     Suh, Soo-Jung, 2020, Host plant list of the scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in South Korea, Insecta Mundi 2020 (757), pp. 1-26 : 19 19
Rhododendron indicum     Suh, Soo-Jung, 2020, Host plant list of the scale insects (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in South Korea, Insecta Mundi 2020 (757), pp. 1-26 : 19 19
Mimusops coriacea     Laurent, Gautier, Nusbaume, Louis, Garratt, Rhéa, Randrianivo, Richard & Phillipson, Peter B., 2012, Mimusops coriacea (A. DC.) Miq. (Sapotaceae): nomenclature, distribution and ecology, Candollea 67 (1), pp. 148-151 : 148-151 148-151
Vaccinium macrocarpon     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Ericaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 724-736 : 728 728
Laprps difformis     Callmander, Martin W., Gereau, Roy E., Offroy, Bérangère, Taylor, Charlotte M., Lohmann, Lucia G., Strong, Mark T., Biral, Leonardo & Calvo, Joel, 2024, History of plants sent by Jean-Baptiste Leblond to the Société d'histoire naturelle de Paris and typification of names published by Louis Claude Richard in 1792, Candollea 79 (1) : -1 -1
Argania spinosa     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part S), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 806-877 : 849 849
Diospyros nitidula     Meeprom, Nattanon, Utteridge, Timothy, Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2022, Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925 - 1930), Adansonia (3) 44 (12), pp. 1925-1930 : 126 126
Bonanzacarpum   gen. nov.  Manchester, Steven R. & Lott, Terry A., 2019, Bonanzacarpum Sprungerorum Sp. Nov. - A Bizarre Fruit From The Eocene Green River Formation In Utah, Usa, Fossil Imprint 75 (2), pp. 281-288 : 283 283
Bonanzacarpum sprungerorum   sp. nov.  Manchester, Steven R. & Lott, Terry A., 2019, Bonanzacarpum Sprungerorum Sp. Nov. - A Bizarre Fruit From The Eocene Green River Formation In Utah, Usa, Fossil Imprint 75 (2), pp. 281-288 : 283 283
Tapeinosperma key    Schmid, Maurice, 2012, Contribution à la connaissance des Primulaceae (ex Myrsinaceae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie. III. Les genres Tapeinosperma Hook. f. et Mangenotiella gen. nov., Adansonia (3) 34 (2), pp. 279-341 : 293 293
Ericales   new species  Bakhuizen van den Brink Jr., R. C., 1933, Enumeration of Malayan Ebenaceae (with brief descriptions of new and noteworthy species)., Phytologia 7, pp. 161-189 : 185 185
Ericales   new species  Sleumer, Hermann Otto, 1960, Florae Malesianae praecursores XXIII. The genus Rhododendron in Malaysia, Reinwardtia 5, pp. 45-231 : 118 118
Leucothoe hipposideros   sp. nov.  White, Kristine N. & Thomas, James Darwin, 2009, Leucothoidae *, Zootaxa 2260 (1), pp. 494-555 : 511-515 511-515
Rhododendron chamaecistus   spec. nov.  Linnaeus, Carolus, 1753, Species plantarum: exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas, Stockholm: Laurentius Salvius : 392 392
Erica tenuifolia     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part E), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 490-515 : 501 501
Impatiens elwiraurzulae   sp. nov.  Fischer, Eberhard, Abrahamczyk, Stefan, Holstein, Norbert & Janssens, Steven B., 2021, Evolution of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) in the Albertine Rift – The endemic Impatiens purpureoviolacea complex consists of ten species, TAXON 70 (6), pp. 1273-1299 : 1288-1290 1288-1290
Leucothoe parthenopaea     White, Kristine N., 2011, A taxonomic review of the Leucothoidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) 3078, Zootaxa 3078 (1), pp. 1-113 : 66 66
Lysimachia clethroides     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Lysimachia coriacea   sp. nov.  Yan, Hai-Fei, Huang, Ya, Zhang, Hong-Jing & Yi, Si-Rong, 2022, Lysimachia coriacea (Primulaceae, Myrsinoideae), a new species from Chongqing, China, PhytoKeys 215, pp. 87-94 : 87 87
Symplocos olivaceonigrum     Wijayawardene, Nalin N., Dai, Dong-Qin, Premarathne, Bhagya M., Wimalasena, Madhara K., Jayalal, Udeni, Wickramanayake, Kawmini D., Dangalla, Hasanka, Jayathunga, Hashini, Brahmanage, Rashika S., Karunarathna, Samantha C., Weerakoon, Gothamie, Ariyawansa, Kahandawa G. S. U., Yapa, Neelamanie, Madawala, Sumedha, Nanayakkara, Chandrika M., Fan, Xin-Lei, Kirk, Paul M., Zhang, Gui-Qing, Ediriweera, Aseni, Bhat, Jayarama, Dawoud, Turki M. & Tibpromma, Saowaluck, 2023, Checklist, typification details, and nomenclature status of ascomycetous fungi originally described in Sri Lanka, Phytotaxa 611 (1), pp. 1-105 : 27 27
Impatiens kamrupana   sp. nov.  Borah, Souravjyoti, Sarma, Jatindra & Gogoi, Rajib, 2019, Impatiens kamrupana (Balsaminaceae): a new species from Assam, India, Phytotaxa 395 (1), pp. 35-40 : 36-38 36-38
Primula farinosa     S. Castroviejo, C. Aedo, M. Lainz, R. Morales, F. Munoz Garmendia, G. Nieto Feliner & J. Paiva, 1997, Flora Iberica / Vol. V: Ebenaceae - Saxifragaceae, Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC : 19 19
Impatiens dalaiensis   sp. nov.  Gogoi, Rajib & Borah, Souravjyoti, 2015, Impatiens dalaiensis (Balsaminaceae) a new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India, Phytotaxa 207 (3), pp. 286-290 : 286-287 286-287
Eschweilera chartaceifolia     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 495 495
Asterolinon linum-stellatum     S. Castroviejo, C. Aedo, M. Lainz, R. Morales, F. Munoz Garmendia, G. Nieto Feliner & J. Paiva, 1997, Flora Iberica / Vol. V: Ebenaceae - Saxifragaceae, Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC : 53 53
Primula integrifolia     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Primulaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Chrysophyllum venezuelanense     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 687 687
Phlox carolina     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part P), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 718-782 : 739 739
Diospyros virginiana     Sanborn, Allen F., Phillips, Polly K. & Gilllis, Philip, 2008, The Cicadas of Florida (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae), Zootaxa 1916, pp. 1-43 : 9 9
Lysimachia punctata     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Primulaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Ericales   new species  Nooteboom, Hans Peter, 1975, Revision of the Symplocaceae of the Old-World, New Caledonia excepted, Leiden Botanical Series 1, pp. 335-335 : 187 187
Chrysophyllum undefined-a     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 687 687
Chrysophyllum undefined-b     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 687 687
Anagallis monelli     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part A), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 252-342 : 288 288
Primula veris     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Primulaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 738-758 : 756 756
Rapanea kuebiniensis   sp. nov.  Schmid, Maurice, 2009, Contribution à la connaissance des Primulaceae (ex Myrsinaceae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie. II. Le genre Rapanea Aubl., Adansonia (3) 31 (2), pp. 341-395 : 366 366
Chrysophyllum     Lima, Renata Gabriela Vila Nova De, Lima, Liliane Ferreira & Zickel, Carmen Silvia, 2021, Chrysophyllum lancisepalum (Sapotaceae, Chrysophylloideae): a new endemic species from the Brazilian Atlantic forest, Phytotaxa 478 (1), pp. 131-140 : 138 138
Argania     S. Castroviejo, C. Aedo, M. Lainz, R. Morales, F. Munoz Garmendia, G. Nieto Feliner & J. Paiva, 1997, Flora Iberica / Vol. V: Ebenaceae - Saxifragaceae, Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC : 6 6
Impatiens rubrostriata     Souvannakhoummane, K., Newman, M. F., Lanorsavanh, S. & Suksathan, P., 2021, Impatiens rostrata (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Khammouane Province, Laos, and nine new records, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 78 (362), pp. 1-15 : 13 13
Samolus valerandi     Info Flora, 2021, Info Flora Schweiz - Primulaceae, (accessed 2023-10-20) : -1 -1
Sapotaceae     S. Castroviejo, C. Aedo, M. Lainz, R. Morales, F. Munoz Garmendia, G. Nieto Feliner & J. Paiva, 1997, Flora Iberica / Vol. V: Ebenaceae - Saxifragaceae, Madrid: Real Jardín Botanico, CSIC : 6 6
Ericales   new species  Gibbs, Lilian Suzette, 1917, Dutch North-West New Guinea. A contribution to the phytogeography and flora of the Arfak Mountains, & c., Taylor & Francis : 170 170
Pyrola uniflora     Chifu, Toader, Manzu, Ciprian & Zamfiresen, Oana, 2006, Flora Moldovei - Flora, Iasi: Editura Universitatii ' Alexandru Ioan Cuza' : 208 208
Hypericum acostanum     Jimenez-Mejias, Pedro, Morales-Alonso, Ana, Oleas, Nora H, Sanchez, Enmily, Martin-Bravo, Santiago, Masa-Iranzo, Irene & S. Meseguer, Andrea, 2023, New relevant chorological and conservation data on Carex (Cyperaceae) and Hypericum (Hypericaceae) from Ecuador, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 99603-99603 : 99603 99603
Rhododendron mucronulatum     Lee, Jong-Won, Yun, Ho-Geun, Hwang, Tae Young, Kim, Kyungmin, Jung, Se-Hoon & An, Jong Bin, 2023, Floristic inventory and distribution characteristics of algific talus slopes in a specific area of forest biodiversity in South Korea, Biodiversity Data Journal 11, pp. 113952-113952 : 113952 113952
Ericales   new species  Kobuski, Clarence Emmeren, 1940, Studies in the Theaceae, V. The Theaceae of New Guinea, Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 21, pp. 134-162 : 148 148
Phlox sibirica     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part P), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 718-782 : 740 740
Ternstroemia tepezapote     MONRO, A. K., SANTAMARÍA-AGUILAR, D., GONZÁLEZ, F., CHACÓN, O., SOLANO, D., RODRÍGUEZ, A., ZAMORA, N., FEDELE, E. & CORREA, M., 2017, A first checklist to the vascular plants of La Amistad International Park (PILA), Costa Rica-Panama, Phytotaxa 322 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Impatiens danii   sp. nov.  Arya, Sindhu, Govind, Murugan Govindakurup, Suresh, Veerankutty, Vishnu, Walsan Kalarikkal & Kumar, Venugopalan Nair Saradamma Anil, 2021, Three new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from southern Western Ghats, Kerala, PhytoKeys 180, pp. 157-171 : 157 157
Ericales   new species  Ridley, Henry Nicholas, 1916, Report on the botany of the Wollaston Expedition to Dutch New Guinea, 1912 - 13, Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Second Series. Botany 9, pp. 1-269 : 94 94
Primula cortusoides     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part P), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 718-782 : 770 770
Eschweilera collina     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 495 495
Camellia japonica     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part C), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 370-473 : 376 376
Diospyros pruinosa     Schatz, George E. & Lowry Ii, Porter P., 2011, Nomenclatural notes on Malagasy Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae), Adansonia (3) 33 (2), pp. 271-281 : 278 278
Orthilia secunda     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part P), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 718-782 : 781 781
Ericales   new species  Vink, Willem (Willen), 1958, Revision of the Sapotaceae of the Malaysian area in a wider sense: XIii). Chrysophyllum L., Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 9, pp. 21-74 : 67 67
Lysimachia danxiashanensis   sp. nov.  Zhang, Xing-Yue, Dai, Jing-Min, Fan, Qiang, Chen, Zai-Xiong, Tang, Guang-Da & Liao, Wen-Bo, 2024, Lysimachia danxiashanensis, a new species of Primulaceae from Guangdong, China, PhytoKeys 237, pp. 257-268 : 257 257
Gilia hederaceum     Becherer, 1956, Florae Vallesiacae Supplementum, Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 71, pp. 1-556 : 1-556 1-556
Tapeinosperma key    Schmid, Maurice, 2012, Contribution à la connaissance des Primulaceae (ex Myrsinaceae) de Nouvelle-Calédonie. III. Les genres Tapeinosperma Hook. f. et Mangenotiella gen. nov., Adansonia (3) 34 (2), pp. 279-341 : 323-324 323-324
Pouteria cuspidata subsp. robusta     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 696 696
Impatiens stolonifera   sp. nov.  Manudev, K. M., Robi, A. J. & Nampy, Santhosh, 2017, Impatiens stolonifera (Balsaminaceae): A new scapigerous species from the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India, Phytotaxa 295 (1), pp. 71-76 : 73 73
Impatiens rubromaculata     Zhou, Ya-Dong, Mwachala, Geoffrey, Hu, Guang-Wan & Wang, Qing-Feng, 2022, Annotated checklist of the vascular plants of Mount Kenya, East Africa, Phytotaxa 546 (1), pp. 1-108 : 70 70
Bonellia pumicea     Biseswar, Ramlall, 2010, Report on deep-sea bonelliids (Echiura) from the East Equatorial Atlantic Ocean, Zoosystema 32 (1), pp. 139-154 : 148-149 148-149
Diospyros touranensis     Meeprom, Nattanon, Utteridge, Timothy, Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2022, Lectotypification of Indochinese Ebenaceae published by P. H. Lecomte (1925 - 1930), Adansonia (3) 44 (12), pp. 1925-1930 : 128 128
Chrysophyllum prieurii     Molino, Jean-François, Sabatier, Daniel, Grenand, Pierre, Engel, Julien, Frame, Dawn, Delprete, Piero G., Fleury, Marie, Odonne, Guillaume, Davy, Damien, Lucas, Eve J. & Martin, Claire A., 2022, An annotated checklist of the tree species of French Guiana, including vernacular nomenclature, Adansonia (3) 44 (26), pp. 345-903 : 687 687
Stewartia villosa     Lin, Yun, Sun, Qian, Bi, Hai-Yan & Chen, Tian-Xiang, 2024, Correction of collection number errors in the protologues of twenty-three names of Chinese vascular plants, Phytotaxa 665 (1), pp. 63-68 : 67 67
Ipomopsis congesta subsp. matthewii   subsp. nov.  Porter, J. Mark, 2011, Two new Aliciella species and a new subspecies in Ipomopsis (Polemoniaceae) from the western United States of America, Phytotaxa 15, pp. 15-25 : 21-24 21-24
Diospyros dictyoneura     Meeprom, Nattanon, Duangjai, Sutee, Utteridge, Timothy M. A., Culham, Alastair & Puglisi, Carmen, 2024, Notes on South-East Asian Diospyros L. (Ebenaceae, Ericales): commonly misidentified species in mainland South-East Asia, European Journal of Taxonomy 932, pp. 225-251 : 240-241 240-241
Ceratostema agettiorum   sp. nov.  Jiménez, Marco M., Minda, Alisson Fierro, Vélez-Abarca, Leisberth, Iturralde, Gabriel A. & Garzón-Suárez, Henry X., 2024, A new species of Ceratostema (Ericaceae: Vaccinieae) from the province of Morona-Santiago, Ecuador, Phytotaxa 650 (1), pp. 73-82 : 74-80 74-80
Androsace septentrionalis     Konrad Lauber, Gerhart Wagner & Andreas Gygax, 2018, Flora Helvetica - Primulaceae, Flora Helvetica, Bern: Haupt Verlag, pp. 738-758 : 756 756
Ericales   new species  Kostermans, Andre Joseph Guillaume Henri, 1977, Notes on Asiatic, Pacific, and Australian Diospyros, Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants 23, pp. 449-474 : 452 452

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