Dictyotales, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 37 Treatments

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Padina pavonica     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part F), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 516-528 : 525 525
Lindauera papenfussii     Nelson, Wendy A. & Sutherland, Judy E., 2023, Hidden in plain sight: Lindauera gen. nov.: a new genus of Dictyotales from New Zealand, Australian Systematic Botany 36 (2), pp. 157-166 : 163-165 163-165
Dictyota dichotoma     Bae, Eun Hee, Oak, Jung Hyun & Lee, Eun-Young, 2014, Marine algal flora of Oho-ri, Gosung-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (1), pp. 79-94 : 82 82
Lobophora variegata     Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 3001 3001
Dictyota ceylanica     Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 3000-3001 3000-3001
Padina key    Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 3001 3001
Dictyota friabilis     Walsh, Roy T. Tsuda And Seana K., 2013, Bibliographic checklist of the marine benthic algae of Central, Micronesica 2013 (2), pp. 1-91 : 55-60 55-60
Spatoglossum pacificum     Bae, Eun Hee, Oak, Jung Hyun & Lee, Eun-Young, 2014, Marine algal flora of Oho-ri, Gosung-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (1), pp. 79-94 : 82 82
Padina gymnospora     Pagana, Ilaria, Marroccia, Genny, Marletta, Giuliana & Alongi, Giuseppina, 2023, Re-examination of the distribution and species diversity of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the Mediterranean Sea, Phytotaxa 619 (3), pp. 205-218 : 210 210
Zonaria diesingiana     Bae, Eun Hee, Oak, Jung Hyun & Lee, Eun-Young, 2014, Marine algal flora of Oho-ri, Gosung-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (1), pp. 79-94 : 82 82
Padina pavonica     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part F), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 516-528 : 525-526 525-526
Padina australis     Liao, Lawrence M., Belleza, Dominic Franco C. & Geraldino, Paul John L., 2013, Marine algae of the Sulu Sea Islands, Philippines II: annotated list of the brown seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) from the Cuyo Islands, Phytotaxa 152 (1), pp. 1-17 : 6-10 6-10
Dictyotaceae key    Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 2999 2999
Lobophora undetermined     Kwan, Valerie, Yip, Zhi Ting, Fong, Jenny & Huang, Danwei, 2021, Diversity and phylogeny of the brown alga Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in Singapore, Phytotaxa 496 (3), pp. 215-227 : 224 224
Lindauera     Nelson, Wendy A. & Sutherland, Judy E., 2023, Hidden in plain sight: Lindauera gen. nov.: a new genus of Dictyotales from New Zealand, Australian Systematic Botany 36 (2), pp. 157-166 : 162 162
Lobophora pachyventera     Kwan, Valerie, Yip, Zhi Ting, Fong, Jenny & Huang, Danwei, 2021, Diversity and phylogeny of the brown alga Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in Singapore, Phytotaxa 496 (3), pp. 215-227 : 224 224
Padina pavonica     Jarvis, Charlie, 2007, Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part U), Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types, London: Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum, pp. 906-910 : 907 907
Padina boergesenii     Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 3002 3002
Newhousia yhaga   sp. nov.  Vieira, Christophe, De Clerck, Olivier & Payri, Claude E., 2016, First report of the Hawaiian genus Newhousia (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) from Madang, Papua New Guinea and description of the new species N. yhaga sp. nov., Botanica Marina (Warsaw, Poland) 59 (1), pp. 31-37 : 34-35 34-35
Stypopodium zonale     Nguyen, Tu Van, Le, NhuHau & Clerck, FrederiqueSteenand OlivierDe, 2013, Checklist of the marine macroalgae of Vietnam, Botanica Marina (Warsaw, Poland) 56 (3), pp. 207-227 : 218 218
Padina pavonicoides     Pagana, Ilaria, Marroccia, Genny, Marletta, Giuliana & Alongi, Giuseppina, 2023, Re-examination of the distribution and species diversity of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the Mediterranean Sea, Phytotaxa 619 (3), pp. 205-218 : 212-213 212-213
Ulva     Fassbender, Nico, Stefanoudis, Paris V, Filander, Zoleka Nontlantla, Gendron, Gilberte, Mah, Christopher L, Mattio, Lydiane, Mortimer, Jeanne A, Moura, Carlos J, Samaai, Toufiek, Samimi-Namin, Kaveh, Wagner, Daniel, Walton, Rowana & Woodall, Lucy C, 2021, Reef benthos of Seychelles - A field guide, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 65970-65970 : 65970 65970
Padina australis var. cuneata     Nguyen, Tu Van, Le, NhuHau & Clerck, FrederiqueSteenand OlivierDe, 2013, Checklist of the marine macroalgae of Vietnam, Botanica Marina (Warsaw, Poland) 56 (3), pp. 207-227 : 217 217
Dictyotales     Tsuda, Roy T. & Giuseffi, Usa. Louise, 2015, Marine Benthic Algae from Seamounts along the Mariana Islands, Western Pacific, Micronesica 2015 (4), pp. 1-19 : 9-10 9-10
Padina undetermined     Appadoo, Chandani, Myers, Alan A. & Fagoonee, Indur, 2002, The genus Mallacoota (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Melitidae) from Mauritius, with description of a new species, Journal of Natural History 36 (7), pp. 767-796 : 778-782 778-782
Padina pavonica     Pagana, Ilaria, Marroccia, Genny, Marletta, Giuliana & Alongi, Giuseppina, 2023, Re-examination of the distribution and species diversity of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the Mediterranean Sea, Phytotaxa 619 (3), pp. 205-218 : 211-212 211-212
Padina tetrastromatica     Pagana, Ilaria, Marroccia, Genny, Marletta, Giuliana & Alongi, Giuseppina, 2023, Re-examination of the distribution and species diversity of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the Mediterranean Sea, Phytotaxa 619 (3), pp. 205-218 : 213-214 213-214
Dictyota cyanoloma     Küpper, Frithjof C., Tsiamis, Konstantinos, Johansson, Niko Rainer, Peters, Akira F., Salomidi, Maria, Manousakis, Leonidas, Kallergis, Manolis, Graham, Michael H., Kinlan, Brian, Mystikou, Alexandra, Žuljević, Ante, Nikolić, Vedran, Gerakaris, Vasilis, Katsaros, Christos & Panayotidis, Panayotis, 2019, New records of the rare deep-water alga Sebdenia monnardiana (Rhodophyta) and the alien Dictyota cyanoloma (Phaeophyceae) and the unresolved case of deep-water kelp in the Ionian and Aegean Seas (Greece), Botanica Marina (Warsaw, Poland) 62 (6), pp. 577-586 : 583 583
Padina ditristromatica     Pagana, Ilaria, Marroccia, Genny, Marletta, Giuliana & Alongi, Giuseppina, 2023, Re-examination of the distribution and species diversity of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the Mediterranean Sea, Phytotaxa 619 (3), pp. 205-218 : 208-210 208-210
Lobophora lamourouxii     Kwan, Valerie, Yip, Zhi Ting, Fong, Jenny & Huang, Danwei, 2021, Diversity and phylogeny of the brown alga Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in Singapore, Phytotaxa 496 (3), pp. 215-227 : 223-224 223-224
Dictyotales   new species  Womersley, Hugh Bryan Spencer, 1967, A critical survey of the marine algae of southern Australia. II. Phaeophyta., Australian Journal of Botany 15, pp. 189-270 : 218 218
Dictyota cervicornis     Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 3000 3000
Padina key    Pagana, Ilaria, Marroccia, Genny, Marletta, Giuliana & Alongi, Giuseppina, 2023, Re-examination of the distribution and species diversity of the genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in the Mediterranean Sea, Phytotaxa 619 (3), pp. 205-218 : 216 216
Dictyota ceylanica var. rotundata     Nguyen, Tu Van, Le, NhuHau & Clerck, FrederiqueSteenand OlivierDe, 2013, Checklist of the marine macroalgae of Vietnam, Botanica Marina (Warsaw, Poland) 56 (3), pp. 207-227 : 217 217
Spatoglossum crassum     Bae, Eun Hee, Oak, Jung Hyun & Lee, Eun-Young, 2014, Marine algal flora of Oho-ri, Gosung-gun, Gangwon-do, Korea, Journal of Species Research 3 (1), pp. 79-94 : 82 82
Padina minor     Coppejans, Eric, Leliaert, Frederik, Verbruggen, Heroen, de Clerck, Olivier, Schils, Tom, de Vriese, Thomas & Marie, Daniel, 2004, The marine green and brown algae of Rodrigues (Mauritius, Indian Ocean), Journal of Natural History 38 (23), pp. 2959-3020 : 3002 3002
Lobophora challengeriae     Kwan, Valerie, Yip, Zhi Ting, Fong, Jenny & Huang, Danwei, 2021, Diversity and phylogeny of the brown alga Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) in Singapore, Phytotaxa 496 (3), pp. 215-227 : 223 223

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