Dicentrarchus labrax, Taxa Only, Exact Match: 12 Treatments

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Dicentrarchus labrax     Parenti, Paolo, Kullander, Sven & Randall, John E., 2013, Taxonomic And Nomenclatural Status Of Perca Argentea Linnaeus, 1758, Perca Vaila Osbeck, 1770, And Perca Indica Gronow In Gray, 1854 (Osteichthyes, Terapontidae And Moronidae), Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 61 (1), pp. 303-310 : 306 306
Dicentrarchus labrax     Saad, Adib, Çiçek, Erdoğan, Esmaeili, Hamid Reza, Fricke, Ronald, Sungur, Sevil & Eagderi, Soheil, 2023, Freshwater fishes of Syria: a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2023, Zootaxa 5350 (1), pp. 1-62 : 47 47
Dicentrarchus labrax     Ramdane, Zouhir & Trilles, Jean-Paul, 2007, Parasitic copepods (Crustacea: Copepoda) from Algerian marine fishes, Zootaxa 1574 (1), pp. 49-68 : 56 56
Dicentrarchus labrax     Béarez, Philippe, Pruvost, Patrice, Feunteun, Eric, Iglésias, Samuel P., Francour, Patrice, Causse, Romain, De Mazieres, Jeanne, Tercerie, Sandrine & Bailly, Nicolas, 2017, Checklist of the marine fishes from metropolitan France, Cybium 41 (4), pp. 351-371 : 364 364
Dicentrarchus labrax     Golani, Daniel & Fricke, Ronald, 2018, Checklist of the Red Sea Fishes with delineation of the Gulf of Suez, Gulf of Aqaba, endemism and Lessepsian migrants, Zootaxa 4509 (1), pp. 1-215 : 67 67
Dicentrarchus labrax     Bariche, Michel & Fricke, Ronald, 2020, The marine ichthyofauna of Lebanon: an annotated checklist, history, biogeography, and conservation status, Zootaxa 4775 (1), pp. 1-157 : 77-78 77-78
Dicentrarchus labrax     Çiçek, Erdoğan, Fricke, Ronald, Sungur, Sevil, Çapar, Osman Bahadir & Golani, Daniel, 2023, Freshwater fishes of Israel; a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2023, Zootaxa 5369 (4), pp. 451-484 : 474-475 474-475
Dicentrarchus labrax     Mucientes, Gonzalo & Arronte, Juan Carlos, 2010, Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist, Zootaxa 2667, pp. 1-27 : 15-23 15-23
Dicentrarchus labrax     Golani, Daniel, 2005, Checklist of the Mediterranean Fishes of Israel, Zootaxa 947 (1), pp. 1-90 : 35 35
Dicentrarchus labrax     Nurettin Meriç, Lütfiye Eryilmaz & Müfit Özulug, 2007, A catalogue of the fishes held in the Istanbul University, Science Faculty, Hydrobiology Museum., Zootaxa 1472, pp. 29-54 : 29 29
Dicentrarchus labrax     Carneiro, Miguel, Martins, Rogélia, Landi, Monica & Costa, Filipe O., 2014, Updated checklist of marine fishes (Chordata: Craniata) from Portugal and the proposed extension of the Portuguese continental shelf, European Journal of Taxonomy 73, pp. 1-73 : 48 48
Dicentrarchus labrax     Golani, Daniel, 2021, An updated Checklist of the Mediterranean fishes of Israel, with illustrations of recently recorded species and delineation of Lessepsian migrants, Zootaxa 4956 (1), pp. 1-108 : 39 39