30.59417, 61.61652: 13 Treatments

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Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) mitis     Kolcsar, Levente-Peter, Oosterbroek, Pjotr, Gavryushin, Dmitry I., Olsen, Kjell Magne, Paramonov, Nikolai M., Pilipenko, Valentin E., Stary, Jaroslav, Polevoi, Alexei, Lantsov, Vladimir I., Eiroa, Eulalia, Andersson, Michael, Salmela, Jukka, Quindroit, Clovis, d'Oliveira, Micha C., Hancock, E. Geoffrey, Mederos, Jorge, Boardman, Pete, Viitanen, Esko & Watanabe, Kozo, 2021, Contribution to the knowledge of Limoniidae (Diptera: Tipuloidea): first records of 244 species from various European countries, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 67085-67085 : 67085 67085
Orthocephalus brevis     Namyatova, Anna A. & Konstantinov, Fedor V., 2009, Revision of the genus Orthocephalus Fieber, 1858 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Orthotylinae) 2316, Zootaxa 2316, pp. 1-118 : 33-35 33-35
Hydrellia mutata     Kahanpaeae, Jere & Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz, 2015, Notes on Shore Flies (Diptera: Ephydridae) from Finland and north-western Russia, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 4701-4701 : 4701 4701
Hydrellia mutata     Kahanpaeae, Jere & Zatwarnicki, Tadeusz, 2015, Notes on Shore Flies (Diptera: Ephydridae) from Finland and north-western Russia, Biodiversity Data Journal 3, pp. 4701-4701 : 4701 4701
Procladius culiciformis     Brodin, Yngve, 2025, Procladius (Diptera, Chironomidae) of Europe and a global view, Zootaxa 5591 (1), pp. 1-127 : 51-55 51-55
Procladius longistilus     Brodin, Yngve, 2025, Procladius (Diptera, Chironomidae) of Europe and a global view, Zootaxa 5591 (1), pp. 1-127 : 71-73 71-73
Monocentrota lundstromi     Jakovlev, Jevgeni, Salmela, Jukka, Polevoi, Alexei, Penttinen, Jouni & Vartija, Noora-Annukka, 2014, Recent noteworthy findings of fungus gnats from Finland and northwestern Russia (Diptera: Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, Bolitophilidae and Mycetophilidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1068-1068 : 1068 1068
Monocentrota lundstromi     Jakovlev, Jevgeni, Salmela, Jukka, Polevoi, Alexei, Penttinen, Jouni & Vartija, Noora-Annukka, 2014, Recent noteworthy findings of fungus gnats from Finland and northwestern Russia (Diptera: Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, Bolitophilidae and Mycetophilidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1068-1068 : 1068 1068
Korotnevella leshevi   sp. nov.  Udalov, Ilya A. & Völcker, Eckhard, 2022, Is scale’s structure still a good character to delimitate species of Amoebozoa? case of the genus Korotnevella (Amoebozoa, Dactylopodida), Organisms Diversity & Evolution (New York, N. Y.) 22 (1), pp. 17-33 : 30-31 30-31
Symmerus annulatus     Jakovlev, Jevgeni, Salmela, Jukka, Polevoi, Alexei, Penttinen, Jouni & Vartija, Noora-Annukka, 2014, Recent noteworthy findings of fungus gnats from Finland and northwestern Russia (Diptera: Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, Bolitophilidae and Mycetophilidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1068-1068 : 1068 1068
Dicranomyia (Glochina) tristis     Kolcsar, Levente-Peter, Oosterbroek, Pjotr, Gavryushin, Dmitry I., Olsen, Kjell Magne, Paramonov, Nikolai M., Pilipenko, Valentin E., Stary, Jaroslav, Polevoi, Alexei, Lantsov, Vladimir I., Eiroa, Eulalia, Andersson, Michael, Salmela, Jukka, Quindroit, Clovis, d'Oliveira, Micha C., Hancock, E. Geoffrey, Mederos, Jorge, Boardman, Pete, Viitanen, Esko & Watanabe, Kozo, 2021, Contribution to the knowledge of Limoniidae (Diptera: Tipuloidea): first records of 244 species from various European countries, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 67085-67085 : 67085 67085
Dicranophragma (Brachylimnophila) separatum     Kolcsar, Levente-Peter, Oosterbroek, Pjotr, Gavryushin, Dmitry I., Olsen, Kjell Magne, Paramonov, Nikolai M., Pilipenko, Valentin E., Stary, Jaroslav, Polevoi, Alexei, Lantsov, Vladimir I., Eiroa, Eulalia, Andersson, Michael, Salmela, Jukka, Quindroit, Clovis, d'Oliveira, Micha C., Hancock, E. Geoffrey, Mederos, Jorge, Boardman, Pete, Viitanen, Esko & Watanabe, Kozo, 2021, Contribution to the knowledge of Limoniidae (Diptera: Tipuloidea): first records of 244 species from various European countries, Biodiversity Data Journal 9, pp. 67085-67085 : 67085 67085
Symmerus annulatus     Jakovlev, Jevgeni, Salmela, Jukka, Polevoi, Alexei, Penttinen, Jouni & Vartija, Noora-Annukka, 2014, Recent noteworthy findings of fungus gnats from Finland and northwestern Russia (Diptera: Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, Bolitophilidae and Mycetophilidae), Biodiversity Data Journal 2, pp. 1068-1068 : 1068 1068