-74.21778, 5.736111: 11 Treatments

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Nyctonympha sinjaevi   sp. nov.  Santos-Silva, Antonio & Botero, Juan Pablo, 2017, Four new species of Nyctonympha Thomson, 1868 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 332, pp. 1-16 : 3-6 3-6
Oospila albipunctulata     Lindt, Aare, Hausmann, Axel & Viidalepp, Jaan, 2018, Review of some species groups of the genus Oospila Warren, with descriptions of nine new species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Geometrinae), Zootaxa 4497 (2), pp. 151-194 : 172-173 172-173
Hylettus eremita     Vlasak, Josef, Santos-Silva, Antonio & Nascimento, Francisco Eriberto De L., 2020, Two new species, transference, notes, and new record in South American Acanthocinini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae), Zootaxa 4779 (3), pp. 355-366 : 360-361 360-361
Psalidognathus friendii     Santos-Silva, Antonio & Spooner, Amoret, 2021, On some species of Psalidognathus Gray, especially those of the group “ superbus ” (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae), Zootaxa 5023 (3), pp. 389-404 : 392-397 392-397
Rhiginia bimaculata     Forero, Dimitri & Mejía-Soto, Andrés, 2025, Filling in the gaps for assassin bugs: taxonomic notes and new records of Reduviidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Neotropical countries, Zootaxa 5584 (4), pp. 451-481 : 458 458
Hydrometra argentina     Martínez, David Camilo, Galindo-Malagón, Ximena Alejandra, Molano, Fredy & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2019, Descriptions, records, and key to the Hydrometra Latreille, 1796 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Hydrometridae) from Colombia, Zootaxa 4577 (1), pp. 51-72 : 65 65
Schlegelia longirachis   sp. nov.  Aymard Corredor, Gerardo A. & Jaramillo, M. Alejandra, 2023, A new species of Schlegelia (Schlegeliaceae) from wet montane forest of Colombia and a key for the species of the genus, PhytoKeys 230, pp. 257-269 : 257 257
Nativus carare   sp. nov.  Casas, Cristian M. & Rheims, Cristina A., 2023, Nativus gen. nov., a new huntsman spider genus from South America (Araneae: Sparassidae: Heteropodinae), Zootaxa 5360 (1), pp. 1-43 : 6-8 6-8
Eigenmannia camposi   sp. nov.  Herrera-Collazos, Edgar Esteban, Galindo-Cuervo, Aleidy M., Maldonado-Ocampo, Javier A. & Rincón-Sandoval, Melissa, 2020, Three new species of the Eigenmannia trilineata species group (Gymnotiformes: Sternopygidae) from northwestern South America, Neotropical Ichthyology (Cambridge, England) 18 (1), No. 180085, pp. 1-28 : 12-16 12-16
Phoneutria depilata     Hazzi, Nicolas A. & Hormiga, Gustavo, 2021, Morphological and molecular evidence support the taxonomic separation of the medically important Neotropical spiders Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909) and P. boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae), ZooKeys 1022, pp. 13-50 : 13 13
Xylocopa (Schonnherria) viridis     Villamizar, Germán, Fernández, Fernando & Vivallo, Felipe, 2020, Synopsis of the carpenter bee subgenus Xylocopa (Schonnherria) Lepeletier, 1841 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Colombia, with designation of lectotypes and the description of two new species, Zootaxa 4789 (2), pp. 301-347 : 331-334 331-334