Ronzotherium heissigi
sp. nov.
Tissier, Jérémy, Antoine, Pierre-Olivier & Becker, Damien, 2021, New species, revision, and phylogeny of Ronzotherium Aymard, 1854 (Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 753, pp. 1-80
: 59-68
59-68 |
Thymallus ligericus
sp. nov.
Persat, Henri, Weiss, Steven, Froufe, Elsa, Secci-Petretto, Giulia & Denys, Gaël P. J., 2019, A third European species of grayling (Actinopterygii, Salmonidae), endemic to the Loire River basin (France), Thymallus ligericus n. sp., Cybium 43 (3), pp. 233-238
: 234-238
234-238 |
Pterygoneurum ovatum
Hugonnot, Vincent, Kučera, Jan, Osman, Imen Ben, Daoud-Bouattour, Amina & Muller, Serge D., 2024, Pterygoneurum sampaianum (Guim.) Guim.: range extension to Africa, first mentions in France, confirmation of specific status and improved morphological circumscription, Cryptogamie, Bryologie 45 (4), pp. 37-48
: 43
43 |
Sperchon (Sperchon) thienemanni
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 34
34 |
Lebertia (Lebertia) sparsicapillata
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 40
40 |
Hygrobates (Hygrobates) foreli
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 50
50 |
Protzia invalvaris
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 30-31
30-31 |
Lebertia (Lebertia) fimbriata
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 37-38
37-38 |
Lebertia (Lebertia) salebrosa
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 39
39 |
Atractides (Atractides) gibberipalpis
Smit, H. & Gerecke, R., 2010, A CHECKLIST OF THE WATER MITES OF FRANCE (ACARI: HYDRACHNIDIA) Harry S and Reinhard G, Acarologia 50 (1), pp. 21-91
: 52-53
52-53 |