22.426666, 44.88: 11 Treatments

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Taraxacum janchenii     Štěpánek, Jan & Kirschner, Jan, 2022, Taraxacum sect. Erythrocarpa in Europe in the Alps and eastwards: A revision of a precursor group of relicts, Phytotaxa 536 (1), pp. 7-52 : 21-23 21-23
Veronica crinita     Rojas-Andrés, Blanca M. & Martínez-Ortega, Montserrat, 2016, Taxonomic revision of Veronica subsection Pentasepalae (Veronica, Plantaginaceae sensu APG III), Phytotaxa 285 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450 448-450
Propolyxenus argentifer   comb. nov.  Short, Megan, Vahtera, Varpu, Wesener, Thomas & Golovatch, Sergei I., 2020, The millipede family Polyxenidae (Diplopoda, Polyxenida) in the faunas of the Crimean Peninsula and Caucasus, with notes on other European Polyxenidae, Zootaxa 4772 (2), pp. 306-332 : 313-320 313-320
Dendrobaena herculis     Szederjesi, Tímea, Pop, Victor V., Márton, Orsolya & Csuzdi, Csaba, 2019, New Earthworm Species And Records From The Southern Carpathians (Megadrili: Lumbricidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65 (2), pp. 123-142 : 132 132
Octolasion lacteum     Szederjesi, Tímea, Pop, Victor V., Márton, Orsolya & Csuzdi, Csaba, 2019, New Earthworm Species And Records From The Southern Carpathians (Megadrili: Lumbricidae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 65 (2), pp. 123-142 : 137 137
Perilampus laevifrons     Mitroiu, Mircea-Dan & Koutsoukos, Evangelos, 2023, Perilampus neglectus and other neglected species: new records of Palaearctic Perilampidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea), with a key to European species of Perilampus, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96, pp. 57-99 : 57 57
Corixa punctata     Berchi, Gavril Marius, Rădac, Ioan Alexandru, Boda, Pál & Kment, Petr, 2024, Water boatmen (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha: Corixidae) of Romania, Zootaxa 5555 (2), pp. 227-252 : 233-234 233-234
Agrilus auricollis     Jendek, Eduard & Nakládal, Oto, 2021, Taxonomic, distributional and biological study of the genus Agrilus (Coleoptera Buprestidae). Part III, Zootaxa 4963 (1), pp. 58-90 : 62 62
Banatotyphlus orsovae     Hlaváč, Peter, Janák, Jiří & Baňař, Petr, 2025, Endogean and cavernicolous Coleoptera of the Balkans. XXVIII. Synopsis of the subfamily Leptotyphlinae Fauvel, 1874 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of the Balkan Peninsula, with the description of three new species from Serbia and Montenegro, Zootaxa 5594 (1), pp. 61-97 : 74 74
Mayetia carpatica     Struyve, Tim, 2022, On the soil dwelling Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) of Romania, Belgian Journal of Entomology 127, pp. 1-22 : 17 17
Lathrobium gyorgyi   sp. nov.  Struyve, Tim, 2022, On the soil dwelling Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) of Romania, Belgian Journal of Entomology 127, pp. 1-22 : 20 20