Luzea caucasica
Assing, V., 2008, On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some Palaearctic Paederinae and Xantholinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 40 (2), pp. 1237-1294
: 1259
1259 |
Heterocerus heydeni
Litovkin, Stanislav V., Sazhnev, Alexey S. & Jr, Fedor Čiampor, 2019, Validation of Heterocerus heydeni Kuwert, 1890 based on morphology and DNA barcoding, with notes on the problems of classification of the Heteroceridae (Coleoptera), Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 160-172
: 163-169
163-169 |
Prionyx (Harpactopus) macula
Odintsev, Yuriy N. Danilov Oleg A. & Kobets, Anastasia S., 2024, A taxonomic study on the genus Prionyx Vander Linden, 1827 (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Prionychini). Subgenus Harpactopus F. Smith, 1856, Zootaxa 5551 (2), pp. 263-298
: 274-275
274-275 |
Palmodes occitanicus
Danilov, Yuriy N. & Byvaltsev, Alexander M., 2020, The digger wasps of the genus Palmodes Kohl, 1890 in Central Asia (Hymenoptera Sphecidae: Prionychini), Zootaxa 4803 (3), pp. 401-434
: 419-422
419-422 |
Nomioides nigriceps
Astafurova, Yulia V. & Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu., 2019, The type specimens of bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) deposited in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Contribution II. Family Halictidae, subfamilies Rophitinae, Nomiinae, and Nomioidinae, Zootaxa 4650 (1), pp. 1-71
: 52-53
52-53 |
Palmodes orientalis
Danilov, Yuriy N. & Byvaltsev, Alexander M., 2020, The digger wasps of the genus Palmodes Kohl, 1890 in Central Asia (Hymenoptera Sphecidae: Prionychini), Zootaxa 4803 (3), pp. 401-434
: 423-426
423-426 |
Ammophila yaroslavi
sp. nov.
Dаnilov, Yuriy N., 2018, Four new species of the digger wasp genus Ammophila W. Kirby, 1798 (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) from Central Asia, Zootaxa 4457 (2), pp. 332-338
: 336
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Palmodes melanarius
Danilov, Yuriy N. & Byvaltsev, Alexander M., 2020, The digger wasps of the genus Palmodes Kohl, 1890 in Central Asia (Hymenoptera Sphecidae: Prionychini), Zootaxa 4803 (3), pp. 401-434
: 413-416
413-416 |
Prionyx (Harpactopus) radoszkowskyi
Odintsev, Yuriy N. Danilov Oleg A. & Kobets, Anastasia S., 2024, A taxonomic study on the genus Prionyx Vander Linden, 1827 (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Prionychini). Subgenus Harpactopus F. Smith, 1856, Zootaxa 5551 (2), pp. 263-298
: 277-279
277-279 |
Megachile viridicollis
Praz, Christophe J. & Benon, Dimitri, 2023, Revision of the leachella group of Megachile subgenus Eutricharaea in the Western Palaearctic (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Megachilidae): A renewed plea for DNA barcoding type material, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 95, pp. 143-198
: 143
143 |