9.0, 43.2: 10 Treatments

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Cerceris rybyensis subsp. fertoni     Dollfuss, Hermann, 2019, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris L, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part II). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 831-874 : 865 865
Chalcophora massiliensis     Forbicioni, Leonardo, Tormen, Nicola, Curletti, Gianfranco, Bani, Luciano, Di Giulio, Andrea & Ruzzier, Enrico, 2024, The Buprestidae (Coleoptera, Buprestoidea) of the Tuscan Archipelago (Italy), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 117362-117362 : 117362 117362
Microporella verrucosa     Martino, Emanuela Di & Rosso, Antonietta, 2021, Seek and ye shall find: new species and new records of Microporella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in the Mediterranean, ZooKeys 1053, pp. 1-42 : 1 1
Microporella appendiculata     Martino, Emanuela Di & Rosso, Antonietta, 2021, Seek and ye shall find: new species and new records of Microporella (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) in the Mediterranean, ZooKeys 1053, pp. 1-42 : 1 1
Escharella massiliana   sp. nov.  Harmelin, Jean-Georges & Rosso, Antonietta, 2023, On some “ Hemicyclopora ” Norman, 1894 and “ Escharella ” Gray, 1848 species (Bryozoa, Cheilostomatida) from the Atlantic-Mediterranean region. Re-examination of their generic status and description of new species and a new genus, Zoosystema 45 (10), pp. 373-407 : 389-391 389-391
Capnodis tenebricosa subsp. tenebricosa     Forbicioni, Leonardo, Tormen, Nicola, Curletti, Gianfranco, Bani, Luciano, Di Giulio, Andrea & Ruzzier, Enrico, 2024, The Buprestidae (Coleoptera, Buprestoidea) of the Tuscan Archipelago (Italy), Biodiversity Data Journal 12, pp. 117362-117362 : 117362 117362
Dicyphus tamaninii     Sanchez, Juan Antonio & Cassis, Gerasimos, 2018, Towards solving the taxonomic impasse of the biocontrol plant bug subgenus Dicyphus (Dicyphus) (Insecta: Heteroptera: Miridae) using molecular, morphometric and morphological partitions, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184, pp. 330-406 : 400-401 400-401
Polycirrus readi   sp. nov.  Lavesque, Nicolas, Hutchings, Pat, Daffe, Guillemine & Londoño-Mesa, Mario H., 2020, Revision of the French Polycirridae (Annelida, Terebelliformia), with descriptions of eight new species, Zootaxa 4869 (2), pp. 151-186 : 177-182 177-182
Polycirrus idex   sp. nov.  Lavesque, Nicolas, Hutchings, Pat, Daffe, Guillemine & Londoño-Mesa, Mario H., 2020, Revision of the French Polycirridae (Annelida, Terebelliformia), with descriptions of eight new species, Zootaxa 4869 (2), pp. 151-186 : 169-170 169-170
Bartramia rosamrosiae     Damayanti, Lia, Muñoz, Jesús, Wicke, Susann, Symmank, Lars, Shaw, Blanka, Frahm, Jan-Peter & Quandt, Dietmar, 2012, Common but new: Bartramia rosamrosiae, a “ new ” widespread species of apple mosses (Bartramiales, Bryophytina) from the Mediterranean and western North America, Phytotaxa 73 (1), pp. 37-59 : 45-49 45-49