28.2447, 43.1382: 10 Treatments

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Sphaerosyllis pontica   sp. nov.  Martín, Guillermo San, 2017, Taxonomic contribution to the genus Sphaerosyllis (Annelida: Syllidae: Exogoninae) in the Black Sea, Zootaxa 4329 (3), pp. 281-291 : 284-288 284-288
Strongylosoma jaqueti     Bachvarova, Darina, Vagalinski, Boyan, Doichinov, Aleksandar & Stoev, Pavel, 2017, New records of millipedes and centipedes from Bulgaria, with an annotated checklist of the Bulgarian myriapods, Zootaxa 4263 (3), pp. 507-526 : 511 511
Clunio ponticus     Moubayed, Joel, Michailova, Paraskeva & Langton, Peter H., 2020, DESCRIPTION OF THE ADULT AND IMMATURE STAGES OF CLUNIO PONTICUS MICHAILOVA, 1980 (DIPTERA, CHIRONOMIDAE), FROM THE BLACK SEA, VARNA, BULGARIA Abstract, CHIRONOMUS Journal of Chironomidae Research 33, pp. 31-47 : 32-40 32-40
Sceliphron caementarium     Gradinarov, Denis, 2017, First records of the American wasps Sceliphron caementarium (Drury, 1770) and Isodontia mexicana (de Saussure, 1867) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) from Bulgaria, ZooNotes 2017 (118), pp. 1-4 : 1 1
Stenolemus novaki     Simov, Nikolay, Gradinarov, Denis, ., Leonidas-Romanos Davranoglou, .,., . & .,. E., 2017, Three new assassin bug records (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) for the Balkan Peninsula, Ecologica Montenegrina 13, pp. 25-29 : 27 27
Lacanobia praedita subsp. canescens   subsp. nov.  Zlatkov, Boyan, Beshkov, Stoyan & Huemer, Peter, 2021, New Noctuoidea taxa from the Silver Coast of Bulgaria (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Ecologica Montenegrina 46, pp. 98-119 : 107-111 107-111
Tetramorium caespitum     Schär, Sämi & Schär, Desi Dimitrova, 2020, Tetramorium meridionale Emery, 1870, eine freilebende gebietsfremde Ameise in der Schweiz (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Entomo Helvetica 13, pp. 9-18 : 11 11
Paracossulus thrips     Beshkov, Stoyan & Nahirnić-Beshkova, Ana, 2022, Paracossulus thrips (Hübner, 1818) (Cossidae) and Lignyoptera fumidaria (Hübner, 1825) (Geometridae) - two Lepidoptera genera new for Serbia with a review of the distribution of these two Habitats Directive species in the Balkan Peninsula, Ecologica Montenegrina 51, pp. 65-80 : 66-74 66-74
Eutelia adoratrix subsp. platinea   subsp. nov.  Zlatkov, Boyan, Beshkov, Stoyan & Huemer, Peter, 2021, New Noctuoidea taxa from the Silver Coast of Bulgaria (Insecta: Lepidoptera), Ecologica Montenegrina 46, pp. 98-119 : 101-105 101-105
Xiphydria picta     Liston, Andrew, Prous, Marko & Macek, Jan, 2019, On Bulgarian sawflies, including a new species of Empria (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 66 (1), pp. 85-105 : 101 101