Stygopholcus montenegrinus
Huber, Bernhard A., Pavlek, Martina & Komnenov, Marjan, 2021, Revision of the spider genus Stygopholcus (Araneae, Pholcidae), endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, European Journal of Taxonomy 752, pp. 1-60
: 33-41
33-41 |
Platyla wilhelmi
Lika, Romilda, Deli, Tamás, Paparisto, Anila, Erőss, Zoltán P. & Fehér, Zoltán, 2021, Contribution to the taxonomy and distribution of Aciculidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda) in Albania and the surroundings, Zootaxa 5004 (1), pp. 131-150
: 144-145
144-145 |
Cochlostoma (Turritus) arnautorum
Zallot, Enrico, Kamchev, Panche, Schilthuizen, Menno, Fehér, Zoltán, Mattia, Willy De & Gittenberger, Edmund, 2024, Cochlostoma Jan, 1830 revised: an overview of the subgenus Turritus Westerlund, 1883 and its species (Caenogastropoda, Cochlostomatidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 927, pp. 1-163
: 129-131
129-131 |
Ammophila sabulosa
Eaumont, 2015, The Ammophilini Wasps of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria (part 3) including the genera Ammophila KIRBY, Eremnophila MENKE, Eremochares GRIBODO, Hoplammophila de BEAUMONT and Podalonia FERNALD (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Sphecidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (1), pp. 413-439
: 433
433 |
Dina lineata subsp. dinarica
Grosser, Clemens, Pešić, Vladimir & Gligorović, Bogić, 2015, A checklist of the leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea) of Montenegro, Ecologica Montenegrina 2 (1), pp. 20-28
: 26
26 |
Cerceris quadrifasciata
Dollfuss, Hermann, 2019, The Sphecid Wasps of the genus Cerceris L, 1802 of the " Biologiezentrum Linz " - Collection in Linz, Austria, from the Palearctic Region (part II). (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Crabronidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 51 (2), pp. 831-874
: 848
848 |
Merodon aureus
Vujić, Ante, Zorić, Ljiljana Šašić, Ačanski, Jelena, Likov, Laura, Radenković, Snežana, Djan, Mihajla, Milić, Dubravka, Šebić, Anja, Ranković, Milica & Khaghaninia, Samad, 2020, Hide-and-seek with hoverflies: Merodon aureus - a species, a complex or a subgroup?, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 190, pp. 974-1001
: 991
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Dima pelikani
sp. nov.
Mertlik, Josef, Németh, Tamás & Kundrata, Robin, 2017, Revision of the flightless click-beetle genus Dima Charpentier, 1825 (Coleoptera: Elateridae: Dimini) in the Balkan Peninsula, Zootaxa 4220 (1), pp. 1-63
: 28-29
28-29 |
Viola pseudaetolica
sp. nov.
Tomović, Gordana, Niketić, Marjan, Lazarević, Maja & Melovski, Ljupčo, 2016, Taxonomic reassessment of Viola aetolica and Viola elegantula (V. sect. Melanium, Violaceae), with descriptions of two new species from the Balkan Peninsula, Phytotaxa 253 (4), pp. 237-265
: 242-255
242-255 |
Spelaeodiscus albanicus subsp. edentatus
ssp. n.
Pall-Gergely, Barna, Deli, Tamas, Eross, Zoltan Peter, Reischuetz, Peter L., Reischuetz, Alexander & Feher, Zoltan, 2018, Revision of the subterranean genus Spelaeodiscus Brusina, 1886 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Spelaeodiscidae), ZooKeys 769, pp. 13-48
: 13
13 |
Virpazaria (Virpazaria) deelemanorum subsp. dhorai
Fehér, Zoltán, Deli, Tamás, Erőss, Zoltán P. & Lika, Romilda, 2019, Taxonomic revision of the subterranean genus Virpazaria Gittenberger, 1969 (Gastropoda, Spelaeodiscidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 558, pp. 1-25
: 9-11
9-11 |