Halecium dubium
Calder, Dale R. & Choong, Henry H. C., 2018, Names of hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) established by Charles McLean Fraser (1872 - 1946), excluding those from Allan Hancock Expeditions, Zootaxa 4487 (1), pp. 1-83
: 31-32
31-32 |
Chaetozone castouria
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 49-54
49-54 |
Phylo norvegicus
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 83-84
83-84 |
Orbiniella acsara
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 99-103
99-103 |
Chaetozone paucispinosa
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 57-63
57-63 |
Califia schmitti
Blake, James A., 2021, New species and records of Orbiniidae (Annelida, Polychaeta) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 4930 (1), pp. 1-123
: 70-75
70-75 |
Chaetocirratulus tomaculus
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 25-30
25-30 |
Chaetozone profunda
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 76-80
76-80 |
Chaetozone lophia
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 71-76
71-76 |
Chaetocirratulus hessleri
sp. nov.
Blake, James A., 2022, New species and records of Caulleriella, Chaetocirratulus and Chaetozone (Annelida, Cirratulidae) from continental shelf and slope depths of the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Zootaxa 5113 (1), pp. 1-89
: 19-22
19-22 |