-74.433334, 4.65: 11 Treatments

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Waldheimia     Malagón-Aldana, Leonardo A., Smith, David R., Vilhelmsen, Lars & Serna, Francisco, 2019, The sawflies and woodwasps (Hymenoptera: ‘ Symphyta’) of Colombia, Zootaxa 4633 (1), pp. 1-88 : 33-37 33-37
Plaumanniana     Malagón-Aldana, Leonardo A., Smith, David R., Vilhelmsen, Lars & Serna, Francisco, 2019, The sawflies and woodwasps (Hymenoptera: ‘ Symphyta’) of Colombia, Zootaxa 4633 (1), pp. 1-88 : 47-51 47-51
Hexachaeta colombiana     Clavijo, Pedro Alexander Rodriguez, 2025, New species and host plants of Hexachaeta Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Colombia, Zootaxa 5575 (3), pp. 463-476 : 470-473 470-473
Adneella columbiensis     Alvarez-Zapata, Alejandra, Ferreira, Paulo S. F. & Serna, Francisco, 2022, A taxonomic synopsis of the Eccritotarsini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae Bryocorinae) of Colombia, Zootaxa 5178 (2), pp. 101-151 : 118 118
Mazax spinosa     Silva-Junior, Cláudio J., Martínez, Leonel, Villarreal, Eduardo & Bonaldo, Alexandre B., 2024, Two fancy spines and a collar: a taxonomic review of the myrmecomorphic spider genus Mazax O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898 (Araneae: Corinnidae: Castianeirinae) in South America, European Journal of Taxonomy 968 (1), pp. 219-255 : 230-233 230-233
Lestes forficula     Mendoza-Penagos, Cristian Camilo, Pérez-Gutiérrez, León A. & Muzón, Javier, 2024, A revision of Lestidae Calvert, 1901 (Odonata: Zygoptera) from Colombia, with the first record of Lestes dichrostigma Calvert, 1909, Zootaxa 5415 (2), pp. 201-240 : 228-231 228-231
Lestes tenuatus     Mendoza-Penagos, Cristian Camilo, Pérez-Gutiérrez, León A. & Muzón, Javier, 2024, A revision of Lestidae Calvert, 1901 (Odonata: Zygoptera) from Colombia, with the first record of Lestes dichrostigma Calvert, 1909, Zootaxa 5415 (2), pp. 201-240 : 234-235 234-235
Barysomus     Martinez, Claudia, 2003, New Records of ground beetles for Colombia (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Zootaxa 250 (1), pp. 1-27 : 8 8
Lestes apollinaris     Mendoza-Penagos, Cristian Camilo, Pérez-Gutiérrez, León A. & Muzón, Javier, 2024, A revision of Lestidae Calvert, 1901 (Odonata: Zygoptera) from Colombia, with the first record of Lestes dichrostigma Calvert, 1909, Zootaxa 5415 (2), pp. 201-240 : 223-226 223-226
Stygnus gertschi     Villarreal, Osvaldo, Ahumada-C, Daniela & Flórez, Eduardo, 2024, A glimpse into the diversity of Stygnus Perty, 1833: A new Colombian species and additional records from South America (Opiliones, Stygnidae), European Journal of Taxonomy 970, pp. 203-229 : 212-214 212-214
Andinocopris achamas   gen. et comb. nov.  Génier, François & Darling, James D. G., 2024, Revision of the South American genera Andinocopris new genus and Homocopris Burmeister, 1846 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Homocoprini new tribe), European Journal of Taxonomy 925, pp. 220-267 : 224-228 224-228