-52.6838, 4.0799: 37 Treatments

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Cisandina trinitensis   comb. nov.  Nakahara, Shinichi, Rodríguez-Melgarejo, Maryzender, Kleckner, Kaylin, Corahua-Espinoza, Thalia, Tejeira, Rafael, Espeland, Marianne, Casagrande, Mirna M., Barbosa, Eduardo P., See, Joseph, Gallice, Geoffrey & Lamas, Gerardo, 2022, Systematic Revision of a New Butterfly Genus, Cisandina Nakahara & Espeland, n. gen., with Descriptions of Three New Taxa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 6 (1), pp. 1-30 : 27 27
Pyragropsis thoracica     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 61 61
Terminalia carinata   sp. nov.  Engel, Julien & Sabatier, Daniel, 2020, Terminalia carinata Sabatier & J. Engel, sp. nov. (Combretaceae), a new large tree species from the Guiana shield revealed by re-examination of material previously identified as T. guyanensis Eichler, Adansonia (3) 42 (16), pp. 261-271 : 262-266 262-266
Rhagovelia guianana     Rodrigues, Juliana Mourao dos Santos, Crumiere, Antonin Jean Johan, Toubiana, William, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2022, New species and new records of semiaquatic bugs (Arthropoda, Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerromorpha) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1126, pp. 155-199 : 155 155
Cryptorhopalum calvum   sp. nov.  HávA, Jiří, Herrmann, Andreas & Kadej, Marcin, 2015, Cryptorhopalum calvum sp. nov., a new species from the Neotropical Region (Coleoptera: Dermestidae: Megatominae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 13, pp. 313-316 : 314-316 314-316
Corythalia foelixi   sp. nov.  Bayer, Steffen, Höfer, Hubert & Metzner, Heiko, 2020, Revision of the genus Corythalia C. L. Koch, 1850, part 1: Diagnosis and new species from South America (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae: Euophryini), Zootaxa 4806 (1), pp. 1-144 : 65-68 65-68
Prisopus clarus   sp. nov.  Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 101-104 101-104
Michyrus yvineci   sp. nov.  Skelley, Paul E. & Gasca-Álvarez, Héctor Jaime, 2020, Michyrus, a new genus of pleasing fungus beetles with coarsely faceted eyes (Coleoptera: Erotylidae), Insecta Mundi 2020 (836), pp. 1-8 : 5-7 5-7
Rhagovelia tenuipes     Rodrigues, Juliana Mourao dos Santos, Crumiere, Antonin Jean Johan, Toubiana, William, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2022, New species and new records of semiaquatic bugs (Arthropoda, Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerromorpha) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1126, pp. 155-199 : 155 155
Cyclopedus anselini   sp. nov.  Gargominy, Olivier & Muratov, Igor V., 2012, New taxa of land snails from French Guiana, Zoosystema 34 (4), pp. 783-792 : 785-786 785-786
Prexaspes globosicaput   sp. nov.  Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 76-80 76-80
Pyragropsis emarginata     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 60 60
Hirtuleius gracilis   sp. nov.  Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 21-24 21-24
Limnogonus hyalinus     Rodrigues, Juliana Mourao dos Santos, Crumiere, Antonin Jean Johan, Toubiana, William, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2022, New species and new records of semiaquatic bugs (Arthropoda, Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerromorpha) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1126, pp. 155-199 : 155 155
Cylindrogryllus (Apterotrypa) guyanensis   sp. nov.  Campos, Lucas Denadai De & Desutter-Grandcolas, Laure, 2020, The Paroecanthini crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Oecanthinae) from French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (20), pp. 355-398 : 383-386 383-386
Coilodes fumipennis     Basílio, Daniel Silva, Vaz-De-Mello, Fernando Zagury, Cherman, Mariana Alejandra & Almeida, Lúcia Massutti de, 2023, A look beyond the colour: taxonomic revision of Coilodes Westwood, 1846 (Coleoptera, Hybosoridae), with the description of six new species, European Journal of Taxonomy 914 (1), pp. 1-53 : 17-20 17-20
Amplucrutermes undetermined     Bourguignon, Thomas, Scheffrahn, Rudolf H., Nagy, Zoltán Tamás, Sonet, Gontran, Host, Benoît & Roisin, Yves, 2016, Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera: Termitidae): redescription of the genus Grigiotermes Mathews and description of five new genera, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 176 (1), pp. 15-35 : 19 19
Pseudosubulina nouraguensis   sp. nov.  Gargominy, Olivier & Muratov, Igor V., 2012, New taxa of land snails from French Guiana, Zoosystema 34 (4), pp. 783-792 : 789-790 789-790
Carcinophora scudderi     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 62 62
Spongiphora croceipennis     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 70 70
Sparatta dentifera     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 67 67
Stridulivelia strigosa     Rodrigues, Juliana Mourao dos Santos, Crumiere, Antonin Jean Johan, Toubiana, William, Khila, Abderrahman & Moreira, Felipe Ferraz Figueiredo, 2022, New species and new records of semiaquatic bugs (Arthropoda, Insecta, Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Gerromorpha) from French Guiana, ZooKeys 1126, pp. 155-199 : 155 155
Pseudosubulina theoripkeni   sp. nov.  Gargominy, Olivier & Muratov, Igor V., 2012, New taxa of land snails from French Guiana, Zoosystema 34 (4), pp. 783-792 : 786-789 786-789
Sylvicanthon seag   sp. nov.  Cupello, Mario & Vaz-De, Fernando Z., 2018, A monographic revision of the Neotropical dung beetle genus Sylvicanthon Halffter & Martínez, 1977 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Deltochilini), including a reappraisal of the taxonomic history of ‘ Canthon sensu lato’, European Journal of Taxonomy 467, pp. 1-205 : 123-131 123-131
Canthidium (Neocanthidium) feeri   sp. nov.  Carvalho De Santana, Edrielly C., Pacheco, Thaynara L. & Vaz-De, Fernando Z., 2019, Taxonomic revision of the Canthidium Erichson, 1847 species of the gigas group (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae), European Journal of Taxonomy 530, pp. 1-24 : 11-13 11-13
Isocopris nitidus   comb. nov., stat. rev.  Rossini, Michele & Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z., 2017, A taxonomic review of the genus Isocopris Pereira and Martínez, 1960 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with description of a new Brazilian species, Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) 51 (19 - 20), pp. 1091-1117 : 1107-1109 1107-1109
Agrostia cinerea   comb. nov.  Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 45-49 45-49
Borreria heteranthera     Sobrado, Sandra V. & Cabral, Elsa L., 2015, Intraspecific variation of insertion / length of stamens in homostylous flowers of a new species and three other species of Borreria: an unusual case in Rubiaceae, Phytotaxa 206 (1), pp. 53-73 : 59-69 59-69
Paurotarsus ruficornis     Itrac-Bruneau, Raphaëlle & Doucet, Guillaume, 2023, Apport des collections du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle et de Didier Morin à la connaissance des Batrachideinae et Lophotettiginae (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae) de Guyane, Zoosystema 45 (20), pp. 601-634 : 608-610 608-610
Prisopus minimus     Conle, Oskar V., Hennemann, Frank H., Bellanger, Yannick, Lelong, Philippe, Jourdan, Toni & Valero, Pablo, 2020, Studies on neotropical Phasmatodea XX: A new genus and 16 new species from French Guiana, Zootaxa 4814 (1), pp. 1-136 : 113-115 113-115
Marava parva     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 68 68
Drosophila lehrmanae   sp. nov.  Madi-Ravazzi, Lilian, Segala, Luís Fernando, Roman, Bruna Emilia, Alevi, Kaio Cesar Chaboli, Prediger, Carolina, Yassin, Amir, Hua-Van, Aurélie & Miller, Wolfgang J., 2021, Integrative taxonomy and a new species description in the sturtevanti subgroup of the Drosophila saltans group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Zootaxa 4980 (2), pp. 269-292 : 283-284 283-284
Sparatta semirufa     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 67-68 67-68
Humutermes undetermined     Bourguignon, Thomas, Scheffrahn, Rudolf H., Nagy, Zoltán Tamás, Sonet, Gontran, Host, Benoît & Roisin, Yves, 2016, Towards a revision of the Neotropical soldierless termites (Isoptera: Termitidae): redescription of the genus Grigiotermes Mathews and description of five new genera, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 176 (1), pp. 15-35 : 22 22
Prionopelta dubia   sp. nov.  Ladino, Natalia & Feitosa, Rodrigo M., 2020, Taxonomic revision of the genus Prionopelta Mayr, 1866 (Formicidae: Amblyoponinae) for the Neotropical region, Zootaxa 4821 (2), pp. 201-249 : 226-230 226-230
Cisandina trinitensis   comb. nov.  Nakahara, Shinichi, Rodríguez-Melgarejo, Maryzender, Kleckner, Kaylin, Corahua-Espinoza, Thalia, Tejeira, Rafael, Espeland, Marianne, Casagrande, Mirna M., Barbosa, Eduardo P., See, Joseph, Gallice, Geoffrey & Lamas, Gerardo, 2022, Systematic Revision of a New Butterfly Genus, Cisandina Nakahara & Espeland, n. gen., with Descriptions of Three New Taxa (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 6 (1), pp. 1-30 : 27 27
Kleter aterrima     Girod, Christophe & Matzke, Danilo, 2020, Annotated checklist of the Dermaptera (Insecta) of French Guiana, Zoosystema 42 (4), pp. 57-76 : 64 64

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