68.816666, 38.883335: 11 Treatments

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Palmodes hissaricus   sp. nov.  Danilov, Yuriy N. & Byvaltsev, Alexander M., 2020, The digger wasps of the genus Palmodes Kohl, 1890 in Central Asia (Hymenoptera Sphecidae: Prionychini), Zootaxa 4803 (3), pp. 401-434 : 405-408 405-408
Homolophus chevrizovi     Snegovaya, Nataly Yu. & Cokendolpher, James C., 2021, Further studies on harvestman genus Homolophus (Opiliones: Phalangiidae), with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 4908 (3), pp. 301-353 : 329-331 329-331
Medetera palmaris     Grichanov, I. Ya. & Gilasian, E., 2023, A new species of Medetera Fischer von Waldheim, 1819 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) with a key to the species known from Iran, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (3), pp. 322-329 : 323-324 323-324
Ancistrocerus antilope     Fateryga, Alexander V. & Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu., 2024, New records of the solitary Vespidae (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Masarinae and Eumeninae s. l.) from Central Asia, with new synonyms and description of a new species of Eumenes Latreille, Zootaxa 5529 (3), pp. 551-569 : 554 554
Andrena gravida subsp. rubidopilosa     Astafurova, Yulia V., Proshchalykin, Maxim Yu. & Sidorov, Dmitry A., 2024, The type specimens of bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) deposited in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Contribution VII. Family Andrenidae, genus Andrena Fabricius, 1775, taxa described by A. Osytshnjuk and A. Lebedev, Zootaxa 5453 (3), pp. 411-447 : 417-418 417-418
Palmodes minor     Danilov, Yuriy N. & Byvaltsev, Alexander M., 2020, The digger wasps of the genus Palmodes Kohl, 1890 in Central Asia (Hymenoptera Sphecidae: Prionychini), Zootaxa 4803 (3), pp. 401-434 : 416-419 416-419
Agrilus pecirkai     Jendek, Eduard & Nakládal, Oto, 2019, Taxonomic, distributional and biological study of the genus Agrilus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Part II, Zootaxa 4554 (2), pp. 401-459 : 432 432
Mesiotelus turanicus   sp. nov.  Zamani, Alireza, Fomichev, Alexander A., Naumova, Maria, Kaya, Rahşen S. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2024, New taxonomic and faunistic data on Liocranidae (Arachnida: Araneae) of West Palaearctic), with nine new species of Mesiotelus Simon, 1897, Zootaxa 5519 (2), pp. 190-214 : 207 207
Dysdera mikhailovi   sp. nov.  Fomichev, Alexander A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2021, Notes on the spider genus Dysdera Latreille, 1804 (Araneae: Dysderidae) in Central Asia, Zootaxa 5006 (1), pp. 73-89 : 85-87 85-87
Nomisia palaestina     Fomichev, Alexander A. & Marusik, Yuri M., 2021, A survey of East Palaearctic Gnaphosidae (Araneae). 11. New data on Gnaphosidae (Araneae) from Tajikistan, Zootaxa 4966 (4), pp. 443-457 : 446-448 446-448
Synaphosus palearcticus     Marusik, Yuri M. & Fomichev, Alexander A., 2016, A survey of East Palaearctic Gnaphosidae (Araneae). 5. On Synaphosus from Central Asia, Zootaxa 4178 (3), pp. 428-442 : 437-438 437-438