-111.916466, 28.80935: 10 Treatments

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Pinnaxodes gigas     Campos, Ernesto, 2016, The Pinnotheridae of the northeastern Pacific (Alaska to Mexico): zoogeographical remarks and new bivalve hosts (Crustacea, Brachyura, Pinnotheridae), Zootaxa 4170 (2), pp. 311-329 : 320-323 320-323
Efferia bicolor     Estrada, Alejandro & Nápoles, Jesús Romero, 2020, New distribution records of Asilidae (Insecta: Diptera) for Mexico, Insecta Mundi 2020 (783), pp. 1-13 : 3 3
Synidotea harfordi     Hendrickx, Michel E., 2018, Notes on two shallow water isopods (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda: Idoteidae) from Kino Bay, Gulf of California, Mexico, Nauplius (e 2018027) 26, pp. 1-7 : 2-3 2-3
Eusymmerus antennatus     Hendrickx, Michel E., 2018, Notes on two shallow water isopods (Crustacea: Peracarida: Isopoda: Idoteidae) from Kino Bay, Gulf of California, Mexico, Nauplius (e 2018027) 26, pp. 1-7 : 3-6 3-6
Megalomma circumspectum     Tovar-Hernández, María Ana & Carrera-Parra, Luis F., 2011, Megalomma Johansson, 1925 (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) from America and other world-wide localities, and phylogenetic relationships within the genus 2861, Zootaxa 2861 (1), pp. 1-71 : 19-24 19-24
Temnothorax politus     Prebus, Matthew M., 2021, Taxonomic revision of the Temnothorax salvini clade (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a key to the clades of New World Temnothorax, PeerJ (e 11514) 9, pp. 1-462 : 422-428 422-428
Dardanus stimpsoni   sp. nov.  Parente, Manuel Ayón & Hendrickx, Michel E., 2009, 2323, Zootaxa 2323, pp. 1-71 : 27-40 27-40
Dardanus janethaigae   sp. nov.  Parente, Manuel Ayón & Hendrickx, Michel E., 2009, 2323, Zootaxa 2323, pp. 1-71 : 40-52 40-52
Pagurus smithi     Lemaitre, Rafael, 2023, The taxonomic status of Pagurus bouvieri (Faxon, 1895), an obscure name, and redescription of Pagurus smithi (Benedict, 1892), a poorly known species (Decapoda: Paguridae), Nauplius (e 2023011) 31, pp. 1-19 : 13-17 13-17
Eupagurus gladius     Hendrickx Rafael Lemaitre, Manuel Ayón Parente Michel E., 2022, Generic reassignment and redescription of Pagurus gladius (Benedict, 1892), and description of a new species of Pagurus Fabricius, 1775 (Crustacea: Paguroidea: Paguridae) from the Mexican Pacific, Nauplius (e 2022039) 30, pp. 1-16 : 2-9 2-9