98.33612, 27.87755: 13 Treatments

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Araneus floriformis   sp. nov.  Liu, Ping, Li, Song-Lin, Mi, Xiao-Qi & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2022, Three new spider species of Araneus Clerck, 1757 (Araneae, Araneidae) from the Gaoligong Mountains of Yunnan, China, Zootaxa 5200 (6), pp. 576-586 : 580-582 580-582
Spartaeus pinniformis   sp. nov.  Yang, Su-Fang, Liu, Wang, Liu, Ping & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2017, Five new species of Spartaeus Thorell, 1891 from China (Araneae: Salticidae), Zootaxa 4303 (3), pp. 379-394 : 381-384 381-384
Trichotichnus kavanaughi   sp. nov.  Kataev, Boris M., Hongbin, Liang & Wrase, David W., 2022, New data on carabid beetles of Trichotichnus s. str. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Yunnan (China) and adjacent areas, with description of six new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5159 (3), pp. 301-353 : 347-350 347-350
Clubiona dactylina   sp. nov.  Liu, Ping, Peng, Xianjin & Yan, Hengmei, 2016, Five new species of the Clubiona corticalis species group (Araneae, Clubionidae) from China, Zootaxa 4184 (3), pp. 561-575 : 564-567 564-567
Cristatus anfractus   sp. nov.  Irfan, Muhammad, Zhang, Zhi-Sheng & Peng, Xian-Jin, 2022, Survey of Linyphiidae (Arachnida: Araneae) spiders from Yunnan, China, Megataxa 8 (1), pp. 1-292 : 69-72 69-72
Trichotichnus angustitarsis   sp. nov.  Kataev, Boris M., Hongbin, Liang & Wrase, David W., 2022, New data on carabid beetles of Trichotichnus s. str. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Yunnan (China) and adjacent areas, with description of six new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5159 (3), pp. 301-353 : 312-315 312-315
Acroterius hamatus   gen. et sp. nov.  Irfan, Muhammad, Bashir, Shahida & Peng, Xianjin, 2021, Acroterius gen. nov. (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Linyphiinae) with twelve new species from Yunnan, China, European Journal of Taxonomy 743, pp. 1-53 : 24-28 24-28
Trichotichnus cyrtops     Kataev, Boris M., Hongbin, Liang & Wrase, David W., 2022, New data on carabid beetles of Trichotichnus s. str. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Yunnan (China) and adjacent areas, with description of six new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5159 (3), pp. 301-353 : 319-324 319-324
Draconarius patellabifidus     Wang, XIN-PING, Griswold, CHARLES E. & Miller, JEREMY A., 2010, Revision of the genus Draconarius Ovtchinnikov 1999 (Agelenidae: Coelotinae) in Yunnan, China, with an analysis of the Coelotinae diversity in the Gaoligongshan Mountains, Zootaxa 2593, pp. 1-127 : 81-84 81-84
Broscosoma holomarginatum   sp. nov.  Kavanaugh, David H. & Liang, Hongbin, 2021, Inventory of the Carabid Beetle Fauna of the Gaoligong Mountains, Western Yunnan Province, China: Species of the Tribe Broscini (Coleoptera: Carabidae)., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 67 (4), pp. 85-182 : 128-132 128-132
Lilioceris vietnamica     Xu, Yuan, Xiong, Yun & Liang, Hongbin, 2021, A review of the neptis species group of the genus Lilioceris (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Criocerinae), Zoological Systematics 46 (4), pp. 300-316 : 313-316 313-316
Trichotichnus schmidti   sp. nov.  Kataev, Boris M., Hongbin, Liang & Wrase, David W., 2022, New data on carabid beetles of Trichotichnus s. str. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Yunnan (China) and adjacent areas, with description of six new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5159 (3), pp. 301-353 : 327-329 327-329
Trichotichnus anthracinus     Kataev, Boris M., Hongbin, Liang & Wrase, David W., 2022, New data on carabid beetles of Trichotichnus s. str. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of Yunnan (China) and adjacent areas, with description of six new species and two new subspecies, Zootaxa 5159 (3), pp. 301-353 : 304-309 304-309