56.3, 27.45: 12 Treatments

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Endomia unifasciata subsp. unifasciata     Kejval, Zbyněk, 2007, New species, synonymy and records of Endomia and Stenidius (Coleoptera: Anthicidae) from Asia, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (suppl.) 47, pp. 169-181 : 176-177 176-177
Africasia iranica   sp. nov.  Etemadi, Isa & Asadi, Mahdieh, 2019, First report of subfamily Africasiinae (Hydrachnidia: Athienemanniidae) from Western Palearctic based on the description of a new species, Persian Journal of Acarology 8 (4), pp. 327-332 : 328-331 328-331
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Miscophus liebigi   sp. nov.  Schmid-Egger, Christian, Ghaderipour, Zahra, Talebi, Ali Asghar, Mehrabadi, Mohammad & Madjdzadeh, Seyed Massoud, 2025, New species of Miscophus Jurine, 1807 from Iran (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae), Zootaxa 5588 (1), pp. 185-193 : 188 188
Axonopsis (Hexaxonopsis) gloeeri     LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102 : 58 58
Axonopsis (Hexaxonopsis) gloeeri   sp. nov.  Pešić, Vladimir, Smit, Harry & Saboori, Alireza, 2012, 3330, Zootaxa 3330, pp. 1-67 : 45-52 45-52
Nilotonia (Dartiella) hormozgana     LIU, DONG, YI, TIAN-CI, XU, YUN & ZHANG, ZHI-QIANG, 2013, Hotspots of new species discovery: new mite species described during 2007 to 2012, Zootaxa 3663 (1), pp. 1-102 : 54 54
Nilotonia (Dartiella) hormozgana   sp. nov.  Pešić, Vladimir, Smit, Harry & Saboori, Alireza, 2012, 3330, Zootaxa 3330, pp. 1-67 : 15 15