120.812584, 21.962307: 10 Treatments

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Polytoxus annulipes     Rédei, Dávid & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2010, A survey of the saicine assassin bugs of Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 50 (1), pp. 15-32 : 18-19 18-19
Myiomma kentingense   sp. nov.  Yasunaga, Tomohide, Yamada, Kazutaka & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2017, Taxonomic review of the plant bug subfamily Isometopinae for Taiwan and Japanese Southwest Islands, with descriptions of new taxa (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Isometopinae), Zootaxa 4365 (4), pp. 421-439 : 433 433
Arocatus elegantulus   sp. nov.  Tsai, Jing-Fu & Rédei, Dávid, 2017, The genus Arocatus in Taiwan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Lygaeidae), Zootaxa 4299 (2), pp. 238-252 : 239-244 239-244
Psechrus kenting     Bayer, Steffen, 2014, Seven new species of Psechrus and additional taxonomic contributions to the knowledge of the spider family Psechridae (Araneae), Zootaxa 3826 (1), pp. 1-54 : 28-30 28-30
Hogna arborea   sp. nov.  Lo, Ying-Yuan, Wei, Chi & Cheng, Ren-Chung, 2023, Tree-dwelling wolves: a new arboreal Hogna species (Araneae: Lycosidae) from Taiwan, Zootaxa 5353 (1), pp. 47-59 : 51-54 51-54
Grewia kentingensis   sp. nov.  Lin, Chou-Yi, Chang, Chih-Yi, Wang, Chiu-Mei, Tzeng, Hsy-Yu & Tseng, Yen-Hsueh, 2025, Grewia kentingensis (Malvaceae, Grewioideae), a new species from Taiwan, PhytoKeys 253, pp. 155-176 : 155-176 155-176
Chrysapace sauteri     Yamada, Aiki, Lin, Chung-Chi & Eguchi, Katsuyuki, 2019, Taxonomic notes on the rare ant genus Chrysapace with description of a new species from Brunei (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dorylinae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 59 (2), pp. 467-480 : 473-478 473-478
Hallodapus jingfui   sp. nov.  Yasunaga, Tomohide, Tamada, Yui, Hinami, Haruka, Miyazaki, Ayana, Duwal, Ram Keshari & Nagashima, Tetsuya, 2019, Taxonomic review for the Asian taxa of plant bug tribe Hallodapini, with emphasis on stridulatory mechanism (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae) 59 (1), pp. 71-99 : 82-90 82-90
Oxyopes taiwanensis   sp. nov.  Lo, Ying-Yuan, Cheng, Ren-Chung & Lin, Chung-Ping, 2021, Species delimitation and taxonomic revision of Oxyopes (Araneae: Oxyopidae) of Taiwan, with description of two new species, Zootaxa 4927 (1), pp. 58-86 : 78-81 78-81
Oxyscelio convergens     Johnson, Norman F, Burks, Roger, Austin, Andrew & Zaifu, Xu, 2013, Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio Kieffer and Platyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridaes. l., Scelioninae), Biodiversity Data Journal 1, pp. 987-987 : 987 987