Achilia angularis
Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Sabella, Giorgio, 2021, A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini - Part 7. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. cosmoptera species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 128 (1), pp. 135-156
: 137-138
137-138 |
Anaballetus chilensis
sp. nov.
Newton, Alfred F., Švec, Zdeněk & Fikáček, Martin, 2017, A new genus and two new species of Leiodinae from Chile, with keys to world genera of Sogdini and Leiodinae from Chile and Argentina (Coleoptera: Leiodidae), Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 57 (1), pp. 121-140
: 129-132
129-132 |
Coenypha ditissima
Machado, Miguel, Previato, Thales, Grismado, Cristian J. & Teixeira, Renato, 2023, Taxonomic review of the Andean crab spiders genus Coenypha Simon, 1895 (Thomisidae: Stephanopinae), Zootaxa 5306 (3), pp. 301-330
: 312-317
312-317 |
Achilia fiura
sp. nov.
Kurbatov, Sergey A., Cuccodoro, Giulio & Sabella, Giorgio, 2018, A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 3. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. frontalis species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), Revue suisse de Zoologie 125 (1), pp. 165-188
: 172-174
172-174 |
Apiochaeta philippii
comb. nov.
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 20-21
20-21 |
Gonatocerus (Cosmocomoidea) parcepilosus
Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, Zootaxa 2456, pp. 1-243
: 202-204
202-204 |
Erythmelus (Erythmelus) gak
sp. nov.
Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V., Hoddle, Mark S. & Morse, Joseph G., 2007, A review of the Nearctic species of Erythmelus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), with a key and new additions to the New World fauna, Zootaxa 1641 (1), pp. 1-64
: 45-46
45-46 |
Apiochaeta chiloensis
comb. nov.
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 12-13
12-13 |
Apiochaeta vitticollis
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 28-29
28-29 |
Agalmopolynema porteri
comb. nov.
Aquino, Daniel A., Triapitsyn, Serguei V. & Huber, John T., 2016, Nomenclatural changes in Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), Zootaxa 4205 (6), pp. 581-592
: 583-585
583-585 |
Apiochaeta costalis
comb. nov.
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 15
15 |
Archaeoteleia araucana
Early, J. W., Masner, L. & Johnson, N. F., 2007, Revision of Archaeoteleia Masner (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Scelionidae)., Zootaxa 1655, pp. 1-48
: 22-24
22-24 |
Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) chrysis
Triapitsyn, Serguei V., Huber, John T., Logarzo, Guillermo A., Berezovskiy, Vladimir V. & Aquino, Daniel A., 2010, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Neotropical region, with description of eleven new species, Zootaxa 2456, pp. 1-243
: 43-46
43-46 |
Apiochaeta pictipennis
comb. nov.
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 21-22
21-22 |
Apiochaeta tincticornis
comb. nov.
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 23
23 |
Erythmelus (Erythmelus) gak
Huber, John T., Read, Jennifer D. & Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2024, Illustrated key to the genera and catalogue of Mymaridae (Hymenoptera) in the Neotropical region, Zootaxa 5557 (1), pp. 1-263
: 66
66 |
Apiochaeta lenticula
sp. nov.
Lonsdale, Owen & Marshall, Stephen A., 2008, Revision of the temperate South American genus Apiochaeta Czerny, 1903, with synonymy of Alloclusia Hendel, 1917 (Diptera: Clusiidae), Zootaxa 1944 (1), pp. 1-33
: 18-20
18-20 |