151.23334, -33.8: 10 Treatments

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Chlamydella favus     Dijkstra, Henk H. & Beu, Alan G., 2018, Living Scallops of Australia and Adjacent Waters (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Pectinoidea: Propeamussiidae, Cyclochlamydidae and Pectinidae), Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 70 (2), pp. 113-330 : 160-161 160-161
Soleichthys microcephalus     Munroe, Thomas A. & Menke, S. B., 2004, Two New Soleid Flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae: Soleichthys) from Australian Waters, With a Re-description of Soleichthys microcephalus (Günther), Records of the Australian Museum 56 (2), pp. 247-258 : 250-253 250-253
Siphonaria pravitas   sp. nov.  Jenkins, Bruce & Köhler, Frank, 2024, Hidden in plain sight: Systematic review of Indo-West Pacific Siphonariidae uncovers extensive cryptic diversity based on comparative morphology and mitochondrial phylogenetics (Mollusca, Gastropoda), Megataxa 13 (1), pp. 1-217 : 175-176 175-176
Psolidium nigrescens     O’Loughlin, P. Mark & Ahearn, Cynthia, 2008, Australian species of Psolidium Ludwig (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Psolidae), Memoirs of Museum Victoria 65, pp. 1-22 : 16-17 16-17
Cryptachaea gigantipes   new combination  Smith, Helen M., Vink, Cor J., Fitzgerald, Brian M. & Sirvid, Phil J., 2012, Redescription and generic placement of the spider Cryptachaea gigantipes (Keyserling, 1890) (Araneae: Theridiidae) and notes on related synanthropic species in Australasia, Zootaxa 3507, pp. 38-56 : 44-50 44-50
Planorbacochlea parriwiensis   sp. nov.  Shea, M., Colgan, D. J. & Stanisic, J., 2012, 3585, Zootaxa 3585, pp. 1-109 : 43-48 43-48
Phonognatha graeffei     Kallal, Robert J. & Hormiga, Gustavo, 2018, Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of the Australasian leaf-curling orb-weaving spiders (Araneae: Araneidae: Zygiellinae), with a comparative analysis of retreat evolution, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184, pp. 1055-1141 : 1080-1084 1080-1084
Odontosyllis detecta     San Martin, G & Hutchings, PA, 2006, Eusyllinae (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from Australia with the Description of a New Genus and Fifteen New Species, Records of the Australian Museum 58, pp. 257-370 : 286-290 286-290
Natatolana kahiba     Keable, Stephen J., 2006, Taxonomic Revision of Natatolana (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae), Records of the Australian Museum 58 (2), pp. 133-244 : 195 195
Megasyllis corruscans   comb. nov.  Martín, Guillermo San, Hutchings, Pat & Aguado, María Teresa, 2008, Syllinae (Polychaeta, Syllidae) from Australia. Part. 2. Genera Inermosyllis, Megasyllis n. gen., Opisthosyllis, and Trypanosyllis, Zootaxa 1840, pp. 1-53 : 6-8 6-8