-55.984444, -31.361917: 10 Treatments

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Tullgrenella guayapae     Marta, Kimberly S., Bustamante, Abel A., Hagopián, Damián, Teixeira, Renato A., Brescovit, Antonio D., Valiati, Victor H. & Rodrigues, Everton N. L., 2024, Taxonomic revision of the jumping spider genus Tullgrenella Mello-Leitão, 1941 (Araneae: Salticidae: Freyina), Zootaxa 5411 (1), pp. 1-71 : 16-18 16-18
Tillandsia uruguayensis   sp. nov.  Rossado, Andrés J., Donadío, Sabina & Bonifacino, José M., 2018, Tillandsia uruguayensis (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae), a new epilithic species from Uruguay, Phytotaxa 345 (2), pp. 133-142 : 134-141 134-141
Plecia undetermined     Pacheco Da Silva, Vitor C., Schelesky-Prado, Daniel De C., Fitzgerald, Scott J., Serra, Wilson Sebastián, Scarabino, Fabrizio, Costa, Andrés, Hagopián, Damián & Martínez, María, 2025, Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) from Uruguay: updated inventory including first reports of four species, Zootaxa 5588 (1), pp. 129-146 : 141 141
Gryonoides uruguayensis   sp. nov.  Miko, Istvan, Masner, Lubomir, Ulmer, Jonah M., Raymond, Monique, Hobbie, Julia, Tarasov, Sergei, Margaria, Cecilia Beatriz, Seltmann, Katja C. & Talamas, Elijah J., 2021, A semantically enriched taxonomic revision of Gryonoides Dodd, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), with a review of the hosts of Teleasinae, Journal of Hymenoptera Research 87, pp. 523-573 : 523 523
Pseudococcus viburni     Pacheco Da Silva, Vitor C., Kaydan, Mehmet Bora & Basso, Cesar, 2020, Pseudococcidae (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha) in Uruguay: morphological identification and molecular characterization, with descriptions of two new species, Zootaxa 4894 (4), pp. 501-520 : 516 516
Peperomia     Mai, Patricia, Rossado, Andrés, Bonifacino, José M. & Waechter, Jorge L., 2016, Taxonomic revision of Peperomia (Piperaceae) from Uruguay, Phytotaxa 244 (2), pp. 125-144 : 128-142 128-142
Felis catus     Nascimento, Fabio Oliveira do, 2014, On the morphological variation and taxonomy of the Geoffroy's cat Leopardus geoffroyi (d'Orbigny & amp; Gervais, 1844) (Carnivora, Felidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 54 (11), pp. 129-160 : 158-160 158-160
Austrolebias affinis     Wilson J. E. M. Costa, 2006, The South American annual killifish genus Austrolebias (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae): phylogenetic relationships, descriptive morphology and taxonomic revision., Zootaxa 1213, pp. 1-162 : 71-74 71-74
Bibio dacunhai     Pacheco Da Silva, Vitor C., Schelesky-Prado, Daniel De C., Fitzgerald, Scott J., Serra, Wilson Sebastián, Scarabino, Fabrizio, Costa, Andrés, Hagopián, Damián & Martínez, María, 2025, Bibionidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) from Uruguay: updated inventory including first reports of four species, Zootaxa 5588 (1), pp. 129-146 : 133-134 133-134
Sandalodesmus joachimadisi   sp. nov.  Rojas-Buffet, Carolina, Bouzan, Rodrigo Salvador, Sierwald, Petra, Brescovit, Antonio Do- Mingos & Simó, Miguel, 2022, Sandalodesmus joachimadisi n. sp., the first Chelodesmidae member from Uruguay with an updated key to species of the genus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida), Zootaxa 5150 (2), pp. 260-268 : 262-266 262-266