Nannolaphria nigra
Londt, Jason G. H., 2015, Taxonomic observations regarding four genera ofAfrotropical robber flies, Choerades Walker, 1851, Laphria Meigen, 1803, Nannolaphria Londt, 1977 and Notiolaphria Londt, 1977, and the description of Ericomyia gen. n. (Diptera, Asilidae, Laphriinae), African Invertebrates 56 (1), pp. 191-191
: 197-198
197-198 |
Stenus asper
Janák, Jiří, 2022, Four new species and additional records of the genus Stenus of southern Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Steninae), Zootaxa 5174 (4), pp. 331-356
: 343
343 |
Dyscritobaeus flavus
sp. nov.
Tortorici, Francesco, Caleca, Virgilio, Noort, Simon Van & Masner, Lubomir, 2016, Revision of Afrotropical Dyscritobaeus Perkins, 1910 (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), Zootaxa 4178 (1), pp. 1-59
: 41-44
41-44 |
Conganteon kolyadai
sp. nov.
Olmi, Massimo, 2007, New species of Afrotropical Dryinidae (Hymenoptera: Chrysidoidea), with description of a new genus and a new subfamily, African Invertebrates 48 (2), pp. 199-232
: 201-202
201-202 |
Conganteon kolyadai
Olmi, Massimo, Copeland, Robert S. & Noort, Simon Van, 2019, Dryinidae of the Afrotropical region (Hymenoptera, Chrysidoidea), Zootaxa 4630 (1), pp. 1-619
: 68-70
68-70 |
Atherigona rubricornis
Muller, B. S., 2015, Illustrated key and systematics of male South African Atherigona s. str. (Diptera: Muscidae), African Invertebrates 56 (3), pp. 845-845
: 896-897
896-897 |
Natalina quekettiana subsp. quekettiana
Herbert, D. G. & Moussalli, A., 2010, Revision of the larger cannibal snails (Natalina s. l.) of southern Africa - Natalina s. s., Afrorhytida and Capitina (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rhytididae), African Invertebrates 51 (1), pp. 1-1
: 54-58
54-58 |
Valiraptor silvestris
sp. nov.
Londt, Jason G. H., 2002, Afrotropical Asilinae (Asilidae): A provisional key to genera, with a review of the status of Neomochtherus Osten Sacken, 1878, and descriptions of new genera and species, African Invertebrates 43, pp. 11-92
: 62-64
62-64 |
Philodicus tenuipes
Londt, Jason G. H., 2015, A review of the genus Philodicus Loew, 1848 in southern Africa (Diptera: Asilidae), African Invertebrates 56 (3), pp. 747-747
: 762-765
762-765 |
Foordana distincta
sp. nov.
Haddad, Charles R., 2025, And they just keep coming: four new genera of dark sac spiders from southern Africa (Araneae, Trachelidae), African Invertebrates 66 (1), pp. 19-64
: 19-64
19-64 |